Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd: erm...6.5/10 - I was bored... i got a free rental membership for 3 months so i just rented a load of ranodm dvd's :) Not a bad movie though, has its laughs. The original is better.
Brick 9/10 - Most original movie I've seen this year. Loved it.

I wanna see Little Miss Sunshine!
Little Miss Sunshine- 10/10. I freakin' loved it. I have to say though, I probably said "That's just wrong" at least three times every minute during the last fifteen minutes.
Snakes on a Plane -

God, it even had a plot twist!
You didn't even get the name right :\. And I love that movie.
Punch-Drunk Love, whatever.

Don't get me wrong, it was really good just for some reason I kept on thinking "what the heck.."

I blame the music, it was great but it was actually kind of 'horrifying' in some areas. Anyway, I was tired/kind of out of it. :)
Little Miss Sunshine- 10/10. I freakin' loved it. I have to say though, I probably said "That's just wrong" at least three times every minute during the last fifteen minutes.

I completely agree with that score. Its a fantastic movie, and funny as hell to boot.
Little Miss Sunshine- 10/10. I freakin' loved it. I have to say though, I probably said "That's just wrong" at least three times every minute during the last fifteen minutes.

I soo want to watch it now..!

Drunk Punch Love - 6.5/10; all i have to say is 'what the hell.'

One of my favourite movies, Adam Sandler needs to do more roles like these.

Bought Fight Club 2-disc DVD from Amazon for £4 - 10/10.
Hey, you didn't tell me how good it was on myspace D:

O Brother, Where Art Thou? 9/10
Hilarious, amazingly well done film by the Coen Brothers
O Brother, Where Art Thou? 9/10
Hilarious, amazingly well done film by the Coen Brothers

Top movie :)

I've been having a big Coen Bros. session this weekend with a mate. Barton Fink is still up there with the best imo - 9/10. Raising Arizona isn't nearly as good as I remembered it being, though - 7/10 (even a 'poor' Coen Brothers movie is pretty darn good :))
Silent Hill 9/10

Shitty ending, and some things unexplained (the cop not aging in 30 years), but the rest of it was fantastic.
The wind that shakes the barley
Absolute Brilliance
Little Miss Sunshine 9.5/10

I don't think anything needs to be said here. Possibly, the greatest movie of the year.
Severance - 9/10

Great British movie, funny, gripping and gory. Fantastic :)
Snakes on a Plane-8.5/10

Walked in thinking it would be a piece of shit, but it was quite funny. Dammit he shoulda thrown the baby.
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, 10/10 - it's just as good every time I see it. Infact it may be getting better. There's very few movies i'd give a 9 to, let alone a 10, this gets it easily :)
Silent Hill 9/10

Shitty ending, and some things unexplained (the cop not aging in 30 years), but the rest of it was fantastic.

The cop followed them into Silent Hill. She was from the outside.
Garden State - 9.5/10

Just gets better every time I see it.

Pretty good comedy, but got a little too serious in places, namely every time the main character gave a speech. Lewis Black wins in his role however.
Aliens Vs Predator
A little underrated, a little B, and right up my alley.
Plenty of room for improvement storywise, but it delievers what I wanted to see for the most part.
Aliens Vs Predator
A little underrated, a little B, and right up my alley.
Plenty of room for improvement storywise, but it delievers what I wanted to see for the most part.

I was really disappointed with this movie. The plot was ridiculous and so much that could have been so cool was missed out.
Right, so the set up is: there are a load of aliens, a load of predators and a load of humans.
Okay, let's fill the film with one-on-one duels that quickly become pedestrian!
Honestly, I hated Resident Evil but liked Event Horizon so I was willing to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. But man, you have to be a right klutz to mess up with a (high) concept as great as 'Aliens versus Predator'.
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, 10/10 - it's just as good every time I see it. Infact it may be getting better. There's very few movies i'd give a 9 to, let alone a 10, this gets it easily :)

I'm just about to watch that. :p

I'm got a Robert De Niro fetish atm, running through Taxi Driver (awesome), Raging Bull (even more awesome), The Deer Hunter (too long and pretentious but some awesome bits) and Goodfellas (awesome!) all in the last week or so. I'm desperately trying to find the Actors Studio with De Niro in it atm. :x
Don't forget Heat!

You get two of the best ever actors for the price of one!
Check out The King of Comedy if you haven't already. One of my fave De Niro/Scorsese movies, and one that doesn't get enough credit.

Robocop, 10/10. One of the only other movies i'd give a perfect score. It doesn't deserve it, but i've always loved Robocop. It gets +1 for being so bloody awesome and having Clarence Boddicker, my favourite movie villain. If you haven't seen it in ages or, god forbid, haven't seen it at all (!!) then go and watch now!

'Are you a good cop, hotshot'?

Great voice-acting, likable characters, funny jokes, and an overall fun premise. I really liked the whole cars-in-place-of-humans setting too.
Magnolia - 10/10
Holy shit.

Punch Drunk Love - 7/10
What for example?

A crap load more fighting between Aliens and Predators for a start. Far too much time was spent bogged down with a stupid bloody plot and poor acting when we should have been seeing some super cool and tense action.

And don't start me on the relationship between the last surviving predator and that girl, what a crock. Humans should have had one simple role to fill in this movie - to look petrified, scream, and die like the pathetic meat bags they are when caught between such awesome adversaries.

All the great content that's in various Alien and Predator comics and we have to stomache this bollox.
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, 10/10 - it's just as good every time I see it. Infact it may be getting better. There's very few movies i'd give a 9 to, let alone a 10, this gets it easily :)
Just ordered that as one of my birthday presents. Schwing! :farmer:

O Brother, Where Art Thou? - 7/10

I didn't think it was that great. The song that they sang together was catchy though.
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