Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Babel 9.5/10

Damn good, but man is it a painful movie at times. Think Crash in the way it contains some truly awful things, but isn't completely without a point or hope.
Babel 9.5/10

Damn good, but man is it a painful movie at times. Think Crash in the way it contains some truly awful things, but isn't completely without a point or hope.
The parts with the Japanese girl were particularly touching and depressing. BTW, I love that movie.
Recently watched several while I was visiting my dad.

Shrek 3 7/10: I definately liked the first two movies more than this one. It was still good, it had lots of wisecracks everywhere, but it wasn't terribly great. Not only did it feel very similar to the second, but even good ol' Shrek can get a little stale.

Hot Fuzz 10/10: 100% awesome. It had me laughing all the way through. Parts of it manage to have a very serious mood, but be funny at the same time, and it has a great, not to mention hilarious plot twist. This and Shaun of the Dead are two of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Watch them both. Now.

Flushed Away 8.5/10: I loved Chicken Run and Wallace and Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit, and Flushed Away was just as, if not more enjoyable than the other films made by Aardman/Dreamworks (though they unfortunately split up because Dreamworks wasn't happy with the box office ratings of Wallace/Gromit and Flushed Away). It had a genuine, fun cast of characters that worked well together, and funny jokes and gags all the way through, but the plot moved very fast, which even though did good for the movie in a lot of ways, it made it so they couldn't really elaborate on anything, and kinda turned the movie into one big chase. Very good bit of fun, though.

Pirates of the Caribbean (or however you spell it) 3 5/10: I didn't really enjoy the third Pirates movie all that much. What I like about the Pirates of the Caribbean movies (or the first two, at least) is that they're epic, action-packed films that are given a "fun" mood all the way through. That's why they were so popular. The third movie wasn't fun. And it drooooned on at a lot of parts. It did still have its moments, and I liked Keith Richards being in there, but it's as if the writers suddenly thought "hey, this isn't really a fun movie like the first two.. lets just pop in a few jokes from the first movie. We'll bring back those two stupid guards and have Jack trick them again and we'll have Barbosa say "Why thank you Jaaaaaack"". I was actually pretty bored by the end of it.
Black Cadillac - 4/10

Randy Quaid harasses a bunch of idiot college students in a car while they spend 80% of the movie inside their automobile, arguing with each other. Randy Quaid is, of course, Randy Quaid - a creepy, overweight redneck. And that's nice, I guess.

I knew it was a B-movie going into it. And I only watched it because me and my friends had nothing better to do while recovering from a hangover. But man, I can only take so much of a bad film until it stops being funny and just becomes downright annoying.

Interesting note: I searched up Randy Quaid on wikipedia because I was curious as to how far his career had been flushed down the shitter, but apparently he's also a dramatic actor as well? He was in Brokeback Mountain? Turned my world upside down, seriously.
Scary Movie 4 sucked complete and utter ass and the very idea of you giving it anything above a 3 is a frightening, horrible and incomprehensible vista of complete and utter madness.

And you gave it an 8. For shame.

Yeah well, I gave Ultraviolet a 6. My rating points are rather high. :E
You did what? I can't even muster the effort to argue, because that's just out of this world batshit insane. Feel free to try and explain your appalling taste. :p
You did what? I can't even muster the effort to argue, because that's just out of this world batshit insane. Feel free to try and explain your appalling taste. :p
You can't question him. He IS the Numbers.
You did what? I can't even muster the effort to argue, because that's just out of this world batshit insane. Feel free to try and explain your appalling taste. :p

I know, I thought it sucked too. But I never seem to be able to give less than 5, for some reason.

So whats worth a ten in your book and whats worth a 1?

Hmmm, 1 would be Operation Spectacular Outing (trans.), a movie about the so-called democratic movements in the 80s. The title was from a real operation, one which had paratroopers kill a thousand rioters at the Gwangju Riots of 1980. My mind was screaming MURDER DEATH KILL SEDITION while watching it.

/oh, and, maybe Doom. Sucked.

10? Saving Private Ryan. LOTR-TROTK. Brotherhood of War. Back to the Futre, ect.
Hmmm, 1 would be Operation Spectacular Outing (trans.), a movie about the so-called democratic movements in the 80s. The title was from a real operation, one which had paratroopers kill a thousand rioters at the Gwangju Riots of 1980. My mind was screaming MURDER DEATH KILL SEDITION while watching it.
Wow. In Numbersland it really is true what they say - it's all politics.
I know, I thought it sucked too. But I never seem to be able to give less than 5, for some reason.

Well, you could have given it a 5. That's not less than a 5; that's 5. Ultraviolet a 6, I ask you.
Well, you could have given it a 5. That's not less than a 5; that's 5. Ultraviolet a 6, I ask you.

Probably because even though they were utterly, incomprehensibly stupid, the Security teams had nice gasmasks. :p
A Scanner Darkly

Felt very adult, despite the "animation" filter. I thought they pulled off the graphics quite well. Looks cool.
Acting was fantastic. Story didn't make any sense until the end, but was gratifying enough at that point. It leaves you hanging, but gives you a clue as to whether the intended progression occurs. I'm satisfied with it overall and would recommend it to others who don't have an innate displeasure for Reeves.

Stomp The Yard

What can I say. I love hip hop culture so maybe I am not biased against movies like this like the majority of you nerds. :p
Movies about black people are generally very good because they tend to get caught up in fairly realistic drama, and some kind of oppression.
The actors in this movie were fantastic to listen, and a pleasure to watch. The dancing was pretty good, though my high school B-Boy friends could pull off choreography that would kill almost anything in this movie.
I highly recommended this to anyone. The movie doesn't have any overt "rap" tones so you won't die watching it. :rolleyes:
Das Boot- Still my favorite war movie of all time. 10/10

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back- a love it or hate it movie, depending, of course, on whether you like Jay and Silent Bob. The first time I watched it was pretty funny, with some good one-liners ("Hey baby, you ever had your ass licked by a fat man in an overcoat!?"), but the more I watched it the more I saw just how average the movie is, especially compared to Dogma. 6.5/10

The Departed- Awesome, kickass movie. I've always loved Scorcese's works, and this one is no exception. 9.5/10
Knocked up 7.5/10, really funny, except it kinda dropped off during the last 1/3rd

The Prestige 7/10, pretty good, probably Nolan's worst work but it's interesting( though unjustifiable) enough to keep you entertained throughout.
Surf's Up - 9/10

Absolutely brilliant film, good light comedy. Some really funny parts, acting is brilliant throughout. Nice idea to film it 30-40% like a surfer's documentary.

Recommended. If you enjoy animated films like Finding Nemo, Monster's Inc etc, this is the next big one.
The Village - 8/10

mostly due to the performance of Dallas-Howard, she was really good, very atmospheric, the secenes in the forest when she was alone with the 'creature' were pretty freaky...
The Prestige - 7.5/10

good but for some reason I was waiting for a bigger surprise.
Apocalypse Now Redux - 11/10

I don't know why this version of the movie received such bad press.
I just love this movie because it grabs you by the balls and takes you for a tour in 'Nam.
Deja Vu: 5/10.
What the ****. This was a mind**** in movie format.
Fantastic Four 2 Rise of the Silver surfer 7/10 Cool fun movie, great action and the Surfer kicked ass.
Apocalypse Now Redux - 11/10

I don't know why this version of the movie received such bad press.
I just love this movie because it grabs you by the balls and takes you for a tour in 'Nam.

No offense to yourself, I thought Apoc Now to be one of the more over-rated war films out there.

Yes, it is intense, ironic, and atmospheric. It is also plodding, condescending, and pontificates either cinematograhpic or moral superiority, when a war film should do neither. The rather brisk 1st half with the immortal Robert Duvall is cancelled by the 2nd half, including the nearly useless scene with the French in the trees.

I felt "Platoon" to be a much more effective film.
No offense to yourself, I thought Apoc Now to be one of the more over-rated war films out there.

Yes, it is intense, ironic, and atmospheric. It is also plodding, condescending, and pontificates either cinematograhpic or moral superiority, when a war film should do neither. The rather brisk 1st half with the immortal Robert Duvall is cancelled by the 2nd half, including the nearly useless scene with the French in the trees.

I felt "Platoon" to be a much more effective film.

I loved Platoon just as much as Apocalypse.

Other notable 'Nam flicks are Hamburger Hill and Tigerland.

The French plantation scene was great, imo, not for those who don't like talking of course.
Gives you insight on the French's thoughts on the matter and how they came to make said plantation etc.
Useless? Maybe.
Fascinating? To myself atleast.
NightWatch 9/10 What a great and artistic movie.
Ocean's Thirteen - 9.5/10

Dear god this film just oooozes coolness. Could have been a bit funnier but was still a typical Ocean's laugh. Nice to see them go back to their roots from the first one unlike the 2nd film's flop.
No offense to yourself, I thought Apoc Now to be one of the more over-rated war films out there.

Yes, it is intense, ironic, and atmospheric. It is also plodding, condescending, and pontificates either cinematograhpic or moral superiority, when a war film should do neither. The rather brisk 1st half with the immortal Robert Duvall is cancelled by the 2nd half, including the nearly useless scene with the French in the trees.

I felt "Platoon" to be a much more effective film.

Well the whole point is Apocalypse Now isn't a war film. It takes place during a war, yes, but isn't a "war movie."

Platoon is vastly inferior to Apocalypse Now.
Agreed, Apocalypse Now is the absolute shit. The only movie I like more is 2001 a space odyssey. And, who's to say that a war film can't take a moral stance on Nom? Did Coppola not follow the manual?

The french scene was cut out for a reason...watch the original.

Fight Club-10/10-Those who complain about it's "Macho eroticism" are merely taking this film at face value, truly a masterpiece.
We Were Soldiers - 9/10

I expected to be a bland, americanised film but i feel it really does capture the horror and brutality of that battle, i remember seeing a documentry on that battle and it was extremely fierce with high casualties. Ok yeah, it is still americanised, but its still sticks to points that make war films great.
We Were Soldiers - 9/10

I expected to be a bland, americanised film but i feel it really does capture the horror and brutality of that battle, i remember seeing a documentry on that battle and it was extremely fierce with high casualties. Ok yeah, it is still americanised, but its still sticks to points that make war films great.

It was alright, average war movie with Mel Gibson in his usual hardcore Christian super soldier role.

Forrest Gump - 8.9/10...
Great classic.
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