Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The Pursuit of Happyness 8/10

This movie will probably bring a bit of a tear to your eye if you aren't a robot. Will Smith does a great job as a guy who is at the end of his rope struggling to keep his head up and take care of his son at the same time.
Blood Diamond - 7/10

I like what the movie was trying to accomplish. Awareness of child soldiers, refugees, conflict diamonds, and various other problems in Africa is good. Awareness is not enough, but at least it's a start. Sadly, the movie felt too much like a movie. I think it would have been far more powerful shot in a documentary style. I think it would have been much more powerful that way.

Oh, and while I love Jennifer Connely, her role in this needed to be axed. The little romance between her and DiCaprio hurt the movie.

On that note, DiCaprio was surprisingly good. I didn't like him in The Departed (though many others did), but in here he was good. He was a bastard and he felt it. I look forward to more good performances from him now that he's hit his stride.
Talladega Night: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby - 7/10

Not as funny as I've heard people say, but still pretty good.

Rocky Balboa - 7.5/10

Maybe I would have liked this more if I had seen the previous films, because I did understand a few things. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention....
Apocalypto - somewhere between 7/10 and 9/10

Noticeably tinged with cheesiness, but also good. Some real spirit, there.
Is Apocalypto that movie about those Indians/Mayans/whatever the Hell they are? I'm trying to decide whether I should see it or not.
Is Apocalypto that movie about those Indians/Mayans/whatever the Hell they are? I'm trying to decide whether I should see it or not.

Yes it is. I thought the first half sucked, but I thought the second half (sans the god-awful ending) was great.
You marked it down because it felt like a movie?

I'm missing something here...
I marked it down because, by feeling like a big studio movie, it lacked the power and realistic feeling that it would if it had been done to look more like a documentary.
Koyaanisqatsi - 9/10

A breathtaking documentary with imagery combined with amazing music. ****ing brilliant.
Talladega Nights - 5/10...
****ing stupid, how do people find humor in this?
Talladega Nights - 5/10...
****ing stupid, how do people find humor in this?
People expected it to be like Anchorman. It wasn't.......But you know people these days. They laugh at everything. I gave it a 7 rather than anything lower because of the cougar. Ricky got knocked the f*ck out.
Amores Perros 9/10 - Gael Garc?a Bernal should get more recognition, hes awesome. Looking forward to "The Science of Sleep".

Little Miss Sunshine 9.2/10 - Damn great performances from Abigail Breslin and Paul Dano; you can see future talent there. For some reason, Steve Carrell reminded me of Bill Murray a lot in this movie.

Groundhog Day 9.7/10 - I bought it on DVD a week back and watched it properly for the first time. Damn, never knew it was that funny; probably the funniest comedy I've seen. Bill Murray for the ****ing win.
People expected it to be like Anchorman. It wasn't.......But you know people these days. They laugh at everything. I gave it a 7 rather than anything lower because of the cougar. Ricky got knocked the f*ck out.

Too bad it was funnier than Anchorman.
Rocky Balboa 9/10 an excellent end to a mostly excellent franchise.
Too bad it was funnier than Anchorman.

Except not really

Shortbus- AKA the movie where the actors actually had sex. And oh did they have sex. Still, that all becomes wallpaper to their actual problems, which I found a lot more interesting than the sex scenes, as...innovative as some of them were. Simply put, this is a damn good movie that's for a very, very limited audience. It's also depressed me a bit.
Night at the Museum - 6/10 Had it's funny moments, but when it hit the middle/end...it was just...guh IMHO. And the whole little guys driving the remote controled car from the inside just bothered me.
I found it hilarious. How anyone could find it disturbing...you need to watch more movies. Or read the news once in awhile.
I found it hilarious. How anyone could find it disturbing...you need to watch more movies. Or read the news once in awhile.

I never said I didn't find it funny...I laughed my ass off at the scene. I'm just saying, I found it disturbing that kids actually go through that, it's just wrong.

A Scanner Darkly- One of the best book-to-movie adaptations I've ever seen. Linklater changes a few things here and there, but damn does he stay faithful to Dick's writing. It even made me appreciate the book even more, which is the best compliment I can give to this type of movie. Big thumbs up here.
Night at the Museum- 6/10

I'll have to agree mostly with what CyberSex said. The little remote control car sequence reminded me of the 'What is Love?" crap from Night at the Roxbeury, the way they kinda moved their heads.

Also, why is it that Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are almost ALWAYS in the same film? Best friends? Partners? The world may never know.....
Shit, the truth has been revealed!


Critters 2: The Main Course - 7/10

It's on right now, but since I've seen it before, I know what to expect. Killer alien fuzz balls/hedgehog things, semi funny things from the aliens, cheesy bullshit.
Altered 7/10

Acting wasn't great but it had lots of gore and aliens so that's always a plus.

Flags of our Fathers 5/10

Great battle scenes but stretched out plot that cuts into the action, and flashback abuse.
Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson, it's just like Adam Sandler/Rob Shneider or Will Ferell/Steve Carell (and co). They have like, gangs, or something. Like rappers who feat. in eachothers "music".
Snatch 10/10

Best movie I've seen in a long while.

"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible ****... me."

Snatch is such a brilliant movie.
Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson, it's just like Adam Sandler/Rob Shneider or Will Ferell/Steve Carell (and co). They have like, gangs, or something. Like rappers who feat. in eachothers "music".

Haha, quoted for truth!
"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible ****... me."

Snatch is such a brilliant movie.

:D :D :D
Sin City - 9/10 - Mmm... stylized action, violence and sex... though the acting was a little too wooden at times.
Brick - 7.8 Good movie overall. Acting was the main upper.
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