Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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You realize Departed is in Boston right...
Close enough, they both start with B :p

The sound system scene is pretty ace. It kinda helps establish a familiarity between the two - in another life, they could've been good friends. But later on that link is used to show how different each is from the other in their circumstances.

If you read into it far enough, that is ;)
Just finished watching Cinderella Man and give it a 9/10. It's right up there with Rocky as the greatest sports movies of all time IMO.
Children of men - 6/10

The world was stunned today by the death of Diego Ricardo, the youngest person on the planet, the youngest person on earth was 18 years, 4 months, 20 days, 16 hours, and 8 minutes old...............wtf?

Is this we called Science fiction? saving a fertile women for some Secretive Human Project, who doesn't know the father of child? tbh Story doesn't impress me, the points were given for intricate cinematic choreography.

The movie makes genre, the genre doesn't make the movie, don't call it science fiction if you don't want to :rolleyes:

Children of Men - 9/10
The Bourne Supremacy - 7/10 - Should have seen these before, they're pretty good :p
The Bourne Supremacy - 7/10 - Should have seen these before, they're pretty good :p

UI like your "They are pretty good!" posts, but only give them a 7!

I vote they should be 8 at minimum, and that's if you didn't like it. :p
9.5/10-brokeback mountain

much better then i thought it would be. I can't believe crash beat Munich, Capote and Brokeback Mountain for best picture.

Has anyone watched the animated HBO spawn series? Is it any good?
9.5/10-brokeback mountain

much better then i thought it would be. I can't believe crash beat Munich, Capote and Brokeback Mountain for best picture.

Has anyone watched the animated HBO spawn series? Is it any good?

Todd Mcfarlane's Spawn?
It's the only anime-esque show that I could really stand to watch... awesome stuff, the art is out of this world.
It follows the comic really well.

Children of Men - 8.9/10...

Great film, I'm going out later to pick up the book.
Action scenes were in-your-face, really made me feel as though I was there.
The film as a whole was really disturbing too.

It loses a few points for the ending, what a tease.
Todd Mcfarlane's Spawn?
It's the only anime-esque show that I could really stand to watch... awesome stuff, the art is out of this world.
It follows the comic really well.

Children of Men - 8.9/10...

Great film, I'm going out later to pick up the book.
Action scenes were in-your-face, really made me feel as though I was there.
The film as a whole was really disturbing too.

It loses a few points for the ending, what a tease.

The book isnt very good TBH.
Mr Bean's Holiday - 4/10

Not a total disappointment, but there werent many genuine laughs as most of the 'humor' was just cheap and silly.

Mr Bean has really lost his funny. I think Bean is one for the past and definitely not the future. Kinda like Margaret Thatcher.
9.5/10-brokeback mountain

much better then i thought it would be. I can't believe crash beat Munich, Capote and Brokeback Mountain for best picture.

Has anyone watched the animated HBO spawn series? Is it any good?
It's pretty neat. I watched an episode, pretty violent and cool. The art is cool.

Ferris Beuller's Day Off - 8.5/10

No matter how many times I watch it it always ends up being one of my favorites.
TMNT - 8/10

pretty decent movie, had pretty nice cg, but what really saved it was one ****ing impressive fight scene in the pouring rain :D

catastrophe! meaning of pff is dumb :naughty:

The movie makes genre, the genre doesn't make the movie, don't call it science fiction if you don't want to :rolleyes:

Children of Men - 9/10

The Children of Men is science fiction film based on sci-fi genre, while watching movie we assume in very Dystopian manner, so how come genre doesn't make the movie? :)

Blood Diamond 8/10 atleast Indians were there! :p
The Children of Men is science fiction film based on sci-fi genre, while watching movie we assume in very Dystopian manner, so how come genre doesn't make the movie? :)

Blood Diamond 8/10 atleast Indians were there! :p

A genre is a classification of movies, not a basis to work from (usually). Children of Men took a concept, which may or may not have been science fiction, and worked with it. They didn't say "let's make a science fiction film" and then work out an idea based off of that. Your disappointment based on your own unreasonable expectations due to considering it science fiction has nothing to do with the movie, and so it's not exactly fair to judge it that way.
The Hills Have Eyes 2 - 3/10

Poor script, poor plot. Not worth watching at all.
Meet the Robinsons 8-9/10
Very funny, silly and quite random. Unfortuatly the jokes end about 20 minutes before the end so that they can resolve the plot (Which is predictable, non-sensicle and full of TIME-PARADOXES).

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters - 20/10

Anyone else squint at the tiny screen on the lower left corner of their television? I did.
The book isnt very good TBH.

I enjoyed it, it's just I would of liked it more had I read the book first. I was reading it and all the way through I was like ''this part of the movie should happen here buuuuttt... it hasn't. Neither has that part, or the part when... [etc]''
A genre is a classification of movies, not a basis to work from (usually). Children of Men took a concept, which may or may not have been science fiction, and worked with it. They didn't say "let's make a science fiction film" and then work out an idea based off of that.

ok, that means you are trying to say it's not an science fiction flick?

Your disappointment based on your own unreasonable expectations due to considering it science fiction has nothing to do with the movie, and so it's not exactly fair to judge it that way.

my perception was based on sci-fi though there was huge disappointment, imo the grid of the movie still doesn't bisect easch other at it absolute location. It's feel much more better when I watch BSG & :borg:
Downfall - 8.4/10...

Fascinating look at the last 10 days of the life of Hitler.
Behind Enemy Lines 2 - 7.5/10 - Enjoyed it but not as good as the first.
ok, that means you are trying to say it's not an science fiction flick?
No, I'm saying that it just isn't necessarily. Definitions of what makes something good science fiction are subjective.

my perception was based on sci-fi though there was huge disappointment, imo the grid of the movie still doesn't bisect easch other at it absolute location. It's feel much more better when I watch BSG & :borg:
Well, I agree, but that's because those are far more easily defined as sci-fi. I really would just call Children of Men an action-drama... the science fiction part doesn't play much of a role, other than the dystopia to it and the mere fact that it's in the future.

Pan's Labyrinth - 8/10

Behind Enemy Lines 2 - 7.5/10 - Enjoyed it but not as good as the first.

Heh, definitely one of the better low budget straight-to-dvd movies out there.

I'd give it a 6/10, it's a little too politically correct tbh(NKs working with the Americans?!)
Shattered Glass-8/10 really good movie on american journalism and the Glass incident inself.
Heh, definitely one of the better low budget straight-to-dvd movies out there.

I'd give it a 6/10, it's a little too politically correct tbh(NKs working with the Americans?!)
Shattered Glass-8/10 really good movie on american journalism and the Glass incident inself.
Watched that in my film class, it was pretty good... boo for Anakin though
The Fog Of War - 8/10
Quite an interesting documentary/interview with Robert McNamara. I confess that I new relatively little about the man. I was aware of his role in the bombing of Japan and his position as Secretary of Defense throughout Vietnam. I'm not sure if I can necessarily say I agree with a lot of what he did in the past, but at the least I can understand his rationale and respect him for admitting his errors. I think his reputation as a warhawk back in the day was somewhat undeserved since it seems he was forced into many predicaments through executive decision.

Also watched halfway through a 9/11 conspiracy movie that a crazy, distant member of my family had sent around some time ago. Needless to say... 0/10 by default. I couldn't even bring myself to laugh at it. It just pissed me off.
Shattered Glass-8/10 really good movie on american journalism and the Glass incident inself.

I got this on DVD hearing good things about it, but I couldn't get past the first 25 minutes, I was really bored, I really need to watch this properly.
Wild Hogs - 9/10

Havent laughed that hard since Borat. Really, REALLY funny. They couldnt have picked any other actors to fit that role, theyre just such a laugh together.

And oh my god the end...genious.
Smokin' Aces - Not sure what to rate this yet, was very tired when I watched it last night, will have to watch it again.
Some good shooting scenes going on and some very interesting hit men :D
I got this on DVD hearing good things about it, but I couldn't get past the first 25 minutes, I was really bored, I really need to watch this properly.

Yea, i turned it off the first time as well. Keep with it, it picks up.


Watched that in my film class, it was pretty good... boo for Anakin though

I had no idea he was the actor who played Anakin in the first time through, he was absolutely horrible in those movies. But, in this he was really good imo.
Employee of the Month - 8/10 - Some good laughs in it :)
Pursuit of Happiness; N/A
I couldn't continue watching it. It was so depressing that it hurt to watch.
Prison Break Season 2 Episode 22 - 12/10

Best episode so far i think! Either that or a weird movie title...

Thank god for illegal tv websites! well...one in particular!
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