Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Brick - 7.8 Good movie overall. Acting was the main upper.

The whole movie was the main upper.

The Illusionist: 8.9/10 - I enjoyed this more than I expected. Still waiting to see The Prestige.
Night At the Museum

I hate Ben Stiller, I hate Owen Wilson, and I hate cheesy shitty kid storylines.

I LOVED THIS ****ING MOVIE! Clearly exceeded my expectations, I highly recommend everyone go see this movie NOW!

9.2/10 (Plot holes)
Night At the Museum

I hate Ben Stiller, I hate Owen Wilson, and I hate cheesy shitty kid storylines.

I LOVED THIS ****ING MOVIE! Clearly exceeded my expectations, I highly recommend everyone go see this movie NOW!

9.2/10 (Plot holes)

I dont like those actors aswell but it seemed to me the movie would be good. I new i should see it.
Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are cool guys.

They've just been doing some shite movies lately...

Night at the Museum looks quite good though.
Superman Returns - 6/10.

Meh. Wasn't all that good. You'd think that now they can do all of the necessary special effects required for super hero movies that they might be able to focus on a decent story/script.

Shame, Brandon Routh was quite a good Superman.
The Virgin Spring- This is Ingmar Bergman's return to Medieval Europe after The Seventh Seal. And I won't go as far to say that it's BETTER than Seventh Seal, but damn is this a gripping movie. I won't ruin the story or anything for anyone, just do what you can to find this movie and watch it.

Blood Diamond- Even more violent and intense than I expected it to be, and even a little hard to watch at times. My only other big caveat is it drags on a little longer than it should, and I thought some of the long conversations between Conolly and DiCaprio's were a little draggy and pointless. I still highly, highly recommend it.

La Strada- <3333 is all I have to say about this one.
I think they could've cut off the last 10 minutes out of Blood Diamond. Right when...well you know.

Also, did the ending remind anyone of For Whom the Bell Tolls? Almost positive it was intentional...
recently saw Ice Age 2: meltdown ...at least 4 times (my son finds the squirrel/nut thingy hilarious)

cute movie and some funny moments ..the animation is outstanding

been trying to rent a scanner darkly and little miss sunshine but no luck
Superman Returns - 6.5/10
Not bad. Pretty forgetable though, seeing as I can't think of anything else to add...

Snakes on a Plane (finally) - 5/10
Yeah, the hype is long gone on this one, but I was still curious since I didn't end up seeing it as planned. Massively generic, badly shot, horribly scripted - even S.L.J's lines suck... save for one. Plus a point or two just for that famous line :D
Children of Men - 9/10

An amazing work. Pitch perfect atmosphere. Wonderful acting, especially on the parts of Clive Owen and Michael Caine. And that long, incredible single shot is pure art. The only real problems are a few story holes and illogical choices. Still, Clive Owen can play reluctant hero anytime he wants and Cuaron has certainly found a new fan.

I just wish the release on this was wider, it should be seen by all.
World Trade Center: Emotionless; 6/10.

Little Miss Sunshine: For some reason, I really liked this. Everyone else around thought it was boring. I loved it; 9/10.
The Good Shepard: 6.5/10
It's a well done movie, just kind of slow. It's basically about the birth of the CIA and how being a spy kind of ****s over your personal life.
It's been Christmas, so I've watched a lot of movies, but...

City of God: 9/10
Shadow of the Vampire: 8/10
Buffalo Soldiers: 7/10
Back to the Future: 9/10
Rushmore: 9/10 (<3 Wes Anderson)
Fear and Loathing in LA: Amazing film. Trippy as shit and I dunno what the **** was going on. Gonna have to watch it a few more times :D Loved it though :)
Brick - 8.5/10
Liked it. But uhh... think I'm gonna have to watch it through again...
The Proposition - 8.8/10. Some great cinematography and the casting was great.
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - 8/10 - Cool movie.
Jackass Number Two - 7.4/10

Some very funny bits, some boring ones, and some skits looked too staged for me.
Jackass Number Two - 7.4/10

Some very funny bits, some boring ones, and some skits looked too staged for me.

I agree. The boxing-glove in the wall was hilarious, whereas some stuff jusr dragged on and was either a) dull or b) gross. I prefer the explosions, ramps and jumping-off-of-shit kinda Jackass to the eating weird stuff or peicing weird places Jackass.
Once Upon a Time in America 9/10

Absolutely great. Almost as good as The Godfather movies.
Dr. Strangelove - 9/10 - First time I've seen this in a long, LONG time.
Patton - 9.4/10...
Finally watched it from beginning to end.
George C. Scott's a ****ing legend.
Casino Royale - 7.5 convoluted story for a movie, mr bond was pretty good though.
Grandma's Boy - 9/10
****ing hilarious. African witch doctor and the guy who seemed kinda gay took the cake. Brown Bomber weed ftw.
Kids - 6.8/10

Nothing compared to Thirteen. I expected so much more.

Edit: And I noticed a young Rosario Dawson starred in it. Didn't expect that. :O
At the Cinema - Casino Royale, 8.5/10

On TV - Return of the Jedi 10000000000/10, durr
The Wire Season 1: 8.5/10

Brilliant Television show that everyone should watch, or at least buy the dvd of (not on tv in Australia, so i bought the dvd on a whim). Lots of politics for a cop show, but thats what makes it so good. Also, the drug-running and Omar are awesome.

The Wire Season 2 9/10

While i liked the characters from the first season better, this just comes together better at the end. Again, awesome awesome tv show if you can get your hands on it.

Happy Feet: 8/10

Really great family film. Lots of music, lots of action, lots of fun. And everyone loves penguins and Robin Williams.
Deja Vu - 7/5

Pretty good cinema popcorn movie. Very interesting plot, turns very trippy. Abit hollywood-ish but the characters are likeable.
Oceans Eleven - EleventyBillion/10

It's just that bad ass.
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