Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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I remember reading the book back in elementary school. 'Twas depressing.

Me too. Don't remember a thing about it, but I remember reading it.

Count of Monte Cristo (newer version)- Average remake, doesn't do the book justice (it departs from it significantly). Production values are somewhat shoddy. Caviezel does a surprisingly good job as the protagonist, though. 7.5/10
About Schmidt- Boring and tedious until about halfway through the movie, but there was finally some humor in the third act. Wouldn't really recommend it though. 6/10
Transformers - 6/10

Not a bad film, but theres just so many things about it that shit me to tears.

People utter lines like "We have to get this tape to the Pentagon!" and high school students are part of a joint pentagon task force to determine what hacked into the U.S. defense mainframe. I mean c'mon, Independence Day didn't have this nonsense going on.

Also, Michael Bay. I ****ing hate you. How hard is it to make a fight scene between giant robots, where you can actually see what is going on in a clear and concise manner?. Apparently it must be very hard, or else you are just a terrible director. Bay has made almost every cgi scene an incredibly messy experience, visually i'm talking. Too many edits, too much movement, there's no actual time to relish the amazing cgi thats going on. It feels like such a massive waste of money and if i were apart of the visual fx team i'd be really annoyed right now.

But the film had its moments. Shia LeBouf was funny as was John Turturro. Most of the acting was quite good though, got no complaints there. There's a great scene featuring Shia LeBouf's house and the transformers. Besides that, this whole film just feels like a one massive missed opportunity.
I miss you more than Michael Bay missed the mark
When he made Pearl Harbor...
Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?
I say Pearl Harbor sucked just a little more than I miss you...
Goddamn how I hate shaky-cam fight scenes. I always get so pissed off watching them...
this entire summer is full of movies everyone gets really excited about, but then fall short

but anyways, i watched trainspotting, great movie of course 9/10
Goddamn how I hate shaky-cam fight scenes. I always get so pissed off watching them...

Amen to that!

And speaking of shaky cams, I just watched 28 weeks later and was severely disappointed. I have no idea why a lot of you here liked it. Almost half the movie was so dark I could barely see anything. Shaky cam scenes galore, that I couldn't even tell what the **** was going on. Bahh... 6/10 First one 9/10
Smokin' Aces - 4.5 / 5

Great movie, an instant classic IMO.

High Tension - 2.5 / 5

Average movie. Skip it.
Live Free or Die Hard: 8.6/10

Excellent for what it was. I recommend it, but also suggest you have your friends with you when you see it, it makes it much more enjoyable.

[SPOILER/]For example, when the Asian chick comes on, me and my mates concluded within seconds that, being Asian, she knew kung fu, and lo and behold...;) [/SPOILER]
Live Free or Die Hard - 8.7/10...

Rollercoaster ride of a movie, I highly recommend it.
My brother just saw Transformers and said it was awesome. No complaints from him whatsoever.

But then he said Superman Returns was lame, and... oh wait, it was.
Gattaca - 10/10

It kept me interested, it kept me thinking. Most of all it kept me captivated. An incredible and utterly tragic vision of a near future which doesn't seem too far-fetched at all. I'm just sad I haven't taken the time to watch this sooner.
Gattaca - 10/10

It kept me interested, it kept me thinking. Most of all it kept me captivated. An incredible and utterly tragic vision of a near future which doesn't seem too far-fetched at all. I'm just sad I haven't taken the time to watch this sooner.

i love that film.
Pan's Labyrinth - 6/10...

Meh, it was okay... a bit overrated.
I'll watch it again when I'm not high.
1408 - 8.5 or 9 /10
Very good Stephen King material.
Scary Movie 4 - 3/5 stars

- I liked it, it had some fun moments, but I liked the other ones, especially 2 (i think), much better. The one with the guy with the little hand, and the guy in the wheelchair. That movie is awesome.
Stealth - 6/10
Lol. A huge case of a good cast meeting an awful script. CG flight scenes weren't bad atleast, and Jamie Foxx outdid his role by a mile as usual.
Analyze This- good comedy, mocking all the mob-movie stereotypes. Well cast and acted. 9/10
Die hard 4-7.5/10, this movie had everything going against it but it somehow came out right..a worthy addition to the original trilogy. But, i will say that it is one of the worst directed movies ive EVER seen, every ****ing shot starts out behind a wall or a monitor or a desk chair etc and then swoops around the actors as if we're seeing something super profound..i could barely stand it. This guy needs to learn the art of the holding the camera still and not using unnecessary methods just because you can!!!!

About Schmidt -9.5/10 I had my doubts, but this succeeded my expecations in everyway. it was funny, emotional, profound etc....almost perfect imo

Raiders of the LOSt ark-9/10 hasn't aged a day.

Inland Empire-wtf/10 i left the theater thinking this was a pretentious piece of shit( and im a big Lynch fan)...but i now i dont know what to think but i definitely know i want to see it again.
Transformers - HOLY F*CKING SHIT!/10

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph this movie was goddamn ridiculous awesome. To emphasize this fact I had a hard time not going down to buy a ticket for the next showing right then and there. If I didn't have work tomorrow I would have. This is your big summer movie. This is what Spiderman 3 should have been. This is what Pirates of the Carribean 3 should have been. This is it.

It's huge. It's mega-huge. It is raw power encapsulated in film. And it hits like 5 billion megatons of TNT.

The story is servicable, the characters are fine as is. This isn't going to win any Oscars for the actors, but if it doesn't win for sound and special effects then the entire Academy should be taken out and shot in the head. Look for the tiny details in the battles and robots, it's all there. Nothing has been skimped on. Destruction is real. The firepower and explosions are real.

I don't want to give anything away. Go. Watch. Cream your pants. I'm going again tomorrow. And again on Wednesday. It's that awesome.
The Butterfly Effect: 8/10.
I love movies like this. They confuse you and then come together at the end. The acting was off when the kids were on screen, but it was an overall entertaining mind-**** of a movie.
Transformers - HOLY F*CKING SHIT!/10

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph this movie was goddamn ridiculous awesome. To emphasize this fact I had a hard time not going down to buy a ticket for the next showing right then and there. If I didn't have work tomorrow I would have. This is your big summer movie. This is what Spiderman 3 should have been. This is what Pirates of the Carribean 3 should have been. This is it.

It's huge. It's mega-huge. It is raw power encapsulated in film. And it hits like 5 billion megatons of TNT.

The story is servicable, the characters are fine as is. This isn't going to win any Oscars for the actors, but if it doesn't win for sound and special effects then the entire Academy should be taken out and shot in the head. Look for the tiny details in the battles and robots, it's all there. Nothing has been skimped on. Destruction is real. The firepower and explosions are real.

I don't want to give anything away. Go. Watch. Cream your pants. I'm going again tomorrow. And again on Wednesday. It's that awesome.
Sounds....like a michael bay movie;)
(Warning, the following review might be as bloated, unfocused and as shit as the movie... it has spoilers too)

Transformers - 5/10 - Alright, many of my friends have said this film was awesome, many here have agreed. This was not the case at all for me.

I don't where to start with this mess of a film, there are so many unneeded subplots, unresolved characters, poor dialogue coupled with a complete and utter lack of focus to boot.

So basically this film is about giant robots turning into various vehicles and objects and fighting each other to either save the human race or destroy it. That's what it was advertised as and that's what it should be. Michael Bay tends to disagree and thus the audience finds themselves subject to government conspiracies, military cover-ups and at least two dozen characters being juggled consistently in order to 'develop' them somewhat (unsuccessfully of course, I cared more for the Silver Surfer in the ungodly average FF2 than Sam or his chick interest what's her face). It's so bloody bloated and boring for the first two hours, almost like Bay took a leaf from PotC3.

The action isn't at all great, shaky cams a plenty and not much time is really spent showing transformers battling it out. The climatic battle between Megatron and Optimus Prime was pathetic and ended so suddenly. In an instant it was basically "THE AUTO-BOTS HAVE PREVAILED, SAM IS A SAVIOUR!". The special effects were awesome, as was the audio (the soundtrack was a pile of piss however), but because of the camera work I really couldn't admire it too much when the shit started hitting the fan.

Now one could say, "It's a mindless action flick, just lose yourself and enjoy it". That cannot be applied to this movie, the stretches of nothing but dialogue are too long, the comic relief/drama too unbalanced and it's just too hard to ignore the inaneness of it all. Compare it to 300, the other mindless action flick of the year and you can see how over-long, unfocused and generally shit the movie is.

Most of this is blind less rage and what ever is coming to my mind at this very moment. I hope to make a better argument to give justice to the pathetic excuse of a blockbuster this is.
I don't where to start with this mess of a film, there are so many unneeded subplots, unresolved characters, poor dialogue coupled with a complete and utter lack of focus to boot.

Sounds....like a michael bay movie.:p
Anastasia - 8/10

Haha, I love it when an animation comes together. The villains always steal the show. Great film.

Talk about biased history, though.

8/10. The story line, while original, ends up being insanely predictable, obviously to make it accessible to younguns.

Beggining felt way too 'thrown together'. They really just "gave" you the storyline in useless narrative, which really could have, and SHOULD have, been replaced by informative plot devices and scenes. The characters were insanely predictable too. You could really pick out who was who as they were introduced. "That guy's the villain, that guy's going to have an intrapersonal conflict, he's going to fall in love with her, their relationship will be put on the line, he's going to abandon him, he's going to end up being good", etc etc.

But I felt that the art direction was fantastic. A treat to watch the animations, as everything had that semi-modern and emotionally free Parisian feeling.

Was also the first time i've seen a love story in a Disney film that didn't feel cheesy.

Bottle Rocket: fairly amusing, i like the principle actors and wes anderson can be brilliant, although it's no where near his best 7.5/10
Transformers - Light our darkest hour/10

Second best movie ever, and I was at the premier in LA. Yeah, you know you wish you were me.
Transformers - 4/10

Even after the prerequisite of leaving my brain at the theater entrance, this movie just pissed me off. I was hoping old-school nostalgia would kick in, but... No. A bunch of inane plotting, bad dialogue, throwaway characters, and huge-ass battle scenes that could have been really awesome if the damn camera would stay still for two seconds.

Shaky cam worked in Saving Private Ryan because you were meant to feel entrenched in the disorienting, crazy battlefield. There's no excuse for it in this film (or the army of others that have raped its usage). It's like the guy behind the lens is having a seizure.

After the movie ended and I began to leave, I felt really old and out of touch. I'm twenty years old and I like action and violence, but I couldn't impede the depressing wave that hit me when I kept overhearing those of or around my age talking about how badass it was. I got this sinking feeling of "Jeez, now I know how my dad feels". This was the same experience with 300. I'm not sure if I should blame the movie or if I have some serious personal defect that keeps me from liking these kinds of movies.
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