Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Alien 3 - 5.1/10...
...Killing off Hicks and Newt was really idiotic... especially the way it happened.
Landing on a prison planet, even moreso.
Characters that have no substance.

Knock that down to 4.1 and I'd agree with you.
.. I liked Alien 3. :cheese:
Mainly because I like David Fincher's directorial style. Not so much the plot.

Ressurection however.... :LOL:
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer-8/10

No matter how many Decembers I watch this on tv, I always love it.

His nose glows because of a side effect from radiation. Bitch.
Blood Diamond - 8.3/10...
DiCaprio's definitely turning off his pretty boy status... and actually acting now.
Great flick, I'm going to see it again.
Trainspotting - 8.5/10

All I've got to say is that I've got lust for life.
Dave Attell's Insomniac Tour-9/10

F*cking hilarious. Good performances by Sean Rauss, Dane Cook, Greg Giraldo, and Dave Attell.

"Sir, how old did she look to you?!"

"She looked......Like she wanted to get f*cked." - Sean Rauss
Casino Royale - 9/10 - Woah, just went you thought it was over, it wasn't! Took a while for a certain quote to pop up, but it was used in one of the most inventive ways possible. Movie as a whole was very enjoyable and emotional (for once).
Apocalypto - 8.1/10...

Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny - 8/10...
Wow, I was pleasantly surprised by this movie.
It reminded me so much of the Bill & Ted movies.
Casino Royale - 9/10: The best Bond movie in a long time. Craig did very well.
Watched a couple of movies with some flatmates last night.

Grave of the Fireflies - 8.9/10

Don't watch many animes, but shit, I didn't expect this to be dark and sad.

The Legend (Fong Sai-Yuk) - 7/10

Got to love the cheesyiness of this movie, especially the wooden horse jumping off the bridge.

The Shawshank Redemption - 10/10

Rewatched it again, what more can I say? Get busy living or get busy dying.
The Nativity Story- Eh, for a hokey religious flick, it's not AWFUL. I still don't recommend it at all though. I'm glad I got into it for free.

Apocalypto- First half was eh, most of the second half was awesome, and the ending gave me horrid flashbacks of Jurassic Park 3. It's worth seeing I guess, but it's not as good as some people are claiming it is. I'm glad I got into it for free.
The Descent - 7.5/10 good concept and the audience shat itself a few times. Fairly predictable scares but overall pretty good

Back to the Future - 9/10 1.21 gigawatts of goodness
Happy Feet - Possibly my favourite "kids" film this side of the millenium. The reason for the ""? Like my favourite kids film of the 90s, The Lion King, it appeals to kids, but it's obviously not meant for them as the sweeping, epic story, cultural references and general subject matter just aren't designed for them. This film features many fantastic references to other directors work, including Kubrick (to great annoyance of my girlfriend, I pointed out every single one.) It also features a storyline abstract enough to come from a great director, with the sudden split-second change from cutesy kid's film to sinister character study of the human race; it's hugely enjoyable.

Overall - 8.7/10
Grave of the Fireflies - 8.9/10
Beautifully sad movie. Alot of films claim that you cannot get through them without crying, but this is about the only one where that was true for me. Both times ;(

Battle Royale - Not really sure what word I'd put to this film... it's gory, but not in a gorefest kind of way. It's fun, but it's not really funny... there's a fair amount of drama too so it's not just a popcorn flick. But then it's not totally serious either. It seems to fill it's own little niche, and I think it does it really well.

In short, I enjoyed it :)

(Oh, "intense" works. It's definitely intense.)
Flushed Away - 8/10

Funny film, well worth seeing. Try to spot the wallace and grommit references :D
You seen one CGI animal movie, you seen 'em all...

Dark Side Of Oz- not really a movie, but the wizard of oz and dark side of the moon playing at the same time. Pretty cool at first, but loses the novelty after the CD starts looping. 7/10.
Just watched A Scanner Darkly. It is one giant mind****.
Dead Poet's Society - 7.7/10

Despite a few minor flaws, I really enjoyed this film.
Sin City - 10/10

I finally watched this movie, and the re cut extended version to boot and I've got to say wow nasty. I haven't read any of the graphic novels so I didn't know what to expect, but the atmosphere and sheer grittiness of the movie was awesome. plus the fact that they did away with the stereotypical "happy end" was a plus:thumbs: .

After watching this movie I think that if they are gonna make a Max Payne movie it should be done in a style similar to this, that would be awesome.
You seen one CGI animal movie, you seen 'em all...

Dark Side Of Oz- not really a movie, but the wizard of oz and dark side of the moon playing at the same time. Pretty cool at first, but loses the novelty after the CD starts looping. 7/10.

Try continuing it with Wish you were here/The Wall Part 2 immediatley when DSOTM ends, those apparently work as well.
Sin City - 10/10

I finally watched this movie, and the re cut extended version to boot and I've got to say wow nasty. I haven't read any of the graphic novels so I didn't know what to expect, but the atmosphere and sheer grittiness of the movie was awesome. plus the fact that they did away with the stereotypical "happy end" was a plus:thumbs: .

After watching this movie I think that if they are gonna make a Max Payne movie it should be done in a style similar to this, that would be awesome.

I heard most of the extra content were...credits. Is that true? I've seen the regular edition of Sin City two or three times and I love it, and I'm wondering it it's worth forking 35 bucks over to get the special edition.
I heard most of the extra content were...credits. Is that true? I've seen the regular edition of Sin City two or three times and I love it, and I'm wondering it it's worth forking 35 bucks over to get the special edition.

Totally worth it, the extra content are pretty much entirely new chapters.
Lots of making ofs and the like.
And it came with the Big Fat Kill graphic novel.
Totally worth it, the extra content are pretty much entirely new chapters.

Well the chapters it has are: The customer is always right, The hard goodbye, The big fat kill, That yellow bastard

And the psychotic killer Kevin is played by Elijah Wood:eek:
Is that out on video yet? I want to see that very badly... love the novel, and Linklater's former work.

IF you loved the novel, you will definately like the film. My only problem is that is too short and they rushed the ending.

I would give it an 8
Is that out on video yet? I want to see that very badly... love the novel, and Linklater's former work.

Yeah. Pi was good, and cool, but not perfect.

A Scanner Darkly comes out on DVD a week from today. So does Little Miss Sunshine.

And everyone I've ever seen who saw Pi has either said it's one of the best or worst films they'd ever seen.
Philip K. Dick was a bonafide genius. Blade Runner is definitely on my top ten films of all time, and I've read a dozen PKD books or so.

Pi was quite good (good enough to be my new avatar, temporarily at least) but not one of the very best I've ever seen. Maybe a 7 is harsh; 8 perhaps.
Pi was quite good (good enough to be my new avatar, temporarily at least) but not one of the very best I've ever seen. Maybe a 7 is harsh; 8 perhaps.

I dunno, I loved it a lot because it managed to totally rip off Eraserhead (one of my very very very favorite movies) and still feel innovative. It's almost like it redefined the genre of those kind of movies (I can only name two or three of those movies that exist).

Then again, I hated it the first time I watched it, so whatever.
The scenes were he had his episodes or attacks or whatever really freaked me out, as I was alone in the dark watching it. Creepy D:
The scenes were he had his episodes or attacks or whatever really freaked me out, as I was alone in the dark watching it. Creepy D:

They would have freaked me out a lot more if my friends that I was watching it with wern't bitching about how it was such a terrible movie. But yeah, Pi is basically a rehash of Eraserhead and Tetsuo. I loved Eraserhead (as I've said), Tetsuo was sort of ehhh.
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