Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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After the movie ended and I began to leave, I felt really old and out of touch. I'm twenty years old and I like action and violence, but I couldn't impede the depressing wave that hit me when I kept overhearing those of or around my age talking about how badass it was. I got this sinking feeling of "Jeez, now I know how my dad feels". This was the same experience with 300. I'm not sure if I should blame the movie or if I have some serious personal defect that keeps me from liking these kinds of movies.
Jesus, I feel sorry for you. I'm certainly not the type to watch the typical putrid shit that comes out in theaters, but I can still watch and love cheesy action extravaganzas like 300 and Transformers. I've been leaning more towards low key and indie films these days, but goddamn if 300 and Transformers didn't do it for me. They're audience films. They're experiences. They're the reason movie theaters have THX.
Even after the prerequisite of leaving my brain at the theater entrance, this movie just pissed me off.


After the movie ended and I began to leave, I felt really old and out of touch. I'm twenty years old and I like action and violence, but I couldn't impede the depressing wave that hit me when I kept overhearing those of or around my age talking about how badass it was. I got this sinking feeling of "Jeez, now I know how my dad feels". This was the same experience with 300. I'm not sure if I should blame the movie or if I have some serious personal defect that keeps me from liking these kinds of movies.

Exactly how I feel. I was sitting next to my mates in the cinema watching 300 and they were simply elated at all the action and so on. I was bored to tears; I simply couldn't enjoy it. It is not a defect, it is good taste. :p

And this is a Bay movie. That means I have no right to enjoy it by default. This would be a sacrilege and I'd take offence/be disgraced/ plunge myself into tar and roll around in feathers should I even crack a smile during the film
Jesus, I feel sorry for you. I'm certainly not the type to watch the typical putrid shit that comes out in theaters, but I can still watch and love cheesy action extravaganzas like 300 and Transformers. I've been leaning more towards low key and indie films these days, but goddamn if 300 and Transformers didn't do it for me. They're audience films. They're experiences. They're the reason movie theaters have THX.

"Sound and fury signifying nothing", eh?

I don't have a problem with big explosions and gunfights leaving a wake of destruction in their paths. But I honestly thought these were badly-crafted films. Transformers would have gotten a better reception from me if the human characters weren't ho-hum drivel and in such abundance, if the plot didn't go into so many needless directions, and if the director didn't feel the need throw his camera into a Boggle box every time the machines fought each other.

300 was just boring. A bunch of guys in loin cloths yelling about honor 'n shit in between battles that really weren't that spectacular. The only thing it had going for it was its visual style.
Jet Li - Legend of the Red Dragon 1.5 / 5 stars

Well below average

'Watchable' is about as nice a thing I can say about this movie. I didn't have to turn it off and put the disc in the blender, so that's saying something.

If it weren't for the [terribly unrealistic] blood, this movie could have gotten something less than rated R, and then it would be a great kids movie in the vein of the three karate kid sidekicks or whatever.
Shaky cam worked in Saving Private Ryan because you were meant to feel entrenched in the disorienting, crazy battlefield. There's no excuse for it in this film (or the army of others that have raped its usage). It's like the guy behind the lens is having a seizure..

I ****ing hate shaky cam sequences in any movie. That last sentence pritty much sums up what I think about it too.

I'm not sure if I should blame the movie or if I have some serious personal defect that keeps me from liking these kinds of movies.

There's nothing wrong with you I feel the same way. I have no problem with brainless action movies with loads of explosions, gunfights etc. but ONLY IF THEY ARE DONE RIGHT! And 300 for example was a complete snorefest.

Personal defect. Sorry, but you're broken. :(

As far as I'm concerned you and everyone else that liked this movie and 300 are the ones with the problem

300 was just boring. A bunch of guys in loin cloths yelling about honor 'n shit in between battles that really weren't that spectacular. The only thing it had going for it was its visual style.

It was... very boring. And the 'awesome" action sequances were ****ing mediocre.
And don't get me started on the visual style. It was damn iritating. Extrteme contrasts, too much bloom and brounish colors..... WOW GREAT! **** THAT!
Shrek the Third - 5/10

Eh, it just felt... lacking, and not even Eric Idle's voice did anything for me. There was about 3 locations, tops, and all 3 of them just felt empty and badly done. Animation wise it's all impressive stuff, natch. The first two movies made me laugh quite abit, both in obnoxious, silly stuff and in subtle names and places, and whilst this had both, they just weren't very funny.
As far as I'm concerned you and everyone else that liked this movie and 300 are the ones with the problem

By all accounts I have fairly good taste (although I have a huge liking for pulp material too), but I can't help but suspect we're viewing and thinking about movies in a completely different way.
It's out now... :p <3

"You took out a chopper with a car!"
"I was running out of bullets"
SiCKO: 8/10.
I would give this movie a 10/10, but I don't feel like being called a sheep by someone with a different opinion. He made some good points which make you want to pack your bags tonight. Of course it's biased, but so what? Our health care system is in the shitter, and you can't deny that.
SICKO: 10/10, Absolutely heart wrenching, especially if you've lost a loved one to illness, i had a hard time holding back the tears watching story after story of how the government and big business constantly **** over their citizens. I think you'd have to be a heartless bastard not to lean one way when discussing such a subject.

You're a pussy Qonfused...BRING IT ON!!!
Nezha Nao Hai (Little Nezha Fights Great Dragon Kings) - 5/10

Wonderful animation, OK story.
Tomb Raider - 6/10

2nd time i watched it since the release... always disappoints, Angelina was born for this role, shame the writers and director did not take advantage of it.

any new info on the Tomb Raider 3 movie?
Ratatouille - 7.5/10

Surprisingly good, drags a little in the second half though.
Transformers; 8/10 - Failed as a Transformers movie otherwise it's good
Cube 2; 5/10 - Bad.
Babel; 6/10 - Also fairly bad.
Music and Lyrics; 8/10 - I have no idea why I liked this movie so much, I'm scared. :(
Music and Lyrics; 8/10 - I have no idea why I liked this movie so much, I'm scared. :(

Put your right hand down your pants. Firmly grab hold of your testicles, clasping your balls in the spaces between your middle finger and the ones adjacent on both sides. Now yank the shit out of them for the good course of an hour.

If you do not destroy your wooberries, the swelling in size may compensate for the manliness you lost for enjoying a Hugh Grant movie. :|
Hitch 3.5/5

Generic Chick flick with only about 30 seconds of "it's starting to get good", quickly replaced by average.
Transformers - 6.8/10...

Saw this with my girl, for some reason she actually wanted to watch it.
It was alright. It had entertaining, if frustratingly unfocused battle scenes... and that's really all I went to see it with her for.
I hated that Sam kid, Shia La-whatever his name is... I hate him in everything... everyone else was serviceable.

Story-wise, it was mediocre... I was expecting to be blown away from that bad-ass teaser trailer we saw a while ago.

I never watched any of the other trailers for it, so seeing the cool transformations happen was a treat for the eyes.
Yeah, I think that's really what the movie was all about, a visual splendor... in which case it succeeded imo.
V for Vendetta - 7/10
Guns, knives, Stephen Fry, Benny Hill, crazy people blowing up British monuments and lesbians. What more could you want from a film?
Die Hard 4

Not bad, but not great either. An invincible, badass John McClane, convoluted set-pieces, extremely stupid henchmen (why tell McClane to freeze? You don't need him alive!) and cardboard villains. Is this what you've become, Die Hard?

It did, however, give me a great idea.

While I was watching these henchmen I thought "man, I'd love to see how these guys met up, came together, constructed their little criminal gang, began their operations. That would be more interesting than seeing them come apart."

So I devised: Villains! A film about a charismatic, intelligent and likeable criminal bastard who slowly gathers around him a crew of interesting henchmen, including an impressionable and inexperienced young rookie who becomes almost like a substitute son. Throughout the film the hilarious bunch invoke audience sympathy as they try to build a worthy crime ring, organise funding, secure equipment and plan, avoiding the obstructions of the good guys and their annoying, callous action hero John Lawson, feuding, bickering, falling in love.

At the end they would all smile and walk out of the warehouse, ready to embark upon their plan. The doors would shut behind them and the scene would fade to a succession of black and white photographs showing the death of each character, with a subtitle saying: "David McAvoy. Cause of death: thrown down elevator shaft. Comment: "Wrong floor, mother****er." Then the final picture would be of all of them together, smiling. Then it would fade; the end.
That does sound a pretty awsome set-up :D

Gonna see Die Hard 4 myself this weekend with my old man, we're both big Die Hard fans. See if I can prove 'The Independent' movie critics wrong, since they never seen to give films good ratings anymore.
Cars 97%

great, great movie. Some already used before ideas, and didn't like the 'tractor tipping' part, but the other 97% of the movie was really really good.

BTW, I like your movie idea Sulkdodds. I would like a movie like that. I always like the movies where the bad guys are the good guys.
Oldboy - 10/10. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. One of the greatest films I've ever seen.
It's all gone Pete Tong - 6/10. Really funny at parts but feels pretty stretched.
Transformers - 7/10. Great popcorn flick. Stupid story but probably the best effects I've seen to date.
Three Amigos ('03 comedy standup) - 8/10. Great fun, plenty of laughs. The Schwartzenegger impression is all over the internet, but there's lots of great fun, particularly the last segment. Minus for too much focus on the american audience. Still, it's a must see!
Eddie Izzard: Circle - 9/10. This guy is ****ing insane. Laughed constantly from start to finish.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - 6/10. Great beginning and very clever setup, but you lose interest halfway through. The ending is pretty meek.
Shrek the Third - 6/10 - Real fun at parts, great CGI, but pretty much more of the same. I can't believe they think they have material for a 4th one.
Lucky Number Sleven. 9.9/10 Probably one of the best movies i have seen in a long time.

Ok so them movie starts out with...

Just kidding.
Really? You liked it that much? I can't remember what I rated it, but I didn't think it was special.

And now, for the latest movie I've seen:

Children of Men 4.5/5

Great movie. It reminds me of Half-Life 2.
Put your right hand down your pants. Firmly grab hold of your testicles, clasping your balls in the spaces between your middle finger and the ones adjacent on both sides. Now yank the shit out of them for the good course of an hour.

If you do not destroy your wooberries, the swelling in size may compensate for the manliness you lost for enjoying a Hugh Grant movie. :|
Hahahh. /hands in Man card

Black Mask; 3/10 - Dodgy old film with Jet Li. It was slightly [unintentionally] amusing though.
Pan's Labyrinth; 6.9/10 - Not quite what I expected. :eek:
Letters from Iwo Jima; 6.9/10 - Yup, not bad.
Cube 2; 2/10 - Yeah, I rated this before but I have to update and give it the true rating it deserved.
SiCKO: 8/10

Having hated F911, I went into this one expecting the same 'America sux lol' type of docu. I ended up liking it, though. He's only in the States for the first 1/3 of the film, then spends the majority of it in other countries. I guess it was the only film of his I felt positive about after seeing. As a docu I'd put it on par with with Bowling for Columbine, which is to say not too high, but hey at least he's getting people to watch documentaries.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - 6/10. Great beginning and very clever setup, but you lose interest halfway through. The ending is pretty meek.
Good review, I pretty much agree. I liked it quite a bit more than you though.

Here is what I thought about it:

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - 4/5. This movie is really funny, in a very clever way. You won't laugh really hard, but you will be very amused I think.

Might want to stop the movie 5 minutes early, as I thought the movie was over and it had a good ending, then it seems like they tacked on a second ending that was quite strange to me.
Die Hard 4 - AMAZING! - 9/10
Cube 2; 2/10 - Yeah, I rated this before but I have to update and give it the true rating it deserved.

So I take it I'm the only one that enjoyed Cube 2....Well whatever

Cube 2- 7/10
Demonic - 2/10

My brother picked this up for four dollars or something. He has this way of justifying his purchases with bullshit. I ask him why the **** he bought it and he'll say "Dude, I read on the internet it was pretty good". An hour later, he'll say he actually never heard of it and was just trying to get me intrigued. He figured it would be a way to pass the time. I'd prefer to play a game or jerk off, but any way...

Needless to say, it sucked. Lesbian demons who run around the woods in Pikeyville, England. Oh and there's a crazy American who lives in the middle of the forest for some reason, played by the one and only Tom Savini. Any way, nobody can act and you don't like anybody. The "scary" scenes involve a lot of night-vision, camera-shaking, Blair Witch ****saucery. I think it was all just an elaborate excuse to have naked, pale chicks engage in group soft-core pornography. You can watch the audition tapes in the special features where you see the girls basically prance around in their underwear, which lends credence to my theory. Even the gore scenes kinda suck. The only part that actually got a reaction from me - even if slight - was when two characters walked into a room of drawings showing demon-women biting off penises. I mean, that's an image offputting to any man, no matter how crude it is.

Not a total failure. Lots of breasts and shaven beavers. That's one point. And me and my brother laughed and poked fun at it the entire way through. But... a shit movie is a shit movie, no matter how much you try to pass it off as a joke of some kind.
Die hard 4 - 7/10.
It's hard to review this film actually, because on the one hand, it has genius action scenes and alot of classic die hard humor, while on the other hand it feels dumbed down for a PG-13 rating, heavily edited with practically no blood or cursing (even the famous yippeekiyay line is edited). The movie is filled with scenes with definite classic die hard feel that somehow intertwine with scenes and lines that have no place in a die hard film. I think what they missed the most was the villains, those who have seen it and compared with the old villains understand what I mean.
Still, I'd definitely say it has its moments, the story overall is very suspenseful and you get really rooted for John McClane and his cynical hacker companion.
For those looking to catch a nice summer blockbuster, check it out!
I agree Harij, it's biggest detraction is by far the rating. I felt like i was watching it on TBS or something. The villian wasn't too bad, but i don't think that actor stands with the likes of Rickman or Irons.

Bring on the directors cut.

Do you guys think that studio's aren't far off from releasing 2 versions of the same movie, only with different ratings? IE, one is rated R the other PG 13?
All Quiet on the Western Front - 8/10

Class film, and Ian Holm with a posh little mustache is mad win. But in all seriousness, I haven't really seen many WW1 films, save Blackadder Goes Forth which isn't even a film, so this was nice. What puts me off about finding WW1 interesting was how it was all, give or take, trench warfare, and whilst this film captures how filthy, downtrodden and brutal it was, it's not as exciting or eye catching as watching a battle from WWII like the British Paras battling within the city of Arnhem in A Bridge Too Far, or the defense of the bridge in Saving Private Ryan, etc. Nedd to see a bit more aside from people firing over the top of trenches into smoke and barbed wire.

Never the less, it captured the scenes shown in pictures and old film/documentries perfectly, so it was damned good in that sense. Aside from the horribly British accents at parts, the characters were all pretty good; each one of the boys that joins up captured that cringeworthy niave-ness (sp?) that you see in the faces of people that want to join the infantry even today, but even so it was a generally good show of a good script all around.
****ing hell. You need blood to enjoy a film? :|
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