Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Bridge to Terbiatha...whatever the **** that new movie is. 0/10 complete shit, crappy story, rubbish effects, no action whatsoever and all sorts of boowho rubbish.
Laputa, Castle in the Sky - 9/10
Hayao Miyazaki is a goddamn genius.
Spiderman 3 - 7/10

Was a bit blah blah blah.

Last quarter was good though, especially when the you-know-what happens
Bridge to Terbiatha...whatever the **** that new movie is. 0/10 complete shit, crappy story, rubbish effects, no action whatsoever and all sorts of boowho rubbish.


This is today's generation of movie goers.
It was a really well done fantasy movie, obviously it was for the kiddies.

Saw III - 7.8/10
Not scary in the least, had a shitload of shock value though... god damn.
8/10-Alien 3, I'm suprised everyone is so down on this movie, its much better then Aliens IMO.
I concur.

Ohyez: Spiderman 3 alright/10

Which means I will be perfectly happy never seeing it again in my life.

This is today's generation of movie goers.
It was a really well done fantasy movie, obviously it was for the kiddies.


Yeah, I was gonna say I'm looking forward to it because of the reviews.

Life is Beautiful - 9/10. What a wonderful piece of cinema. Watch it.

Arrested Development 1st and 2nd season - 9.4/10. Came across it a few weeks back, love it. Gob's awesome.
There was one part of Spiderman 3 that was totally wonderful.

Where it suddenly veers towards the completely surreal and has Parker jiving around new york in his new duds and haircuts, performing musical numbers left and right, culminating in a ridiculous jazz-club dance-off. That's awesome.
What the ****.

From a technical standpoint, it's one of the best shot films ive ever seen( and perhaps i was merely taken backby that aspect alone), I liked the no guns edge it had as well( it forced the characters to find creative ways to kill the alien rather then just run and gun). I found Aliens to be just too over the top..personally.... and Bill Paxtons character just annoyed the hell out of me. Still pretty good though.

Arrested Development is SOOOO ace Harryz:).
Spiderman 3 - 8/10

The cocky Peter Parker is absolutely hilarious.


Venom looked awesome, but his role in the movie was so disappointing to me, I wish there was more fighting between him and Spidey before he bit the dust.
bam23 said:
Venom looked awesome
A lie!

During his final appearance, I could only think: "Man, The Thing looked so much better and that was knocked together by John Carpenter in the 80s out of a few bits of sheep's gut and animatronic offal."
I can't believe some of you people liked spiderman 3, honestly you must be brain dead if you even think it was the least bit entertaining.
I think it is you who is brain dead, if such a delightful movie does not entertain you.
Spider Man 3- 6/10

Shaun of the Dead- 9/10

The Devils Rejects- 5/10
I can't believe some of you people liked spiderman 3, honestly you must be brain dead if you even think it was the least bit entertaining.

Well, it entertained me, so f*ck off with your preconceptions, god forbid people don`t share your point of view. :frown:

It was more of the same but on a bigger scale, those action sequences were fantastic.

I wasn`t expecting some kind of arty film, so I enjoyed it for what it always promised to be, a good film based on a comic book.

Spiderman 3 - 9/10

Spider-Man 3 - 6.1/10...

It was alright, special effects were great, except for Venom... jesus so half-assed, and the drama was a bit too... dramatic.
A super hero movie shouldn't make you depressed while watching it ffs.
Disturbia - 9/10

Great thriller. Havent been on the edge of my seat like that for quite some time.
Spider Man 3...9/10. Personally, I loved the Spider Man and you-know-who vs Venom and SandMan. The Spidey-Venom fight tumbling down was just incredibly awesome, IMO....

I didnt enjoy it as much as I could because these idiot high school kids were behind me cracking jokes and talking and all sorts of stupid crap just ruined the immersion for me...
Spiderman 3: 9/10

Felt is succeeded in everything it tried to do, and the way it worked with its characters was excellent while still retaining the comic book feel. I honestly just find some of the comments in this thread confusing since I didn't see any basis for them. Not that I'll lose sleep over that.
Spiderman 3 - 5/10

Goddammit. Raimi f*cked it up. Why the hell does everyone cry every 2 seconds!? I half expected J. Jonah Jameson to break down in tears. I mean, I've seen fewer tears in chick flicks. And Spiderman's always been campy, but Raimi just made it silly here, and not in a good way. It's like Raimi doesn't care anymore. And the musical bits were... ummm... yeah...

If only Bruce Campbell had been in the whole movie, maybe then it would've been awesome. If the studio execs have half a brain they'd commission a spin-off with Campbell's character. I'd gladly pay $10 to see that.

Edit: Oh, the battles were cool, though. It was just everything inbetween that made me laugh and weep, at the wrong parts, of course.
I have to say that all the scenes with Jameson in them were absolutely great.
Spider-Man 3 6/10

1st half is decent. After he gets the suit, everything goes downhill.
I'm willing to bet that this new spiderman is no worse then the the last two and and this kneejerk " it sucks" reaction is merely everyone realizing that, while they are definately good films, they are far from the masterpieces that everyone has made them out to be.

But i will make such claims when ive actually seen the film.

Evil Dead- 7/10 Sam Raimi's first film, pretty decent for shoe string budget, great camera work and a fitting opening to two of the funniest and most enjoyable films ive ever seen.

Memento - Zzzz/10.
TMNT - bodacious/10
It started out corny but this movie followed the dark tone of the comic and was more like a cgi version of the previous movies.
I couldn't be more satisfied if it were live action.
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