Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Serenity 9/10

Didn`t seen the series "Firefly" so the whole universe in this was unknown to me, after watching the movie I tracked down the series, both fantastic.


Cheap, no character development. Fighting scenes are rushed. Special effects limited. Other than that it's cool I guess.
If you didn't like 300 you won't like this at all because they are practically the same, though this movie just lacks the cool factor 300 has.
Night of living Dead- 9/10, Probably the best non mock Zombie film ive ever seen, its the only one that attempts to put real people in an extordinary situation.

Amazing Grace 8/10
A Scanner Darkly - 9/10
I'd have to say this is one of my favourite movies ever, right up there with Fight Club on the whole think about your existence thing, the only thing I didn't like is how I didn't really think "Whoa, that was a damn good movie" until the very end.
28 days later 7/10

One of the few decent zombie movies, but disappointed at the lack of mindless zombie killing action
300 - 9/10 - "There's no reason why we can't be civilised".
Fight Club - 10/10

Coolest. Greatest. Cleverest. Film. Ever.
The Departed - 8/10

I think Martin Scorsese just really likes seeing people get shot in the head.
28 days later 7/10

One of the few decent zombie movies, but disappointed at the lack of mindless zombie killing action

Looking in wrong place for that, try Land of the Dead or something equally (heh) brainless.
Sunshine 8/10
Tense sci fi, great visuals and sound, cilian murphy is really good too
Young Poisoner's Handbook - it manages to be a dark and twisted while funny and lighthearted at the same time 8/10
Hot Fuzz - F*ck Yes/10

The extra wait was definitely worth it. Helluva movie. I was laughing pretty much the whole time. And then the action - very well done. This movie definitely had the best of both worlds. I declare it the best buddy cop film ever.
Life is Beautiful - 9.2/10. Loved it, some real hilarious scenes, especially when Roberto Benigni is pretending to translate what the German is saying.

The Thing - 8.7/10. Didn't find it scary, but awesome movie and special effects.
Hot Fuzz- 3/10, I waited a long time for this and boy did it disappoint.
300 - 10/10 Prepare for some ****ing glory. Best action sequences, great special effects, and probably the best plot of a movie about something that actually happened ever. Tonight we dine in Heeeeell!!!
SPOILERSThe plot where 300 Spartans are assembled into King Leoniduse's personal body guard (because they have no legal permission to officially create the army) so that they can prevent the onslaught of the Persian Empire's masive army from reaching Greece by fighting off wave after wave of attacks in some narrow pass until they are betrayed by a handicapable:) person who gives away the secret to their demise (i.e. a way to sneak up behind them) to the Persian Empire for his own personal gain so the 300 Spartans must give their last breath for freedom. All the while the Queen of Sparta has been working through the Spartan political system to assemble a real army to send in for reinforcements but alas it is too late. A year later a massive Greek army united under Sparta is assembled to take on the Persians. Fin. That plot.Spoilers Above
Sorry about the spoilers

Take that Sebastian
Separate But Equal: -3/10.
Holy shit was this boring. Granted it was a made-for-TV movie that was shown in my government class, but can we please try to make it a little interesting?

300: 8/10.
After every viewing I'm beginning to like this movie less and less.

Man of the Year: 7/10.
Great movie, with great comedians, that has a good message, but it ultimately gets bogged down with the inane storyline which, after the half way mark, makes it a chore to finish.
probably the best plot of a movie about something that actually happened ever.

I highly suggest...no..demand you watch Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Schindler's List, Platoon, Rome (HBO), the Corner( HBO), JFK, Saving Private Ryan, Born on the fourth of July, Band of Brothers( HBO), A Beautiful Mind, Munich, Patton and Capote amoung others.
Curse of the Golden Flower: 7/10.

An epic. Good acting from th cast, Chow Yun Fat giving someone a serious bitchslap, Chinese ninja type people. Worth watching, but I went expecting a film like hero or house of flying daggers (a ton of kick arse kung-fu) but that is not what this film is. So I may not have enjoyed it as much as I would have otherwise.
I am apologizing for my comment about 300 having an awesome plot. It was really late when I posted that and I'd just seen the movie. I mean come on though, it is an awesome movie. I too really liked Band of Brothers. Sorry that I triggered that part of your brain that immediately overreacts to stuff. Tonight we dine in the Forums!!
I am apologizing for my comment about 300 having an awesome plot. It was really late when I posted that and I'd just seen the movie. I mean come on though, it is an awesome movie. I too really liked Band of Brothers. Sorry that I triggered that part of your brain that immediately overreacts to stuff. Tonight we dine in the Forums!!

Great mindless action movie indeed.

Dirty Sanchez : The Movie - 7 buckets of vomit/10

Dear God... You brits disgust me.
I am apologizing for my comment about 300 having an awesome plot. It was really late when I posted that and I'd just seen the movie. I mean come on though, it is an awesome movie. I too really liked Band of Brothers. Sorry that I triggered that part of your brain that immediately overreacts to stuff. Tonight we dine in the Forums!!

300 is the type of movie that does that, it's probably because it's like getting a bowl of testosterone dumped on your brain and then someone setting it on fire

Last King of Scotland - 7.5/10
I am apologizing for my comment about 300 having an awesome plot. It was really late when I posted that and I'd just seen the movie. I mean come on though, it is an awesome movie. I too really liked Band of Brothers. Sorry that I triggered that part of your brain that immediately overreacts to stuff. Tonight we dine in the Forums!!

Suggesting you watch other films=overreacting??????

Lucky Number Sleven- 2/10- waste of talent, plot hole ridden and too stylish for its own good
Great mindless action movie indeed.

Dirty Sanchez : The Movie - 7 buckets of vomit/10

Dear God... You brits disgust me.

Actually theyre Welsh...*cough*


Wild Hogs - 9/10

Second time ive seen it, still cracked me up. Legendary casting.
The Illusionist - 8.5/10

Great movie. Everything makes sense except for the ghosts... and the selection of Jessica Biel as leading lady.
Layer Cake - 7/10

Was alright I spose, aq little hard to follow in places though.
Schindler's List sucks.


Rewatched Star Wars: A New Hope - 7/10. Fantastic special effects for its time, but the only thing the movie had going for me was Han Solo. George Lucas is so overrated, stick to producing.
Scorched - 8/10

Don't know where it came from or really anything about it, but caught it on TV and its simple and really darned funny.
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