Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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I Want Candy - 2/10
One good joke, lots of stupid (but not stupid-funny, just stupid) scenes and a stupid ending.
Just felt like a BBC sitcom episode expanded into a film, with extra crudeness. Only entertaining elements were the eye-candy (pun not intended). Only thing that made it stand out, I was mistaken about - I mistook potato-faced twat Jimmy Carr for comedic genius Adam Buxton (of Adam & Joe)....
Children of Men again. 9000/10. I love how this movie has you relaxed for a few minutes, then everything goes to shit quicker than you can realize what just happened. I've never seen a movie go from being so chilled out to being such a frenzy of magnificent action and cinematography.
Borat - 2/10...
After rewatching it, sober this time.

I must say it has to be the most overrated movie of the year.
It has very juvenile humor.
Blood Diamond; 10/10.

Amazing movie. It has a perfect balance between drama, tearjerker moments and action.
Pans Pabyrinth - 6/10

Eh, perhaps I'm not a fairy tale fan. Nice environments, designs, costumes for Faun/Pale Man, etc, but I just couldn't get into it. At all.
Blood Diamond - 9.2/10...
Great... very brutal, shows just how f*cked up some 3rd world countries are.
Great acting by DiCaprio... he can pull off different accents very well.
The action is very well paced and served evenly with some really dramatic moments here and there.
Return of the King - 10/10 of course!!! Love the fight scenes and the music. Almost cried at the end!!!:D
300 - 8/10...

very enjoyable popcorn flick, some moments were really funny, probably unintentionally too.
City of God - 9.5/10. Fine performances throughout and brilliant direction. This is the reason why I love cinema.
We've got the extended edition. I always watch that version. But I really haven't a clue of what he's talking about!
We've got the extended edition. I always watch that version. But I really haven't a clue of what he's talking about!

You couldn't see the homosexual undertones forming between Frodo and Sam throughout the last two movies?
They're just best mates, for God's sake!!! You must be very narrow-minded to think that they're gay!!!:p
They're just best mates, for God's sake!!! You must be very narrow-minded to think that they're gay!!!:p

Clerks II just made light of their "friendship" in a very hilarious way, and pretty much made the whole thing a joke.
Ok, I did lol but I'm glad the guy made the point about the Hobbits not being gay!
The Hills Have Eyes 2 - 8/10 for the gore

Everything else, meh. Yeah, I'm not that deep when it comes to movies. The movie wasn't too deep itself though tbh.
Half Nelson - 8/10
Ryan Gosling is one of my favorite actors, and he certainly doesn't disappoint here. This was a rather understated movie, which worked. My main problem is the ending. It felt wrong. I don't know what I would've done differently, but this one just didn't feel right.

The Science of Sleep - 8.5/10
Watched this drunk with a good buddy. So, I'm probably not the best judge. It was definitely different that I had imagined. There was a fair amount more anger and vulgarity than I figured there would be. Gael Garcia Bernal is pure electric in everything I've seen him in. He turns in another great performance here.

Tideland - 6/10
Even with Gilliam's warning at the front (entrirely unnecessary and very distracting) I couldn't have guessed what I was going to be watching. He says he's capturing childhood, but it didn't feel like my childhood at all. I understand what he tried to do, and it works somewhat, but it's also a bit jumbled and fairly messy. Jodelle Ferland does a good job carrying the film, but that's not enough to save it from the directing and editing, which I think are the weak links here.
Silent Hill 7/10 Imo it's a classic horror flick.

"Look at me I'm Burning" :flame:​
300 - 6/10

A mishmash of gore and CGI with nothing to even remotely involve your brain.
A Scanner Darkly - 7.5/10

I probably should'nt have watched it with my friends - I think I needed to pay more attention. Sure as hell looked pretty though.
Children of men - 9/10..

the single take scenes were just wow, although i was reading on wiki that they used a technique of 'stitching' scenes together to give the effect. The final single scene was amazing, great film, its just what i needed to see after 300 tbh even though i enjoyed that :p
Children of men - 6/10

The world was stunned today by the death of Diego Ricardo, the youngest person on the planet, the youngest person on earth was 18 years, 4 months, 20 days, 16 hours, and 8 minutes old...............wtf?

Is this we called Science fiction? saving a fertile women for some Secretive Human Project, who doesn't know the father of child? tbh Story doesn't impress me, the points were given for intricate cinematic choreography.
^ Pff :p

Hot Fuzz - 8/10
That. Was. Brilliant.

Loved the references to Shaun of the Dead :)
Children of men - 6/10

The world was stunned today by the death of Diego Ricardo, the youngest person on the planet, the youngest person on earth was 18 years, 4 months, 20 days, 16 hours, and 8 minutes old...............wtf?

Is this we called Science fiction? saving a fertile women for some Secretive Human Project, who doesn't know the father of child? tbh Story doesn't impress me, the points were given for intricate cinematic choreography.

I am sorry but you are fail :(

The Warriors 8/10


Yes Cough!

You taste it? It tastes like strawberries......wtf? :LOL:

Happy Feet 7/10 This is Spontan-you-us :LOL:
The Bourne Identity - 7/10 - Better than I expected it to be.
I was just poking fun at the fact you gave Happy Feet a point more than Children of Men. That said, I haven't seen Happy Feet, so it was just on principle ;)

Infernal Affairs - 8.5/10
After saying I preferred it to the Departed and being flamed for it, I put my money where my mouth was and bought the box set. Definitely still the better of the two IMO. On it's own, I can still see the Departed as a pretty good movie, but being a remake it demands comparison and when up against the original it just doesn't stand up to it. That said, there were a couple scenes in IA that weren't as OMG great as I remember, but in general I thought it was handled with much more finesse and was just overall a better movie. In summation:

HK underworld > Brooklyn underworld.
Dialogue that doesn't make you want to kill yourself > The word "f*ck" a million times
Andy Lau >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Uuuuuummnnnn Matt Daaaamooon (his character too... depth? What's that?)
Although I'm a big Scorcesse fan, I have to agreed with bad hat that Infernal Affairs was better than The Departed. Maybe my opinion would be different if I watched Infernal Affairs after The Departed.
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