Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest - 6/10
Good movie, but -2 points for the ending ^_^

Borat - 8/10
The Hills Have Eyes (2006 remake) - 7.5/10 - Surprisingly good. It does, however, rely more on the blood and gore and cheap scares (in your face when you least expect it) than actual horror. This movie is indeed gory, probably one of the goriest movies I've seen this year.

I've never seen the original, but some seem to prefer the remake over it.
Snakes In A Plane - 1/10 I laughed so hard at the sheer rubbishness.

Barnyard - 8/10 Quite good. 'Hey duuuude i got a arm!'

Click - 8/10

Scary Movie 4 - 9/10 Really funny.
Best line is 'I think i saw a face!'. 'Did it have a nose?'. 'I think so'. 'Yeah that sounds like a face alright'.
I liked Donnie Darko, but I saw it in middle school when anything that could keep my attention span was considered great and I hadn't seen any Lynch, so I need to see it again.

I loved the first half of Garden State, sort of hated the second half.

Requiem for a Dream is just an ****ing amazing film that everyone needs to see.

Donnie Darko is a decent effort, but a little bit pretentious and people give it more credit than is due. I still like it.

Garden State is one of the best movies I've ever seen, and is not remotely similar in any terms I can imagine to Requiem, which is another of the best movies I've ever seen.
Snakes In A Plane - 1/10 I laughed so hard at the sheer rubbishness.

Scary Movie 4 - 9/10 Really funny.
Best line is 'I think i saw a face!'. 'Did it have a nose?'. 'I think so'. 'Yeah that sounds like a face alright'.

Donnie Darko is a decent effort, but a little bit pretentious and people give it more credit than is due. I still like it.

Garden State is one of the best movies I've ever seen, and is not remotely similar in any terms I can imagine to Requiem, which is another of the best movies I've ever seen.

Man, I totally agree. Donnie Darko wasnt so mindblowing to me like others made it seem. Its easily forgetable in my personal taste, nothing breakthrough or memorable. A decent story at best.


Garden State was a wonderfully romantic film. God Natlie Portman was so beautiful in this film. The characters and plot worked so perfectly. I can definately relate and feel this one.

Blow - 9.6/10

Beyond any movie out there. I can't help but to cry every time I see it. ;(
Borat: 7.5/10

Funny film, not quite as laugh out loud funny as i thought it would be. But none-the-less it was hilarious.

Jackass 2: 7/10

Despite it being entirely childish and immature i can't help but laugh at scenes where somebody stupid gets hurt. Which is essentially 80% of the film, and the reason why shows like "Australia's Funniest Home Videos" are still on TV. A guilty pleasure, what can i say.

Since its a Film/TV/DVD forum i'm going to include the rating on the last bunch of DVD's that i watched.

Carnivale, Season 2: 9.5/10
Amazing TV show and the last half of season 2 is mind-blowing in its story-telling and execution. It shall be missed :(.

Rescue Me, Season 2: 8/10
Great show, really clever writing, but here and there in the season it falls into a pretentious subplot of the main character (new york fire-fighter) talking to Jesus. Kinda bizarre, but besides that its a funny and well written show with some really great moments.
Oldboy - 8.25/10

It's good, but it takes about 40 minutes at the end to go through the explanation.

I thought I posted this before, but I can't find the old post...
Magnolia. Its been on my list to watch movies for a while now and wow. I loved Punch-Drunk Love and this was even better IMO. Loved how the cast (great performances all around) started singing the Aimee Mann track. One of the few films I thought the 3 hour length didn't drag on.

My boyfriend and I watched L.A. Confidential again the other night. I couldn't honestly give this movie any less than a 10/10, and there are very few movies I could give that to. The acting is superb, Guy Pearce and Russell Crowe's best performances in my opinion. Great piece of film noir.
Pleasantville- 7/10

nice movie, with an ok message to go along with it- but the metaphors seemed weak and underplayed to me. I hate to say this, but they could have been a little more... extreme.


pretty funny, but the comic-art bits were a bit lacking.... also, some of the parts with the rippers (the first attack scene, where they saw it over the TV thing) were poorly acted out. Lots of "I'm a monster!" arm waving. Also, Rebecca seemed to me more like she was a dumbass rather than she had an attitude.
Casino Royale - 10/10

Completely awesome movie. Perfectly shows how Bond began in a short (ish) 140 minute time scheme.
Magnolia. Its been on my list to watch movies for a while now and wow. I loved Punch-Drunk Love and this was even better IMO. Loved how the cast (great performances all around) started singing the Aimee Mann track. One of the few films I thought the 3 hour length didn't drag on.


I'd like to submit that Magnolia was leaps and bounds better than Punch Drunk Love, though I enjoyed the latter quite a lot.
I'd like to submit that Magnolia was leaps and bounds better than Punch Drunk Love, though I enjoyed the latter quite a lot.

Magnolia>Boogie Nights>Punch-Drunk Love

I loved Magnolia and Boogie Nights, and I really liked Punch-Drunk Love.

I need to see Hard Eight, still.
Borat - 10/10 - Oh christ, it's been a while since I've laughed to the extent at which my lungs won't let me anymore. The nude wrestling scene, the Jewish house, the feminist league... :LOL:
Enemy Mine - 7.5/10...
Pretty good sci-fi action flick.
I really liked the creature design.
Will be getting hold of Boogie Nights soon. Anyone seen Short Cuts? Supposed to be similar to Magnolia, worth getting hold of?
Honey - 2/10 (anyone know a worse movie?)
Inspector Gadget - 1/10
Along came Polly - 4/10

I couldn't sleep and there was nothing to do so during the bus ride I watched these movies.
Borat - 10/10 - Oh christ, it's been a while since I've laughed to the extent at which my lungs won't let me anymore. The nude wrestling scene, the Jewish house, the feminist league... :LOL:

Do not fear me, gypsy.
The Core - 6.8/10...
A decent actioner...

Extreme Ops - 4.6/10...
Mind-numbingly stupid, an embarrassment to the sports.

Superman Returns - 8.3/10...
Pretty good, great effects.

Jackass : The Movie - 7.7/10...
Pan's Labyrinth - 9.2/10

Brilliant adult fantasy film in Spanish. A girl in 1944 Fascist Spain escapes into a fantastic realm (Pan's Labyrinth), but is frequently brought back to the harshness of the real word.

Captain Vidal is one of the most horrifying villains in modern cinema; I'd go so far as to call him the equal of Ralph Fiennes' character from Schindler's List. The film is intensely violent, but most of it is implied/cut away at the last second, although there is one moment of rather graphic self-surgery. And the blind monster genuinely scared the crap out of me. One of the best horror/fantasy films I've seen in ages.
Mr & Mrs Smith - 8/10

Falling Down - 9/10 Amazing thriller. Cool action scenes that make you laugh aswell. Deep, meaningful message portrayed through Michael Douglas.
Mr & Mrs Smith - 8/10

Hitchcock, or the Pitt/Jolie one?

Anyway, recent load..

Aguirre, The Wrath of God: Maddeningly slow, but still amazing. The story was told in a sort of "here, this is what's going on, we're not going to give you the luxury of any real strong plot points," and I really liked how that was executed. This movie rocks.

Seven Samuari: 206 minutes long, and I wasn't bored for a second. I can't wait to watch this movie over and over and over again, because damn it's good.

After Hours: No one really mentions this movie when they talk about Scorsese, but they should. It's funny, well-made, and has a hilariously clever ending.

Clerks 2: Watched it for the third time last night, and I still loved it to death. I think it mayy even be better than the first one, but I'm still not totally sure.

Pi: Wow, I can't remember why I didn't like this movie at first, because I was blown away watching it last night. This movie ****ing rules, holy crap.
Snow Day - 6.8/10...
Emmanuelle Chriqui is ****ing hot.

Chronicles of Riddick - 7.4/10...
Cool premise, good action...

School of Rock - 8.7/10...
Pure awesomeness.
Jeepers Creepers - 8/10 - Surprisingly good.

Jeepers Creepers 2 - 5/10 - Crap... annoying characters. "Oh noes! He picked me! OH NOES!"
Falling Down - 9/10 Amazing thriller. Cool action scenes that make you laugh aswell. Deep, meaningful message portrayed through Michael Douglas.

I love this movie.

I don't love movies that waste my time. That being said:

The Polar Express
- 4/10.
Pan's Labyrinth - 9/10

One of the most beautiful films ever made. Any scene in that film could be a work of art. I absolutely love it and can't wait to see it again. If anything, needed a few more monsters, and less civil war.

Stranger Than Fiction - 8/10

Way better than when I first saw it back in July. It's probably one of the best comedies of the year, and it seems like it's not even trying. I can happily reccomend this film to anyone.
Pan's Labyrinth - 9/10

One of the most beautiful films ever made. Any scene in that film could be a work of art. I absolutely love it and can't wait to see it again. If anything, needed a few more monsters, and less civil war.

The Captain was far scarier than any of the monsters. SPOILERS/ And was I the only one who was wondering how he managed to keep going after numerous stab wounds to the torso, a slash across the face, and a poisoning? /SPOILERS
True enough. But if I wanted to see a scary military fellow, I'd have watched Downfall or something. :p

I don't know why I'm complaining though. I loved the film. And The Shining reference at the end almost had me standing up and cheering.
The Departed - 8.75/10

A little hard to follow, but a superb film nonetheless. Excellent cast.
Slither - 8.1/10...

Alien 3 - 5.1/10...
...Killing off Hicks and Newt was really idiotic... especially the way it happened.
Landing on a prison planet, even moreso.
Characters that have no substance.
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