Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Yeah, that one had a ton of good lines in it. My personal favorite though is the "Most Annoying Sound Ever". Always cracks me up. :LOL:
Some comedies get old after a while, but Dumb and Dumber has stood the test of time.
I just watched South Park: BLU. Awesome movie, strokes of genius here and there. Hooray for Trey Parker and Matt Stone. 9.7/10
Dumb and Dumber - 8/10 - Still love it after all this time :D

'Hey, wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?'

Bwahaha that still cracks me up.

Casino Royale - 9/10
Still pretty much one of the best Bonds.

Braveheart - 9/10
Casino Royale is the best Bond film, bar none.

I have mixed feelings with Braveheart. In and of itself, it's a great movie, but since I'm a purist I cannot ignore the historical inaccuracies. Who ever heard of a Battle of Sterling with no bridge?

I just saw Silence of the Lambs for the first time. Hopkins' voice and inflection reminded me of the G-Man's. Pretty good movie, creepy enough. 9.5/10
stranger than fiction ..with will farrell as a man who hears an author narrating his life .. farrell should do more serious roles; he was quite good in it 8/10 ..a little disjointed/slow but good nonetheless
Pirates of The Caribean: At World's End

Seriously? It was a 5/10 at best.

I just watched it last night and it was pretty ridiculous. Even worse than the second, which is truly a shame, since the second failed so hard after the fun romp of the first. I hate how every plot twist is telegraphed an hour in advance. She's Calypso!? Really!? Oh, yeah, because I didn;t figure that out at the beginning of the movie or even in the second movie.

And the ending was absolutely atrocious. Let's set up the fourth movie but make sure Kiera Knightley and Orlando Bloom don't have to be in it. I thought it was supposed to be a trilogy. No, they'll just keep milking it. Thanks, Disney.

And I love Bill Nighy, but he should've read the script before signing up for this one and opted out.

Pirates went downhill fast after the first, which is quite a shame. It could've been a helluva trilogy, but instead it's just a box office crapfest. F*ck you, Disney and f*ck you Gore Verbinski for screwing it up.
but pirates of the carribean is based on a ride in a disney park ...did you really expect quality? I'm surprised the first one was actually good ...it definately was unexpected for something that started as a promotional tie-in to their theme park ..I'm always surprised when people expect Citizen Kane level of greatness out of something that amounts to a glorified informmercial
Ratatouille - 20/10
AWESOME film. So well animated, sooo so funny, so realistic...huge thumbs up. The idea of it is all just genious.

Combine this with Surf's Up and you have 2 of the best animated films to be released.
Ratatouille - 20/10
AWESOME film. So well animated, sooo so funny, so realistic...huge thumbs up. The idea of it is all just genious.

Umm, I don't know how they run things in England, but here in America, we don't have sapient rodents who can cook...
Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl - 9.5/10

I know it's old but I still love it.

I can't believe you would watch an old movie like that.....talk about ancient......I wonder what the aztecs thought about it lolz.

Like seriously...it came out in 03, a great films age really shouldn't affect it's entertainment value.

Kill Bill-9.5, teh awesome!
Finding Nemo

I caught the majority of this on TV last weekend (missed the first 5 minutes or so). I'm not sure what it was, but I felt really relaxed watching this movie. It also had an old-fashioned feel to it, as if I was watching one of those classic Disney animated feature films. It made me feel like a kid again.

Visually stunning and with a likeable cast of characters, I can't believe I passed on this when it first came out. It is nothing short of captivating.

I rarely give out scores of a perfect 10, but Finding Nemo really is without flaw.

Umm, I don't know how they run things in England, but here in America, we don't have sapient rodents who can cook...

But in America we have fish that can talk, real monsters including one with one eye, talking cars showing emotion, as well as ogres and talking donkeys.
Seriously? It was a 5/10 at best.

I just watched it last night and it was pretty ridiculous. Even worse than the second, which is truly a shame, since the second failed so hard after the fun romp of the first. I hate how every plot twist is telegraphed an hour in advance. She's Calypso!? Really!? Oh, yeah, because I didn;t figure that out at the beginning of the movie or even in the second movie.

And the ending was absolutely atrocious. Let's set up the fourth movie but make sure Kiera Knightley and Orlando Bloom don't have to be in it. I thought it was supposed to be a trilogy. No, they'll just keep milking it. Thanks, Disney.

And I love Bill Nighy, but he should've read the script before signing up for this one and opted out.

Pirates went downhill fast after the first, which is quite a shame. It could've been a helluva trilogy, but instead it's just a box office crapfest. F*ck you, Disney and f*ck you Gore Verbinski for screwing it up.

Doesn't this forum's heading clearly say: (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y'EEJITS)
I can't believe you would watch an old movie like that.....talk about ancient......I wonder what the aztecs thought about it lolz.

Like seriously...it came out in 03, a great films age really shouldn't affect it's entertainment value.

Kill Bill-9.5, teh awesome!

Meh, I thought the Kill Bill series was uninspiring compared to Tarantino's other works. Just didn't grab me by the balls and sit me down.

Wedding Crashers- a recent favorite of our generation, this one is pretty damned funny up to about the last act of the movie. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn work well together. Lots of good lines and situations, but eventually most comedic films have to turn serious to resolve the plot, and this one does it for too long and loses the funny factor for a significant (and, damagingly, final) portion of the film. 8/10
Finding Nemo

I caught the majority of this on TV last weekend (missed the first 5 minutes or so). I'm not sure what it was, but I felt really relaxed watching this movie. It also had an old-fashioned feel to it, as if I was watching one of those classic Disney animated feature films. It made me feel like a kid again.

Visually stunning and with a likeable cast of characters, I can't believe I passed on this when it first came out. It is nothing short of captivating.

I rarely give out scores of a perfect 10, but Finding Nemo really is without flaw.


I'm a bit of a closet Nemo fan, along with all the other Pixar stuff. It's a shame you missed the first part of the movie - that's the best bit!

The Pianist. Might be the second time i've rated this in this thread. Anyhoo, still a powerful, disturbing, sad and very well acted movie. Every one should see this and Schindler's List. 9/10
Doesn't this forum's heading clearly say: (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y'EEJITS)
If you can't figure out anything I talked about within the first half hour then you're a moron. Besides, they're hardly spoilers as I really don;t mention how any of it fits in the story or what actually happens. If you haven;t seen it yet, save your money, borrow a friend's copy when it comes out on DVD.
A History Of Violence - 9/10

I approached this thinking it was a rather peculiar film considering the director's body of work prior to it. And yet after watching the movie, it all made sense to me. It's straightforward and simple on one level, but there's a subtler and more profound element to it: The subject of the necessity of violence as a conflict resolution, as well as its inherent existence in Darwinism.

I heard this film being criticized for some of its graphic content. Although I didn't think there wasn't anything too bad, some of the scenes were certainly shocking and made my gut tense up. Not in a sick way, but more in a "Jesus, he just forcefully stomped on that guy's throat" way. And some of the gorier aspects (particularly the diner scene) fit right at home with Cronenberg's repertoire of unusual, disturbing death scenes.

Wonderfully acted by everybody. Particularly the villains. I only wish we could have seen more of Ed Harris and William Hurt, the latter who entirely deserved his Academy Award nomination and put on one of his best and most unexpected performances I'd seen from him.
I suppose you haven't thoroughly reviewed what you typed, understandable yet regrettable also.
Stalingrad- German-made film about the monstrous battle, seen from a German POV. Takes a very anti-war stance, which shows war as it really is- dehumanising. For this, it wins. Otherwise, it's a simple plot that works. Also interesting to see something from a German POV in WWII, without all the usual inclusion of Holocaust material. 9/10
Meh, I thought the Kill Bill series was uninspiring compared to Tarantino's other works. Just didn't grab me by the balls and sit me down.

I disagree, KB is loads better then both Jackie Brown( which i like) and Deathproof( which i strongly dislike) imo. It's the perfect exercise in style, every shot is just dripping of cool. Even if it's just Beatrix entering a vehicle.
Yeah, I'll give you the fact that it's about on level with Jackie Brown, maybe a bit better, but neither can touch Resevoir Dogs or the masterpiece, Pulp Fiction.
I don't think Tarantino ever intended it to. PF is as much of a curse as it is a blessing for tarantino. Yea, it reached him to an iconic status that few directors have been able to achieve( and made shit loads of cash), but it also set an unrealistic benchmark for any and every movie he makes. Every time Tarantino's name is in the directors slot everyone speculates whether or not "this" is going to be the next PF. Those are some heavily expectations to consistently have on you, especially when making another PF is far from your mind.

Not to mention it's kindof pointless comparing the two, besides Tarantino's signature style the two films couldn't be further apart in terms of story and intention..it's like comparing Schindler's List to Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Flyboys; 6.9/10 - Air battles were okay, story was good, acting was okay, the romance story was bearable due to me strangely liking the girl a lot, etc.
The Fountain; 8/10 - I like it, that's all I have to say right now.
Good Morning, Vietnam; 6.9/10 - Somewhat amusing, apparently a classic Robin Williams film or so my mum says.
You might be more impressed to know that he improv'ed every radio broadcast in that movie.
Epic Movie

I watched about 10 minutes before i got bored. The only reason I cracked a smile at one point was because I found the idea this movie got made utterly hilarious

Idle Hands - 6.8/10...

Hilariously over the top 'horror' movie about a teenager having his hand possessed by Satan.
I don't think Tarantino ever intended it to. PF is as much of a curse as it is a blessing for tarantino. Yea, it reached him to an iconic status that few directors have been able to achieve( and made shit loads of cash), but it also set an unrealistic benchmark for any and every movie he makes. Every time Tarantino's name is in the directors slot everyone speculates whether or not "this" is going to be the next PF. Those are some heavily expectations to consistently have on you, especially when making another PF is far from your mind.

It's true that he reached his zenith with PF, so everybody always inevitably compares his new films to that, and they end up falling short.
Tigerland 5/5
Good Night, and Good Luck 4/5
Borat 5/5
Changing Lanes 4/5
Gone in 60 Seconds 4/5

5/5 = great

4/5 = good

I'm going to be watching Bridge to Terabithia tonight. Any good?

Watched last night: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (with Depp): 8/10.
It's just a seriously entertaining movie.
American History X- Norton shines in this film, and carries it on. Combined with an excellent script, it's a winner. 9/10
Die Hard 4 - 9/10 would have gave it a 10 if it was rated R. At least 3 times i saw weird cuts, where they cut him saying **** and shit. Was retarded.
I'm going to be watching Bridge to Terabithia tonight. Any good?

Bridge to Terabithia: 8/10.
Great movie, good story, surprisingly good actors. Mind**** of a tearjerker at the end though.
I remember reading the book back in elementary school. 'Twas depressing.
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