Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Maggie Gyllenhaal. Soo much hawtness. Glad shes replacing Katie Holmes in The Dark Knight.

Grindhouse -

Planet Terror - Holy Fuck Yes!/10
Rodriguez knocked this one out of the park. Awesome cast, great Grindhouse feel, kickass action, and gratuitous violence and sexiness. The Crazy Babysitter Twins were an insane kinda sexy, which rocks. Basically, this movie was everything I hoped for and more.

Fake Trailers - 9/10
Machete = Mexican badassery. Werewolf Women of the SS = Hotties in leather. Thanksgiving = The next movie Eli Roth should make. Can;t remember what the other one was called, but it was thoroughly enjoyable as well.

Death Proof - 6/10
I dunno what Tarantino thought this project was. He didn't make a Grindhouse movie. He made his next movie and stuck it in here. The dialogue and references were fairly enjoyable, but there was a lot that could have been cut out. It's as though Tarantino decided to indulge everything he likes to excess, and as someone who is rather lukewarm on Tarantino, it didn't click with me. The car scenes were rather cool, but there's too much of the movie without action. This movie's not an utter failure, just the weakest link in the whole package, which is a shame, since it's about half of the package.

Edit: To add, Kurt Russell is all kinds of awesome in Death Proof. So is Zoe Bell.
Click - 8/10

The ending once again almost made me want to cry.
Good Will Hunting - 9/10

I love that movie.
Deadly Toys - (low budget score) 7.2/10...

Classic tongue-in-cheek horror movie about possessed toys such as... Jack in the Boxes, baby dolls, teddy bears, and others.
Click - 8/10

The ending once again almost made me want to cry.

Yeah, I tear up in sad movies, but this almost pushed me over the edge...haven't cried since Impostor.

Dear god I gotta watch that again. That's one of my FAVORITE Gary Sinise movies.
Men in Black 2. Was watching it today. Hilarios, especially the part with Micheal Jackson. 9/10
Men in Black 2. Was watching it today. Hilarios, especially the part with Micheal Jackson. 9/10

I personally thought it was trash, it was pretty much a carbon copy of the first one... with a few new additions.
Kidulthood - 9/10

What I liked most was how common and familiar pretty much every scene was to me. I know pretty much every type of person shown in this film - the thugs, the druggies, the sluts, the popular kids... It was pretty much like being back in High School again, except a bit worse. But then, this is London so it is also a bit different. Great film, though. Very well done.
Sunshine - 7/10

A good film on the whole. Cheesy in places (more so towards the end) and completely technically and physically inaccurate ... but if you detach your intelligence and let your mind relax and take in a good visual film, you'll like it.
Finally saw 300 and... 9/10.

It's relieving to see an action movie that doesn't have a shaky camera.
300 - 8/10
Good film. I laughed my ass off at some parts (I think I was the only one in the cinema who was laughing :eek:)
8/10 - The Persuit of Happyness: It was a good movie, it didn't really make me cry like most poeple say about it. Still it was a good movie to see, I loved the part when the old poor guy that acted like he was on drugs said "Is that a time machine? This man has a time machine?" the way he said it made me chuckle.

6.0 - Rocky Balboa: Now this is one of those movies where they just keep making movies for it until to the point where it becomes annoying, they just died out the series. At this point just call it quits, enough is enough. Sylvester Stalone has outgrown his character (Rocky Balboa), that would be like asking Clint Eastwood to make another The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

When I heard my Brother go to Blockbuster, I told him to get Borat... but no he wanted to get these movies (I had already seen The Persuit of Happyness).
Flushed Away - 7/10 - Watched it with the girlfriend and we had a good laugh :)

Van Helsing - 8/10 - Great movie imo. Loved how they mixed vampires, werewolves, Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde and Frankenstein into one story.
Meet The Robinsons - 8/10

Kind of slow at first, but once things take off into the future and the story shifts its focus to villain, it becomes utterly hilarious for any/every adult in the room.

I saw it with my friend and my sister and we all loved it. Great film.
Evil Dead 2 - 10/10

Absolutely perfect. I haven't enjoyed a movie that much in years.
Evil Dead 2 - 10/10

Absolutely perfect. I haven't enjoyed a movie that much in years.

Watch Army of Darkness if you already haven't, it's even better imo

Also, find a way to see the Planet Terror portion of grindhouse, it's definitely up there with those two movies.

Kill Bill vol 1/2- 9/10, like the second half better but they both rule.
Reservoir Dogs-10/10, Look the left...look to the right.
Hostel 4/10 another shit........imo they can make lot much better but still I will watch Hostel 2. :hmph:
The Prestige - 8/10...

Pretty deep for a magician flick.
Christian Bale ftw.
The Prestige - 8/10...

Pretty deep for a magician flick.
Christian Bale ftw.

This movie show that every magic is not real, it's just the trick that magician do and what are they obsessed with? they just illusionised others and search for wonders in them. The best part was about that Jap one? Fish tank, they must also cover that part.

Christian Bale: Never show anyone. They'll beg you and they'll flatter you for the secret, but as soon as you give it up... you'll be nothing to them.

This man has got great voice.

Prestige 8/10
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 8/10
This is one of those movies that's weird but in a familiar kind of way. Anyone else get that? Maybe it was the character of Joel, he's easily the most relatable character I've seen recently, and it's done in a way that doesn't make him the constant victim or anything like that. He seems like someone you'd know... and actually it's probably the closest a movie character has gotten to being me that I can recall. Jim really pulls it off too, without going over the top once. All the expressions, his awkwardness, the way he talks, it's so spot on (or spotless, HAHAHAHAHA... shut up).

Had a bit of trouble with the structure, I was kind of waiting for the middle sequence (in bed) to end but it wound up being the most substantial part. The ending was handled a little weird I thought, but that could've been because I was already expecting it to happen. All said, good movie.
300. Would have liked it more if the begining was just like in the comic. The one in the comic was just awesome and really set the mood. Anyway, very impressive movie. 295/300 :E
The Lives of Others - 8.5/10

Very good film, i enjoyed it more than Pan's Labyrinth and it was easily more intense than it. Makes me want to watch "The Wire" though.
The Truman Show: 10/10.

Completely ace. Entertaining, well acted and a great story.
LA Confidential. 10/10. It was a perfect mix of over the top drama and action.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theatres

(if you're a fan of the show) 8/10

otherwise, its just nonsensical, crude, vulgar, and retarded. Ah... Such fun :)
300 = 9/10 (Conformed exactly to my expectations, and I wasn't in the mood for thinking anyway)
Jackass Number Two - 8.2/10...

F*cking hilarious, alot of gross moments but it was damn funny.
Definitely deserves more praise than Borat.
Jackass Number Two - 8.2/10...

F*cking hilarious, alot of gross moments but it was damn funny.
Definitely deserves more praise than Borat.

You think that's gross you should see the new Dirty Sanchez movie. But aye, most certainly more funnier than Borat. I was in hysterics at the boxing glove in the wall prank. Seriously, my stomach was in agony.
You think that's gross you should see the new Dirty Sanchez movie. But aye, most certainly more funnier than Borat. I was in hysterics at the boxing glove in the wall prank. Seriously, my stomach was in agony.

Good Christ, I just read up on some of the shit that they do in that movie...

# Pancho undergoing liposuction in Bangkok...without anesthetic.
# Dan Joyce consuming results of Pancho's liposuction.
# Pritchard having the end of his little finger on his right hand cut off in Japan with a cigar cutter

Cringe-tastic!... I'd go out and rent it if it wasn't storming outside.
The liposuction parts are really quite bad. :| Pretty good movie, I prefer Jackass for pranks, Sanchez for sick and ****ed up stuff.
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