Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Miami Vice - 7/10 *mumble*zblasdfh*mumble* First movie I've ever had to turn on the subtitles for. Parts also dragggggggged out stupidly long but it was decent.
Waiting... 8/10

Funny, Disgusting, Cool, Lifelike.

Very good movie.
Casino Royale - 8.5/10
Class. Utter class. -.5 cause the middle dragged on a bit and made the action feel a little disjointed, but the rest is pure awesome.
Blood Diamond 9/10

A movie that has just about everything you could ever want. Action, drama, suspense, social/political commentary, great characters...just great to watch.
The World's Fastest Indian


Anthony Hopkins is just completely believable, they couldn't have picked a better actor for the role. The movie's about this bloke in New Zealand (in the 1960's) who has a 1920's American Indian motorcycle that he's spent about 40 years customizing to the point where he can get the thing going over 300mph, and the wack that happens on his way from New Zealand to Utah to compete in the world speed record contest. It's hilarious and brilliant. :cool:
Anthony Hopkins is just completely believable, they couldn't have picked a better actor for the role.
He convinced me! :E

Seriously, it's downright impressive that Mr. Hopkins can play an intellectual, depraved psychopath like Hannibal, and an unnasuming, down-to-earth kiwi bloke like <the guy from that film>, and pull them both off completely convincingly. Crazy cracka :O
mulholland drive - ?/10

ok, lemme go try to figure it out now. . .
A Christmas Story - 8/10

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - 8/10

The Librarian : Quest for the Spear - 7.2/10...
Not bad for a TV movie...
Buffalo Soldiers - 8/10
Sardonic, amusing, good soundtrack (er, if you like early '89 rap, I suppose) and a joyful finale.

Shadow of the Vampire - 8/10
Brilliant, quirky tale of the filming of Nosferatu - only Murnau, the director, hired a real blood-sucker. Willem Dafoe as the vampire-playing-an-actor-playing-a-vampire is excellent, as is Cusack as Murnau. Full of dark humour and, again, a good ending.
Jesus Camp - ****/10

Even without the specific editing and music choices made by the filmmakers (which were very blatant and should have been pared down) this was a film that made me both frightened and sad. It's upsetting that religion could be perverted in such a way. I typically have nothing wrong with Christian faith in general, but this is wrong. Granted I'm not very religious myself, but I tolerate most anything so long as it doesn't seem harmful. But this is not healthy.
uh, cars was freaking hilarious. what was wrong with it?

It was the movie the teachers decided to have us watch while on the bus going on a field-trip.
I wasn't really paying attention to it at all. :p
mulholland drive - 8.5/10
little manhattan - 7/10 (I'm a sucker for this kind of movies)
proof - 6.9/10
The Devil and Daniel Jonhson- I'm not really sure how this guy has a good portion of his life recorded on a camcorder, but man, what a haunting documentary. You can say what you want about his music, but this guy was a truly disturbed human being, and if you don't see footage of what crazy shit happened in his life, you get a renactment-ish thing. Wow, I can't wrap my head around this movie, I need to watch it again...
Eragon - 1.5/10.

A couple of the actors were okay, and the CG effects were very, very good.

The film on the whole, however, was like a technical ripoff of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, with none of the charm, or skill, or... God, I don't even know how to explain it other than like this:

Eragon is the first film in years where I have literally laughed out loud in the theatre (at one point, nearly to tears) at its poor quality.
Eragon - 1.5/10.

A couple of the actors were okay, and the CG effects were very, very good.

The film on the whole, however, was like a technical ripoff of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, with none of the charm, or skill, or... God, I don't even know how to explain it other than like this:

Eragon is the first film in years where I have literally laughed out loud in the theatre (at one point, nearly to tears) at its poor quality.

Wasn't Eragon written by a 12yr old or something?
He pretty much grabbed everything from books he read, with nothing really original.

Clueless - 7.1/10...
Pretty funny and hot wimmenz.
Deja Vu - 7.5/10. Rather cool and decent action flick.

Chicken Little - 6/10. Meh, the only good thing was Abby Mallard's character. The animation was well-done, but everything else sucked hard.
Wasn't Eragon written by a 12yr old or something?
He pretty much grabbed everything from books he read, with nothing really original.

Clueless - 7.1/10...
Pretty funny and hot wimmenz.

He was like 17 or so when he wrote it... and yeah, the ****in kid doesn't have a shred of originality in his entire body.
I hear a lot of complaints from Eragon readers though that the movie is a real butchering of the book, so I'm not sure who is at fault there.
Apocalypto. 9/10

The movie was amazing. I loved every minute of it. The scenery was fantastic(who doesn't like jungle?), the acting was superb, and the characters were just mindblowing. I loved all the details on the Mayan figures, and how they were decorated/etc.

The only part of the movie I didn't like, was when the F word **** was used, as it seemed out of character. It was only used once, and I'm sure it was just an English subtitle translation for their appropiate word.

The movie was done all in subtitles by the way, but it was so much easier for me to follow than other movies, such as Mel Gibsons other movie, Passion of the Christ. The language used(not sure if it's actually mayan or a derivative) was beautiful, and it immersed me greatly.
Little Miss Sunshine - 8/10

Charming to say the least. ;(

Soundtrack was great, too.
Ooh! I saw that. The part where the guy realised he couldn't get into the airforce made me cry :(

I liked that character.

The whole movie felt different, it was neat. Sorta like Napoleon Dynamite.

Aye, that part was pretty emotional. At first I thought his character was that of the typical whiny and angsty teen, but as the movie progressed you could see all the details that made his character grow into you (and not just his character, but everyone else's).

btw, crazy honking mini-van ftw! :D
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