Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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I Am Sam: 7/10.
Good, but it was lacking the epicness I was expecting.
300 8/10

Awesome movie, It creates lot of emotions in me, but still yet to call perfect flick. Moral of the story soldiers are always better than King is that I say King? :LOL: :smoking:
First Blood - 8/10

Brilliant action film with a very solid plot.
Farenheit 9/11 - 9/10

Yeah its like a documentary for the big screen, but seeing how it puts Bush in the 'complete ***king IDIOT!' spotlight, it goes high in my ratings. Quite funny too i thought.
The Prestige-9/10
Inside Man-9/10
Two mysteries I enjoyed quite a bit.
Pirates of the Carribean 3 - 6/10


Seriously, it glorified crime for the sake of it, and it had funny parts, I'll admit, but when strung together they made a giant B-grade movie.

Loved the first scene though.
Spiderman 3 - 6.5/10

All the actions scenes were fantastic but seriously whats with all the crying?!? The people in my theater actually started to laugh every time Peter cried.
There's no way you can be serious about this. No way.

Well, it reminded me too much of those Mafia movies we have here. So-called codes of honor between criminals and such.
Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End - 7/10

Like SM3, too much hype and not enough delivering. Some truly funny moments in it though, thanks to one single character. Think you all know...

Recommended obviously, but dont expect to get blown away until the last quarter of the film (ish).
I'm amazed at the amount of money those films have made...especially since they blow chunks...
I'm amazed at the amount of money those films have made...especially since they blow chunks...

Is that a fact?

I think that they're great action-adventure flicks with an awesome sense of humor.

Event Horizon - 6.5/10...

Started out as pretty creepy, and moved on to being extremely cheesey... although it retained the cheese-factor throughout the whole movie.
Yeah POTC kicks ass, the second one had some hilarious bits in it.
Out of Time 10/10

Denzel Washington does a hell of a good job in this one.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: 7/10 - I haven't seen the second one, so I couldn't really get attached to some of the new characters or really care for the existing ones... But Jack Sparrow was still entertaining and the last hour was made of pure shens. But the lead-up... oh god... "You betrayed me!" "No you betrayed me" *Trite philosophical bullshit follows*... and did it ever drag on D:

Oh, and Keira Knightly was hot.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: 7/10
The story gets caught up in a wide, engulfing web that severely reduces the watchability of the movie. It's a long movie, running at two hours and forty minutes. Most of it is talk which coupled with the ridiculous story and random acid trips make a boring movie for the first hour and a half. But it all leads up to a spectacular ending with the last fifty minutes being pure action; no stopping through the entire sequence. For the ending alone I give it 5/10 and a 2/10 for Depp's character.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End: 7.5/10

There's not much i can say here that others haven't said already. With that in mind though, i had no trouble following the plot unlike...everyone thats posted about it so far. But with that said, i also have no trouble keeping up with shows like The Wire, so i guess i'm just attuned to overly detailed plots by now.

One thing i will say though, is that i thought Geoffrey Rush stole the film. Johnny Depp was brilliant as always but i there was something about Barbossa in this one that i really liked.
The Last King of Scotland: 8/10.
Good, but still has that meh feeling. Whitaker is PHENOMENAL, though.
Great movie, Qon.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - 9/10 - the first one is the best.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - 7.6/10 - it was good but not great. Also, Zephos, you are correct. Kiera Knightly was amazing in this movie. It was too long, though, and not enough Jack Sparrow, which is really the main reason (besides kiera sechs) that I like the POTC movies.

Apocalypto - 9/10 - Mel Gibson succeeds like he did with Braveheart, except better cause he's not in it.

Layer Cake - 7/10 - I don't remember it because I was stoned off my ass, but I know I enjoyed it.

About to watch From Hell.
I love how everyone is commenting Kiera Knightly even though its really hard not to notice :D

Will be seeing this today with four others, so comments when i return!
Next - 7.5/10

Too short. psychic powers in combat. Explosions. Ending sucked. Guns. NC beating the crap out of soldiers. Blaeh
Next - 7.5/10

Too short. psychic powers in combat. Explosions. Ending sucked. Guns. Mel Gibson beating the crap out of soldiers. Blaeh

I havn't seen the movie, but im 99 percent sure Gibson isn't in it, did you mean Cage?

7.5 is much better then it looks lol.
I havn't seen the movie, but im 99 percent sure Gibson isn't in it, did you mean Cage?

7.5 is much better then it looks lol.

Oopss, hehe.

Yeah, it didn't suck, it was actually good at the start until it became too.... ****ing werid. And the ending sucks shit.
Rocky Balboa- 8/10 A good ending to a bad series, excluding the first one.
Pirates World's End gets an 8 from me. The only thing I didn't enjoy was all the Calipso shit felt really tacked on.
Pirates - Worlds End - 7.5/10

Depp bril as usual, a lot of funny bits, LARGE and LONG build up, epic battle at the end.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 9/10

How romance movies should be done.
Matchstick Men: 9/10.
Completely ace. Absolutely stunning performance by Cage and a great ending.
John Carpenter's The Thing - 8.9/10...
Classic, the dog-thing still manages to creep me out.
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