Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Aliens Vs Predator
A little underrated, a little B, and right up my alley.
Plenty of room for improvement storywise, but it delievers what I wanted to see for the most part.

Like Dodds said, it takes someone with balls to go along and **** up the franchise.
Star Wars: Ep3
Another underrated movie. As with the previous episodes, the acting could have been touched up for a film of this caliber. Greivous was a piece of shit. Other than that no complaints.

And don't start me on the relationship between the last surviving predator and that girl, what a crock. Humans should have had one simple role to fill in this movie - to look petrified, scream, and die like the pathetic meat bags WE are when caught between such awesome adversaries.

I completely disagree with you here. I found their relationship quite beautiful, and it showed us the Predator is not the raving killing lunatic we have come to believe him to be. He's an intelligent being with needs of companionship, and has compassion for other beings provided they meet a simple standard.

If anything else, I think the humans should have put up more of a fight. What a waste of time even having them in there when they die so easily.

Oh, and what the heck, I fix your post.
It didn't need fixing. There's nothing wrong with refering to humans as 'they'.

The reason i'm so down on Alien vs. Predator is because I liked the comic and am a huge fan of the original Alien and Predator films. This should have been a dark and tense movie, punctuated with brutal blood letting and decent action. In the end it had virtually none of either.

And what's all this stuff about a compassionate Predator who needs companionship? :) I'm sure all the people that were slaughtered, skinned, and hung up by the feet in the original movie would disagree somewhat. They're hunters, cold, and it only for the sport. There's no compassion here, perhaps some respect for a worthy prey, but not the complete Hollywood cheese that was the relationship in AvP. This is just one of the obvious areas where the movie fails.

As for humans - they always get minced in these movies. That's what makes these aliens seem so awesome.
It didn't need fixing. There's nothing wrong with refering to humans as 'they'.
You are disassociating yourself with the human race. One of my old friends did that all the time because he secretly wished he was a robot. :|

The humans do get minced, but they always win one way or another.
In AvP, the dumb woman saved the pred's life. He showed his thanks, allowed her to live, made her a weapon, and found her useful enough to travel with, if not for anything but a good decoy.
It's not like they were making out in a dark closet.

Did you notice, he was also quite arrogant about his ability? He acted very much human. His corpse even had a sort of traditional send off.
I like the subtle benevolence shown in their race. I don't think a simple blood thirsty hunter race could ever acheive interstellar space travel. It's completley ridiculous.
Fearless (Jet Li) - 9/10
Far and away the most solid and outright awesome typical-dramatic-chinese-martial-arts flick (it deserves it's own sub-genre) I've seen in ages. And after suffering through all the half-baked Crouching Tiger clones (all featuring Ziyi Zhang, apparently the Orlando Bloom of the east in her genre), this one surprised me. Thing is, it's not horribly original in any way (albeit based on a true story, the plot is still familiar), everything's just so well done that I totally forgot about any comparisons I may have been compelled to make. Also, Jet Li seems far more confident and comfortable using his native language, and we actually get some decent acting out of him this time, which is a big plus.

Definitely recommend to any martial arts enthusiasts, or basically anyone who doesn't mind subtitles ;)

Lost in Translation: 9/10

Beautiful film.
Loooove eeeeeeeeet.

Star Wars: Ep3
Another underrated movie. As with the previous episodes, the acting make this film totally feckin unwatchable and impossible to take seriously.
Fixed ^_^
Star Wars has never been known for good acting, kiddo. I loved Epsiode 3.
Consequence of Love - 8.7/10. Loved it, Olivia Magnani has the most beautiful eyes ever, I was awe struck.


Haven't had the hots for an actress that much since I saw Scarlett in Lost in Translation and Audrey in Amelie. Hawtness!

Star Wars has never been known for good acting, kiddo. I loved Epsiode 3.

The only good acting part was the end, "You were supposed to be the chosen one!".
So, after seeing so many of you rate Garden State I rented it last saturday and finally watched it.

9/10; I'm tired so I'll just say it was strangely good and Natali Portman is fairly awesome.
Dogma 7/10

Ok movie, pretty damn funny. And it has Chris Rock and Jay and Silent Bob!

Dante and Randall>Jay and Silent Bob.

Also, watched Fight Club for the first time in a couple of years today. 10/10, I effin' love this movie.
Also, watched Fight Club for the first time in a couple of years today. 10/10, I effin' love this movie.

Watch it with the commentary, I did a few weeks back and it was cool. First time I've watched a movie with commentary too. Bought Se7en and The Game on DVD too, going through a Fincher craze atm. Zodiac's delay isn't helping either.

Motorcycle Diaries - 10/10.
Watch it with the commentary, I did a few weeks back and it was cool. First time I've watched a movie with commentary too. Bought Se7en and The Game on DVD too, going through a Fincher craze atm. Zodiac's delay isn't helping either.

Which one? I've already watched a good part of Palahniuk's commentary, and that was pretty neato.
Little Miss Sunshine - 9/10

I loved this movie. Every character is just so perfect. So many little quirks that each actor puts into it, making each character entirely believable and that much more realistic. It has a sense of humor that is dark and, at times, oddly innocent and lighthearted, but it's not without its moments exploring the depths of human emotion. In fact, if I were to categorize this movie, I wouldn't call it a comedy in any sense. It is most definitely a drama. And an absolutely excellent one at that.
The only good acting part was the end, "You were supposed to be the chosen one!".

Yeah, Star Wars Ep. 3 had problems beyond the (mostly) craptastic acting. IMO anyway.

Silent Hill - ??/10

tbh, my opinion keeps changing on this movie. At one minute I think it's awsome, the next I hate it. Although I haven't played the game itself. (I heard it was completely wrong in terms of storyline.)
Magnolia - 10/10
Holy shit.
Tell me about it. I heard it was good, but i didn't think it would be THAT good.

Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas - 8/10

I think i need to watch it again to fully understand everything because a few things flew over my head. But i got most of it and it was really good. Love Johnny Depp in this. And he somehow he still looks attractive when hes balding, and i'm straight.
Tell me about it. I heard it was good, but i didn't think it would be THAT good.


No, it's probably the best movie of the 90s, and I say that with no exaggeration. Every frame of the movie is incredibly amazing, the dialogue is great, and the ending will blow you away.
Crank 8.6/10

Man that was a rush of fun.

Action, funny, crazy, None stop!

Jason is the man!
Silent Hill - 8.2/10...

Best video game movie ever? Maybe.
Although, I've only played Silent Hill 2... the movie was damn crazy.
I'm going to rewatch it in the dark next time.
Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas - 8/10

I think i need to watch it again to fully understand everything because a few things flew over my head. But i got most of it and it was really good. Love Johnny Depp in this. And he somehow he still looks attractive when hes balding, and i'm straight.
Definitely watch it again, it's easily a 9.5/10.

And yes, Johnny Depp is incredibly hot in a heterosexual way.
Silent Hill, 7/10. Some great moments, but a little too long. The movie seemed to lose momentum and drag on towards the end. The good bits were very good, though :)
No, it's probably the best movie of the 90s, and I say that with no exaggeration. Every frame of the movie is incredibly amazing, the dialogue is great, and the ending will blow you away.
The ending was amazing.
Pulp Fiction - 8/10 - Enjoyed it. Wasn't really watching properly but i got the gist of it all. Would watch again. :)

Texas Chainsaw Masacre - 6/10 - s'ok i guess. Lot shorter than i expected or whatever. Again, wasn't really watching it, just a film i put on whilst the girlfriend was round :)

Air Force One - 7/10 - Always liked this film. internet was down and it was on TV last night, so it helped to kill some time :)
The Wicker Man-What the ****/10

Seriously, how the **** does one go about making this? Many may disagree with me, but it's probably because I have a low attention span when it comes to films riddled with dialogue/confusing stuff. I thought it was supposed to be a supernatural/horror/mystery. Man, should've seen Crank.
Snakes on a Plane = 8/10 - good campy fun
Little Miss Sunshine = 9/10 - wonderful warm-hearted flick
The Wicker Man-What the ****/10

Seriously, how the **** does one go about making this? Many may disagree with me, but it's probably because I have a low attention span when it comes to films riddled with dialogue/confusing stuff. I thought it was supposed to be a supernatural/horror/mystery. Man, should've seen Crank.

See the old one. I'm supposed to be seeing the new one today with my family but I have decided I would rather get my dick stuck in a lightbulb.
V for Vendetta - 7/10

This movie has a complicated storyline (for me), but I liked it all, just when you figured the movie was going to end, something happened so it didn't, it sucks balls that the (SPOILER) main character dies, though. (END SPOILER)

I want to say that Natalie Portman is fugly, why do all of you think she's hot? Freaks.

Do you English really say bollocks that much?
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