Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Children of Men - 9/10

One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. I would have loved if it went into detail about the socio-political setting in which it takes place, but the film is about a journey more than a commentary. And it does its job amazingly.

(Insert obligatory praise of its brilliant cinematography)
Oh, man, you just made me go watch it again.
Children of Men - 9/10

One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. I would have loved if it went into detail about the socio-political setting in which it takes place, but the film is about a journey more than a commentary. And it does its job amazingly.

(Insert obligatory praise of its brilliant cinematography)


As unique as the storyline and cinematography was, I've never been able to get past the part where he simply walks out of the building holding the crying child.

"Oh look a crying baby, here it comes....there it goes".....buidling blows up, "where was i again"

That scene alone prevents the movie ( for me) from being great.

7/10 -Children of men.

As unique as the storyline and cinematography was, I've never been able to get past the part where he simply walks out of the building holding the crying child.

"Oh look a crying baby, here it comes....there it goes".....buidling blows up, "where was i again"

That scene alone prevents the movie ( for me) from being great.

7/10 -Children of men.
1: *redundant*
2: That was a fantastic scene!
The Big Lebowski - 9/10

Upon further viewing since I first watched it last year, I'm gonna bump up the rating to a 9. Really is a great flick, so many memorable moments. :D
1: Warn about spoilers FFS!
2: That was a fantastic scene!

1. Done
2. Spoilers!!!

The Black guy mentions a few moments before hand how the military will react upon viewing the child, i think he says something like "their blowing up the city and they don't even know about the child yet". I really think the commanding officer would've taken the child from Owen, rather then just let them get away and immediately forget about it. Don't get me wrong, it was beautifully shot but pretty illogical.

In a completely unrelated note, who's excited for Grindhouse, I've been waiting to see this film all week lol.
1. Done
2. Spoilers!!!

The Black guy mentions a few moments before hand how the military will react upon viewing the child, i think he says something like "their blowing up the city and they don't even know about the child yet". I really think the commanding officer would've taken the child from Owen, rather then just let them get away and immediately forget about it. Don't get me wrong, it was beautifully shot but pretty illogical.

In a completely unrelated note, who's excited for Grindhouse, I've been waiting to see this film all week lol.
Put yourself in those soldiers' shoes. You've just seen the first child born in 18 ****ing years. You have no idea what the hell to do but you know that it's not a good idea to let it die. These aren't evil govenrment facelss bastards these are men who find this baby as amazing as anyone else in the world. They have no idea what to do, none whatsoever but those people have a baby and they seem to know what the hell they're doing. They do not want to endanger this baby and more than likly they don't love the government either. But yourself in one of those soldiers' shoes. How would you react? Shocked, not having a ****ing clue what's going on. Hell, if the rocket didn't attack them they may have even given them an escort. They aren't faceless evil bastards, they're men.
Put yourself in those soldiers' shoes. You've just seen the first child born in 18 ****ing years. You have no idea what the hell to do but you know that it's not a good idea to let it die. These aren't evil govenrment facelss bastards these are men who find this baby as amazing as anyone else in the world. They have no idea what to do, none whatsoever but those people have a baby and they seem to know what the hell they're doing. They do not want to endanger this baby and more than likly they don't love the government either. But yourself in one of those soldiers' shoes. How would you react? Shocked, not having a ****ing clue what's going on. Hell, if the rocket didn't attack them they may have even given them an escort. They aren't faceless evil bastards, they're men.

Perhaps i need to watch the movie again, But if i was in their shoes i sure as hell wouldve done something....The escort idea would've been much more appropriate imo. I can understand the amount of shock they are under, but they are soldiers, i would think they used to seeing shocking things and reacting accordingly. The point is they saw this defenseless man walking away holding a child and did absolutely nothing, turned around and started fight again. It felt very forced imo, they didn't even ask him what the hell was going on.
Well what are you going to do? You can't threaten to shoot the guy with the baby....its just too much of an unthinkable chance to even point a gun near it.
THE POINT IS THEY DIDN"T DO ANYTHING!!!! I think at the very least the commander would've either shown his undying loyalty to his country and stolen the child or been like "human project, ****king A, let's go" and provided some sort of escort. I just can't conceivably see them doing nothing.
THE POINT IS THEY DIDN"T DO ANYTHING!!!! I think at the very least the commander would've either shown his undying loyalty to his country and stolen the child or been like "human project, ****king A, let's go" and provided some sort of escort. I just can't conceivably see them doing nothing.
At the start they do nothing because they're in complete and utter shock. It's the first baby in 18 years. Then they do nothing because they're being shot at. When you're being shot at nothing the **** else matters because you are about to die.
This is the first time they've seen a baby in 18 years. So much death and destruction and cynicism has set in with everyone and then they hear the wails of a newborn child and see with their own eyes: humanity. Mankind.

Its indescribable what would be going through their minds.
At the start they do nothing because they're in complete and utter shock. It's the first baby in 18 years. Then they do nothing because they're being shot at.

They're is like 50 of them. moments before when Syd see's the baby, he is shocked but comes to the conclusion that eh i can profit from this. Now, obviously he doesn't represent the majority of the miliatry...but he ceased the moment, he didn't just stand there while Owen runs off. [/QUOTE]

When you're being shot at nothing the **** else matters because you are about to die.

by the time they were being shot at, ownen was like 50 yards away, i dont think anybody had any intention of doing anything but staring

I personally didn't buy it. It's still a very good movie just overrated in my opinion.
He dies in the end. He gets hit by a plane (so does his son).

What the ****, if that's true.

I just got the movie in the mail yesterday, and I was planning on watching it today. D:

Lol, was joking.

The Hills Have Eyes 2 - 3/10. I hate getting dragged to shit movies with friends and I even hate horror movies more. You seen one, you seen them all.
Lol, was joking.

The Hills Have Eyes 2 - 3/10. I hate getting dragged to shit movies with friends and I even hate horror movies more. You seen one, you seen them all.

Alrighty... sounded a bit farfetched anyways, after reading it again.. didn't see the "getting hit by a plane" part. :p

Blades of Glory - 6.8/10...

Pretty funny, sometimes just downright stupid though.
I think they may have taken a little bit of creative liberty with the baby in the warzone scene. I mean, maybe it's not entirely realistic in a "that wouldn't have happened in real life" kind of way, but personally when I'm watching a movie (particularly one as immersive and involving as CoM) I'm worried about THAT world, not this one.

In this world, they probably would've been more rational. Someone probably would've stopped to help, or possibly arrested them since it might fall under their duty as a soldier.

In that world, it's now the future, and a bleak one at that. Human kind is slowly becoming extinct. Civilisation is collapsing. Warfare and poverty are rampant. You can imagine that even soldiers in the service of the last remaining power on Earth might be a little dissilusioned by this. So when they see a baby for the first time in 18 years, they're not just seeing a baby, they're seeing the ****ing messiah. And when you see the messiah, you ****ing worship, you don't pull a gun on him (her, whatever).

So yeah, they were awestruck, and then the whole getting shot thing snapped them back to reality. It could still be concieved that some of them might've thought to escort them away from danger, but that's where the creative liberty comes in. It was meant to be an affecting and poignant scene, not one that makes you go "oh, that makes sense". The stillness and awe of everyone laying down their guns and letting them through, up until the rocket hits and they all start blasting again, is meant to be a stark contrast between hope and despair (or something). Personally I thought it was a freakin wonderful scene, and not just for the awesome cinematography, so maybe I was a bit more inclined to suspend my disbelief and just enjoy it.

*cough* Essay over. Please return to your regularly scheduled reviews.
Seeing as the film pursues a realistic / cinema verite feel, presumably so that you can't detach its moral/political statement from the current, totally real world, I can see how believing the scene to be implausible could annoy you.

But even if I didn't find it believable (which I do), the plays a key part in the thematic vision of the film so you couldn't really change it - indeed, it may be all the more powerful because it breaks a little from the realism of the rest of the film - the immense power of renewed hope, even in the direst of circumstances, actually disrupts plausibility or normal/expected behaviour.
I'm gonna have to be a nitpicker and point out that they're not 50 yards away by the time everyone starts shooting again.
Clive Owen looks like he's 70 years old in that picture.
Stranger Than Fiction: 9/10.
God I love this movie. It's Ferrel's best performance, and it's nice to see him get away from the silly comedies even if it was for only one movie.
Edward Scissorhands 8.5/10

I had no idea what this movie was about. I was pleasantly surprised. On of the most unique and well played characters I have seen. And whats-her-face was pretty hot too.
300 - 8/10
Pretty good. Could have used more slow motion.

Serenity - 8.5/10
Even better after seeing the series, and a nice enough wrap-up. But no way is it the best sci-fi ever (nor does it seem to be trying).
Stranger Than Fiction: 9/10.
God I love this movie. It's Ferrel's best performance, and it's nice to see him get away from the silly comedies even if it was for only one movie.

I watched this last night and fell completely in love with that baker chick.

9/10 also.
El Dorado on HDNET.
8/10. lots of old fashioned western badassness.
300 - 9/10 as well, lost 1 mark for the Spartan that said "I never told him I loved him" I couldnt help but burst into laughter at that line :D
Same here, a true action movie , with an incredible amount of clches and exagerations. Still cool though (though you could tell the lighting was artifical)
300 8/10

Lived up to the hype for me. I actually expected this to be more schlocky than it turned out to be. Not as good as Gladiator, but they are both completely different films when you think about it. Great stuff.
Grindhouse -7.5/10, I posted this in my thread but more people check here

Planet Terror is the absolute shit, I loved every second of it, the hilarious dialogue(great one liners), the scratchy film, missing reels, cheesey music, excessive violence etc. It was exactly what i was expecting.

Death Proof was.....a miss, Tarantino's worst film as far as im concerned. I didn't for a second buy that this movie wouldve been shown in a grindhouse theatre. He spends a lot of time establishing characters that you don't care about and using sophisticated dialogue and camera methods when all you really want to see is over the top action.
5/10- it gets points because the car chase scenes were impressive.

I only saw two trailers cause i had to go to the bathroom in between films. They were both great, HOBO with a shotgun was hilarious and Machete was very funny as well


"Please father, show mercy"
God shows mercy, I don't
Bang- brains all over the floor
Yeah, 28 days later was pretty good...looking forward to 28 Months Later....
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