Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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That was one of the most intense movies I've ever seen. I give it a 10/10 too... I saw it in theatres a while ago.

I just wanted to cry when they started making their phone calls. And then when they


say at the end, that nobody survived, despite all their efforts...

So depressing :(
I just wanted to cry when they started making their phone calls. And then when they


say at the end, that nobody survived, despite all their efforts...

So depressing :(

The phoning at the end was ****ing devestating, I was sobbing the entire last 10 minutes of the movie. That was one helluva theater experience, wow.
Speaking of intense movies...I watched Requiem for a Dream again tonight. I forgot what an amazing ****ing movie that was, I think it's maybe the best movie so far this decade. Soo good..
I should see that. I hear a lot of good things about it.

/me does more research at imdb
The Fountain - 10/10 and 4/10

i didnt really like it but it completely blew my mind and gave me a mind**** similar to drugs
I should see that. I hear a lot of good things about it.

/me does more research at imdb

You should see it, but do as little research on it as possible. It's great to watch it the first time when you don't have much of an idea what it's about, and it's great to watch a second time because it has a morbid curiosity to it. I don't think I'll ever watch it a third time though, at least not for a lonnng time.
Six String Samurai - WTF AWESOME/10

Watched it on a whim because it was free On Demand. Ended up enjoying it. It was awesome and weird.
I got to admit I was a little dizzy after watching that scene for the first time. The bullet wound, with the amount of blood pouring out, was frighteningly realistic.

The gore I could handle, but I couldn't handle him crying out "mama" whilst choking on blood. I will admit that I shed some tears the first time I watched that.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 7/10 - Entertaining, not much depth though.
I should see that. I hear a lot of good things about it.

/me does more research at imdb

You've seen Donnie Darko and Garden State, yet you've never seen Requiem?!
Jesus man, get it right now. right. now.
Do not ever put those three movies in the same sentence again.

Why's that?
They're all awesome.

Click - 7.8/10...
One of the only Adam Sandler movies I actually enjoyed, nearly cried towards the end.
I liked Donnie Darko and Garden State and loved Requiem, I was just confused on how you found them alike to any degree.

They all have a sort laid-back feel to them, I guess.
When I watch any of them I just feel relaxed and just go with the flow of the movie.
The Prestige - 9/10

Really really good film. Watch it if you ever wondered how magic was done. Excellent twist.
Yes, but only because the first two are bad :p

I liked Donnie Darko, but I saw it in middle school when anything that could keep my attention span was considered great and I hadn't seen any Lynch, so I need to see it again.

I loved the first half of Garden State, sort of hated the second half.

Requiem for a Dream is just an ****ing amazing film that everyone needs to see.
why do people rate requiem so highly? to me it was just a pretty depressing and boring movie... not trying to flame or anything, i just dont get it.
Lewis Black: Red, White, and Screwed - 9/10

Great comedian. Anyone who disagrees will recieve a massive raping.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - 10/10

The more I watch it, the better it is.
Casino Royale-8/10. Very good movie. ;)

I loved this new bond movie, It so much action & the jokes this new james bond cracked made it even better. I thought he was going to save her, because in the past 007 movie "die another day" the bond girl hallie berry was able to be revived, not this time around in casino royale. I guess story wise, if bond stayed with her...he would've ended up marring her, as he said "You have stripped all my armour."

Also, where the hell was Q?
He died in 1999.

And this is a reboot of the James Bond franchise. No cheesy space exploration plots or stupid gadgets.
Pulp Fiction - 9/10

I had never seen this movie but I rented it tonight and I've gotta say I was pleasantly surprised. Awesome movie.
Pulp Fiction - 9/10

Hadn't seen this movie but I rented it tonight and I've gotta say I was pleasantly surprised. Awesome movie.
English mutha f*cka you do seem to speak it!

Gary Gulman: A Boyish Man - 7/10

Two words.

"Figgy pudding."

It's the lord of the rings without the immersion mixed with the matrix without the cool.
Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest
This film completly blew away my expectations, I was expecting a badly made crappy cash-in sequil. What I got was a well-made, great cash-in sequil. This film is quite awesome even if it does fall victim to many clichés. I highly recomend this film and I hope they don't f*ck up the 3rd one.
Rofl, anyone remember in Pulp Fiction when Butch was driving and he starts singing along with the song on the radio? Then he suddenly finds Marcellus (right before Butch is about to run over Marcellus) and he stops and shifts gears, and then the song goes, "It's good to see you". Man that was awesome. :LOL:

edit: d'oh it was Marcellus
Rofl, anyone remember in Pulp Fiction when Butch was driving and he starts singing along with the song on the radio? Then he suddenly finds Wallace and he stops and shifts gears, and then the song goes, "It's good to see you". Man that was awesome. :LOL:

I've seen Pulp Fiction many times, and I never noticed that o_O.
Mission Impossible 3: 8/10. Good, pure action movie even though my deep hate for Tom Cruise.
Mission Impossible 3: 8/10. Good, pure action movie even though my deep hate for Tom Cruise.

The interrogation scenes were painful to watch. I ****ing hate cruise so much.
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