Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Back to the Future Trilogy - 10/10

Brilliant and very cleverly made, exellent humour throughout. Loved every second. Definately one Speilburg's greatest.
****ing hell. You need blood to enjoy a film? :|

No...but it helps, especially since its a sequel to one of the bloodiest trilogy's of all time and you can tell that each scene was shot with the intention of showing shit loads of gore and that the editor had to resort to fast (otherwise unnecessary) cuts.

EDIT/ plus we didn't say it wasn't enjoyable.

Back to the future is by Zemeckis, not Spielberg...though im i think he produced it.
American History X - 10/10
I'll never doubt Qonfused's ratings again
What puts me off about finding WW1 interesting was how it was all, give or take, trench warfare, and whilst this film captures how filthy, downtrodden and brutal it was, it's not as exciting or eye catching as watching a battle from WWII like the British Paras battling within the city of Arnhem in A Bridge Too Far, or the defense of the bridge in Saving Private Ryan, etc. Nedd to see a bit more aside from people firing over the top of trenches into smoke and barbed wire.

I'm sure the Battle of the Somme could translate into something quite visceral and disturbing on film if done right. The first day alone was almost 20k dead British troops.
Do you guys think that studio's aren't far off from releasing 2 versions of the same movie, only with different ratings? IE, one is rated R the other PG 13?

Wow dude, that's ****ing brilliant. Get this man a drink. :cheers:

Why didn't they think of that?

toned down, edited, censored movies for the ****ing lose. Do not take away my violence in movies, or I will have to do it in real life. Allow me to have my rated R vesions.
I'm sure the Battle of the Somme could translate into something quite visceral and disturbing on film if done right. The first day alone was almost 20k dead British troops.

Indeed, not to mention that not all war films need to have great action.

Look at Jarhead for example, zero action in it, but its about showing the psychological effects of the war, like the fact that they were impecably trained to kill but most of them never even fired a weapon at the enemy, and most of them never even saw the enemy. I thought it was a great film.

WW1 films could take on a similar roles and still make exellent films, because as said, the action would be very tedious, allies in their trench, germans in theirs, one side arty's other trench, marches out, mowed down, enemy counters, mowed down, both sides retreat, rinse and repeat.

However, I did see a film quite a while ago called the 'The Lost Platoon' or something along those lines about an american platoon (strangely enough :p) who were stranded at the edge of the German lines and had to hold it, as it was like a gap in the allied lines or something like that. The soldiers held it and played a very major contribution to winning the war, the soldiers he fought and survived were given medals and the captain was given the Medal of Honor. The action was great and that was based on WW1, whether its historically accurate or not is a different story.
Die Hard 4 - 8/10
Back to its old roots..but too old now.

Transformers - 100/10
Epic. Just..my jaw was down the whole time. Its funny, its action packed, its hooooooooot..mmmmm
Order of the Phoenix: 7/10

Felt far too episodic, and as though they needed to get through as many scenes as possible. Umbridge stole the goddamn ****ing show though.
Die Hard 4.0 - 7/10
Mindless action. Good but nothing fantastic.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 7/10
Equally, good but nothing fantastic.
Black Snake Moan - 8/10

Lovely film. Starts to drag a bit towards the end, but still remains captivating. Great chemistry between Ricci and Jackson, the former who I had previously been unconvinced as being a good actress. I have an unhealthy disdain for Timberlake, but even he did well enough.
Bandits - 3.5 / 5


Good movie; thumbs up. Fun, interesting, etc.

Bad guys are the good guys.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 7/10

Enjoyable, yes, but no awesome-fest like I was expecting.
Reign Over Me - 7.9/10

Enjoyable movie, direction was a bit weird at times, Sandler and Cheadle were good in it. Said it before and I'll say it again, Sandler has a lot of potential as a serious actor. Also Shadow of Collusus references ftw.

Night Listener - 6/10

I expected to enjoy this movie, but for me there was no real substance, pacing was okay, a bit short, but I expected a decent psychological thriller. Robin Williams and Toni Collette played a great performance though.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: 7/10

I haven't read any of the books, and I've only seen the first two movies; the whole time I was trying to piece everything together and add names to everyone's faces. It was an alright movie, though I bet the people who have read the books would appreciate it more. The Harry Potter series is the only book series that can actually adapt well to a movie. I'll watch other book-to-movies and the story will be all choppy and incohesive. The script writer for the HP movies is fantastic or the books naturally fall into a movie storyline. Order of the Phoenix has some pretty cool effects, and the story flowed well even if it seemed to drag on and on.
Blood Diamond 5 / 5

Wow. I didn't expect this to be any more than average.

This movie is ****ing awesome.

Such a good movie. It wraps you up in it, and envelops you in it, and when the movie is over, you want more.

highly recommended.
Jackass 2 - 10/10

Absultely hilarious. Some of the most horrible things I have ever witnessed a person do. These guys are ****ing insane!
Black Snake Moan - 8/10

Lovely film. Starts to drag a bit towards the end, but still remains captivating. Great chemistry between Ricci and Jackson, the former who I had previously been unconvinced as being a good actress. I have an unhealthy disdain for Timberlake, but even he did well enough.

I... acquired this movie a couple days ago. Good to hear it's not so bad from different audiences.
Grindhouse Planet terror 7/10 - the grindhouse exp got me
Little Man 4/10 - wtf?
White Chicks 6.5/10 - funny for the 1st half of the movie.
^ a 6.5 / 10 for White Chicks is a awfully generous. I thought it was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Donnie Brasco 4.5 / 5

Classic gangster flick staring Al Pacino and Johnny Depp, based on a true story.
harry potter 5- 6/10. for full review, look at the movie thread :p

dude, where's my car- I think I saw it for the first time last night. Some really funny bits, but ultimately, a stupid stoner movie... 7/10

just married- I think FX tricked me into watching a romantic comedy. Anyway, it wasn't all that great. 6/10
Bride and Predujice - A true lol fest of random outbursts of song...it's on C4 right now.
Pan's Labyrinth - 8.7/10...

Sat down and gave it a good viewing, and I have to say... it's a damn thought provoking movie.
Definitely deeper than your average fairy tale.
Pan's Labyrinth - 8.7/10...

Sat down and gave it a good viewing, and I have to say... it's a damn thought provoking movie.

What? How? Its not cryptic, the storyline progresses pretty predictably up until the end. The only thing i can think of thats really thought provoking is
How did she get out that room she was locked in if it was all her fantasy?

Besides that, i didn't find it thought provoking at all.

Little Children - 8.5/10

Very good film about two couples and an adulterous affair. The acting was great and the simple use of narration was really well done. Felt like you were watching the novel instead of just an adaptation to it.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 7/10

A solid film with a good ending and spectacular effects. There isn't as muc wonder in this film as there is in the other Potter movies, nor is there as much fun. But the story keeps you interested throughout its length. Also, Ralph Fiennes is awesome at everything. Must've been hard to cut down 700+ plus pages to 135 pages for the screenplay.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 7.5/10

Entertaining, and the final showdown in the Minsitry was pretty gripping, esp. when the Order arrived and pretty much kicked everyones ass, but aside from that and other few battles it pretty much felt like all the other movies. The same 'random' things happening every now and again in the school, the odd jokes here and there that are often quite cringeworthy, the blatent rushing of scenes. Take a hint: Lord of the Rings pulled off every scene, give or take, perfectly and in keeping with the book - why can't you!? Potter books are much shorter but yet everything is so hurried along at times.
Enemy At The Gates 4 / 5


Very good, but not quite great.

1942 war movie.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 7.5/10

Entertaining, and the final showdown in the Minsitry was pretty gripping, esp. when the Order arrived and pretty much kicked everyones ass, but aside from that and other few battles it pretty much felt like all the other movies. The same 'random' things happening every now and again in the school, the odd jokes here and there that are often quite cringeworthy, the blatent rushing of scenes. Take a hint: Lord of the Rings pulled off every scene, give or take, perfectly and in keeping with the book - why can't you!? Potter books are much shorter but yet everything is so hurried along at times.

Haha, Lord of the Rings was like, nothing like the book. Better off for it too.
Transformers - 7/10 - good cgi, nice fights and it was sometimes funny but it was cheesy, lacked substance, had some poor acting and subplots towards the end that went nowhere.
Haha, Lord of the Rings was like, nothing like the book. Better off for it too.

I thought they pulled off the books perfectly. :| Give or take, anyway, like I said. Apart from things that we use our imagination for, like thinking a character looks like [insert picture drawn up in brain here], it followed the books pretty damn well in my opinion. Well, almost. Shelobs Lair at the start of Return of the King was just plain wrong, but whichever. I think the only thing they did differently was but more emphasis into battle scenes, like the Ents seige of Isengard, and the fight between Aragorn and Lurtz is pretty graphic, although I can't even remember if that was in the book so there may be a point there.

Besides, ''better off for it too''? So... you're saying the films were better off not following the books? That's a bit backwards, innit, considering your always ranting and raving about how important the story of something is in other pieces of media. :p Even if you did like it, film or book, I would of thought it following the books would of been priority one. Ah, well, obviously not!
If Tolkien came back from the dead and saw those movies, he'd probably fall back into his grave. There's alot of stuff different, despite an overall similar feel. I'm sure Jackson did the best anyone possibly could, but if I he'd stuck to the books the films would have been so boring you'd have slipped into a coma in the 3 hour session.
If Tolkien came back from the dead and saw those movies, he'd probably fall back into his grave. There's alot of stuff different, despite an overall similar feel. I'm sure Jackson did the best anyone possibly could, but if I he'd stuck to the books the films would have been so boring you'd have slipped into a coma in the 3 hour session.

I wouldn't, I loved the books, and I thought every important feature was added correctly and pulled off well. Except for the meeting of the Elves early on, but I do believe that was in the extra footage on the special edition.
I went and saw the new Harry Potter again. I grasped more the second time through, as usual with viewing a movie twice. I still give it a 7/10. There's just too much goddamn talking leading up to the great finale which saved the movie.
I wouldn't, I loved the books, and I thought every important feature was added correctly and pulled off well. Except for the meeting of the Elves early on, but I do believe that was in the extra footage on the special edition.
Samon belongs, like me, to the school of thought which believes the original books to be plodding, boring and wooden.

Brilliant work of imaginitive world building but God, who wants to read the whole thing?
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 8/10
It was actually pretty good, so I thought. Definatly worth the watch

American Beauty - 8/10
A really really great movie in every aspect, but for some reason I found it to be lacking just a little bit of something
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