Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Labyrinth - 8.7/10...

Oh man, I haven't seen this in years.
Actually gave me nightmares as a child.

And, David Bowie ftw.
Crank 4/10

Another shittest hitman movie.


I love America :LOL:

Boom! Boom!

I vote for Bush :LOL:

Dhoom! Dhoom!

almost famous-10/10 watched it again, my loser friends didn't like it.

From Dusk til Dawn- 4/10 I admire the film makers etc but its just too much( AoD for the win)
28 days later

8/10 the first half would have got a 9.5/10 but the last half brought it down.
Kinda wierd music for a zombie movie.
28 Weeks Later - OMG9.4/10

****ing awesome! The score was PHONOMENIAL!
28 Weeks Later - OMG9.4/10

****ing awesome! The score was PHONOMENIAL!
I have to agree - 9/10

Helluva movie. My only possible complaint is lack of character development, but it's understandable given the pacing and action in the film. Still, I totally have a crush for Rose Byrne, can't wait to see her in Sunshine.

I liked how fast, hard, and somewhat unpredictable this film was. The music is spot-on. The actors all work well in their parts. The story isn't a masterpiece, but it's excellent for the events happening, and it's pretty realistic-feeling as well. The camera work is frenetic when it needs to be, without being too frenetic. Also, there's a bit of ingenuity with the camerawork that I appreciated. Good directing, good cinematography. And all the deserted places in London are simply breathtaking and eerie.

If you liked the first film, you should love this one.

Also, before anyone says I liked it because I don't remember how 28 Days later was, I just watched it last night before I saw 28 Weeks later this afternoon. So, it was very fresh in my mind.
28 Weeks Later: 9/10

**** Yeah! that movie had so many awesome scenes, and some of them were really able to get to your emotions.

I figured it would be more action oriented than the first, and it was. I cant decide which one I liked better though.
Good to hear the score is just as good as the first. Godspeed You! Black Emperor + chaotic chase through London? Nice!
The Last king of Scotland - 8/10

superb acting from Whitaker, very powerfull film

28 Days Later - 7/10

it's good but not as good as i thought it would be.
28 Weeks Later - 9/10

Need to see it again to decide if it`s better than the first film, but after just one viewing I`m certain it`s as good. Awesome!
28 Weeks Later - 6/10

Giant forehead boy ruined it for me. I would have given it a 11/10 just for the helicopter stunt but forehead boy... erf.
28 Weeks Later - 6/10

Giant forehead boy ruined it for me. I would have given it a 11/10 just for the helicopter stunt but forehead boy... erf.

Brilliant reason to hate the film :p besides, who was giant forehead boy? You mean the little kid?
Spidey 3- great film, but felt rushed and the ending was shit as hell. After all that build-up, what kind of end was that. 8/10
Spiderman 3 = 4/10 ... drags on, boring story, put me to sleep.

28 Weeks Later = 7/10 ... good film, definitely worth watching.
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 8/10

Awesome movie, the cinematography was credible. The story revolves around the character but still hard to predict the end. At some scene it really makes to feel that we are really smelling the perfume, dust, garbage etc.
Must watch movie, ends has it's own intuition.
Spiderman 3.


I think Harry should be the one living, not Spiderman. And bit boring, weird, awkward (especially the news).

If I made it, I would have made into a full 2 hour-long battle scene with SWAT VS Spiderman VS Venom. Probably the only dramatic scene was where the sandman tosses around APCs with SWAT guys screaming.

Funny bits, but somewhat B-movie.
Pan's Labyrinth - 8/10
Pretty awesome. Few things that weren't so great, like the shifting of focus between characters and scenarios and how they never really meshed too well. Also the ending, while not bad, kinda seemed like it was ambiguous just for the sake of being ambiguous. Besides that, it was vivid, fantastic, suspenseful, gruesome and surreal - properties you don't often see combined in movies quite so well. But then you come in expecting a bit of that when you're going to see a World War II fantasy horror (well, a particularly bloody fairy tale anyway).

One thing I did really like was the captain. Which is to say I didn't like him, at all - but that just shows how well his character was done. I normally don't go for that kind of villain, but he really pulled off the cruel, ruthless bastard thing without a hitch.
28 Weeks Later - 8/10 - Enjoyed it a lot. Great zombie flick. Loved the helicopter stunt, was awesome :D

Was a bit cheesy how their dad survived all of the napalm, gas and those extermination teams, and still manages to end up stubling upon his kids :p
Bubba Hotep-8/10 Bruce strikes again, Very clever and funny

Memento-10/10 Brilliant, some people have a hard time understanding it even after a few viewings...i find it to be pretty straight forward.
I understood it, I just found it fuppin' boring. :p Heard so many good things about it on the Internet, thought it was a bit over-rated personally.
Hell Yeah, and they are supposed to be making a sequel.

Sweet, my first thought was "but he died". Then i remembered just how ridiculous the story actually was and that bringing him back wouldn't be out of line at all.

I'm ready:)
Taxi Driver 9/10 awesome, just awesome

In the mouth of Madness 7/10 great pulp movie

Casablanca 9/10 very nice movie, good script, nice acting

Grave of the fire flies 6/10 sad but boring, could have been done in 30 or 15 min, and would have been more powerful that way imo.

The fifth Element 10/10 just gets better every time I see it

Talladega Nights 9/10 Leslie Bibb, Leslie Bibb, and more Leslie Bibb, it was also funny

Stranger then Fiction 8/10 original story, nice characters

The Illusionist 7/10 really didn't see the ending coming
The Last Kiss (2006) 9/10

What a great realistic movie.
Rush Hour - 10/10

With the third one coming up thought i would see the first again, still one of the funniest films I have ever seen.
Pan's Labyrinth - 8/10
One thing I did really like was the captain. Which is to say I didn't like him, at all - but that just shows how well his character was done. I normally don't go for that kind of villain, but he really pulled off the cruel, ruthless bastard thing without a hitch.

That's a pretty easy thing to do when the character doesn't show any empathy or emotion beyond hatred and contempt.
Fifth element is the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen.
28 Weeks Later 7/10
Good film, not as good as 28 Days, but still good. My main gripe is that it drags on for too long. Minor complaints: The Infected's aversion to bright light seems to have gone out the window and I think that the editing could have been better.
Sweet, my first thought was "but he died". Then i remembered just how ridiculous the story actually was and that bringing him back wouldn't be out of line at all.

I'm ready:)

It`ll be a prequel, and will involve him being a vampire hunter apparently :D
This Film is Not Yet Rated- 8/10 GO SEE THIS NOW IT'S REALLY COOl

Hostel- 8/10
28 Weeks Later 8.5/10
Great Movie - better than alot of the stuff out there, not as scary as the first one, but a better action movie. Can't wait for Months!
Bad News Bears - 9/10
Hilarious. Billy Bob Thorton does a great job, as always.
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