Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Sunshine - 8/10; Kind of what I expected, kind of not and Rose Byrne is awesome.
Ghostrider - 4/10; Just horrible and Eva Mendes is ugly.
I watched some WWII propaganda movie about this bomber crew in the Pacific near the beginning of WWII. Apart from the unrealistic "B-17" they used (it was obviously a commericial airliner) there were completely and laughably implausible action sequences to along with it. But hey, it's a propaganda movie, what could they do?

The simpsons movie.

8/10 hilarious, as good as any of the great Simpsons episodes and a great first portrayal onto the big screen. Rekindled my diminishing love for the simpsons.
Simpsons Movie - 8/10
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. (I mean what he said)
Bad Santa- 9/10, great comedy...underrated imo.

This movie in a nutshell:

lol let's get drunk
lol black midget
lol sex scene
lol swearing at little kids
lol sex scene
lol get drunk
lol sex scene

Yeap. I didn't think it was bad bad, but probably one of Billy Bob's worst.
Stranger Than Fiction - 7.5/10

Will Ferrel's great in it, though you're usually used to watch him being a goofball.

Finding Neverland - 9/10

Three words to desribe this movie: Oh, my, God. Brilliant film. That heartbreaking scene where the kids bring her mother down and is surprised with the discovery of Neverland evokes some serious tears. I can't remember the last time a movie made me cry at a scene. Too bad I caught it halfway through on HBO.

Anyone else love it?

Btw, Winslet is beautiful.
Transformers 9/10 mindless, but awesome nontheless.
TMNT 7.5/10 nice movie restart for the franchise.
Outlaw 8/10 Not much happens but draws you in.
Transporter 1 & 2 - 7/10 - Decent action :)

Transformers - 8/10 - Was pretty awesome tbh, nice CG and cool robots :D

Die Hard 4.0 - 9/10 - Surprised me at how good it was. Really felt like Die Hard :) Shame there wasn't as much gore and swearies due to the PG13 rating, but still good.
I just got back from dinner and a movie!

Simpsons: The Movie: 10/10.
This movie was outright fantastic. Constant humor throughout, the storyline's good, it moves fast enough. Just perfect. I can't think of anything that let me down.
The Fountain - 9/10. I'm late to the party with this one - partly putting it off due to very mixed reviews - but was thoroughly captivated throughout. Beautiful, touching, awe inspiring, sad.
Blades of Glory - 5/10
Someone plz make Mr. Ferell stop making movies for just one ****ing second.
Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior - 9/10

Action gets a 9/10. Everything else I'm not rating because half the time I didn't even know what the Hell was going on.
Underground - 8.5/10

What really worked for this film was the excellent music.
Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior - 9/10

Action gets a 9/10. Everything else I'm not rating because half the time I didn't even know what the Hell was going on.

Lol yeah. It's mind numbing. Story was weak, but the action was awesome.
Sunshine - The greatest film I have seen in years/10

It's a shame that each time I've seen the movie the theater has been less than 5% full. It's a goddamned travesty that this movie isn't playing in every theater to packed audiences. It should be sold out.

Visually arresting doesn't begin to describe it. And the score... perfection. The acting, well, the fact that Boyle managed to actually get Chris Evans to act, and well, says a lot about the caliber of the acting. And the story was so well-believed and portrayed by the actors that I never once questioned the plausability. Who cares if it could actually be real or not? So long as it feels real in the film, then it feels real to me.

Seriously, everyone in America who hasn't seen this felm needs to. It needs to be seen in theaters.
So like, what was the deal with the Buddha head?
Who knows. But you gotta say the giant head falling on the neck-piece wheelchair guy was awesome :p

Also give the action 9/10... or even 9.5, I love it. But yeah, pretty weak besides that. Not that kung fu has always been a genre rooted in rich stories and convincing characters.
The Simpsons Movie - 7/10

Not great, but good, better than I expected. Just a long version of a good episode really ;)
Sunshine would probably do better if they advertised it somehow or played it in theaters somewhere. The studio seems to have just ignored its existence.
Sunshine would probably do better if they advertised it somehow or played it in theaters somewhere. The studio seems to have just ignored its existence.
Yeah, I've seen jack about it. Still, I'm doing my best to spread word of mouth.

EDIT: Oh, and saw it a third time tonight. three times in three days and it's still absolutely incredible.
Transformers - 6/10

OK, a few things to say, so I'll use spoiler tags.

Righto, it was an entertaining movie. But it wasn't as awesome as I've read about or heard of. A few things that were really grinding against me were mainly that the little Soundwave-esque transformers could dispose of the entire security force on Air Force One, but fail to kill two unarmed teenagers.

Megatron is active for all of roughly fifteen minutes screentime, he was also too uberwtf powerful. Finally, the scene where Bumblebee is fighting Barricade focused on Sam running from the little Soundwave guy. Like that's what we're there to see. :|

Linkin Park. Bleh. Also, this huge advertising thing throughout the movie, especially with ebay. It was quite sickening.

Besides the glaring flaws and boring parts (I'm a whiny geek, look at me pine for the girls) the movie was a laugh. Prime was great, all of the CG stuff was excellent and I loved all of the action with Starscream. Taking out the air force ftw. MAY purchase it on DVD from bargain bin or 3 for ?20.
House of Wax - 5/10

I have no idea how I found myself watching this, but there you go. A few things I picked up on.

1) Paris Hilton cannot act.
2) Eyes cannot blink on a head once removed from the body.
3) When you come across a pit of dead animals that stinks like no tommorow in the middle of a wood, and then an edgy looking guy pulls up in a truck, cleary holds claim to that pile of dead animals, not to mention the cleary visible killing tools on the back of the truck, who then offers you a lift. You do not, I repeat, you DO NOT, take that offer.
4) When a arrow clearly pierces the heart and left lung, you cannot openly walk about 5 minutes after and then continue with vigerous hand-to-hand combat.
5) Introducing a possible villain at the start, making him edgy and the likes, and then disposing of him from the entire plot until right at the end for him to make one hand gesture = Completely Pointless.
6) What compels someone to kill people just so he can fill a town with wax people is beyond me, its makes absultely no sense, even if you out of your head.

Elisha Cuthbert's presence gave this a five, thats being generous. This merely confirms my hatred of horror films.
Shift, your review is biased. You only need to focus on one thing: Paris Hilton gets a ****ing pole through her face. Therefore: holy****ingwin/10.
The Simpsons Movie - 9/10 # Maybe it was all those years I had to lower my expectations?

Hairspray - 7.7/10 # Surprisingly entertaining, story draaaaaaags, some songs are too long, needs less fatty and more Walken (What doesn't?)
1408 - 7/10

Decent horror film. Classic, weird, spooky haunting shit. It's not a work of art, but it was certainly fun and visually entertaining. John Cusack did well, and Samuel L. Jackson added a nice touch: "It's an evil ****ing room". Objectively, I should give it a 6. But I'm giving it an extra point for not falling back violent grotesqueries like every other stupid horror film does nowadays.

The Naked Lunch - 9/10

I'm not even sure if it deserves a 9. For all I know, it may deserve a 6 or lower. I'm conflicted because this is one of - if not the most - deranged, uncomfortable, dead film I've ever seen. I mean, it's certainly quite colorful and eccentric. When your film holds a collection of drug-fueled paranoia, sentient insectoid typewriters, machines that grow penises and morph into buttocked facehugger things, centipede/manboy rape, and a bunch of other crazy shit, it's difficult to call it dull. But it all feels so severed, detached, and lonely. Its cold depression seeps into every scene. Bill Lee kills his wife in a game of William Tell gone wrong, but there's hardly a tear shed. Instead he closes himself off in a delirium of drug abuse as his steeled persona cracks under his guilt and isolation (not to mention his suppressed sexuality). Even when its somewhat comical - like watching a typewriter bug devour another while ranting about infiltrative agents - it's still kind of disturbing.

I can't give a coherent account of the plot, because I myself am not sure what the hell was going on a lot of the time. From what I've heard, it's not straight adaptation of the novel. More of an almagation of different works from Burroughs as well as some biographical details from his real life. But I'm into this kind of stuff any way, regardless of how little I initially get. Welcome to Interzone. "Exterminate all rational thought." :|
Transformers - 6/10
I see what they were going for with this, it's kind of like an amusement park ride. It was loud, and bright, and it moved around alot. But most of all it made me wanna throw up afterwards.
Transformers - 5/10

5 points because the animation/CGI was ****ing amazing. Kudos to the animators. Everything else... meh, first 30 mins was mind numbling boring, aside from the very start, and everything after that was just one big fast jumble of stuff happening. There may aswell of not been two different teams of transformers as I couldn't tell any of them apart anyway. As these huge battles were going on I was expecting to feel some sort of excitment, but the amount of shakey cam just made it un-watchable and hard to enjoy.

And is everyone in this film deaf and blind? When the Autobots were in Sam's garden, did no one HEAR these ****ing 30 foot robots stomping around and talking? Christ. Also, did anyone else notice some really out of preportation stuff? There were times when it would show two people and for no reason one persons head would be ridiculously large compared to the other.
Secret Sunshine - 4/10

Sucked. Boring. Another crazy-woman-and-love story. :x
Das Boot- the definitive submarine film, and my favorite war film of all time. 10/10
Pulp Fiction - 10/10

Ages since I have seen it, but ****ing hell, still one of the greats.

The Last Samuri - 8/10

Decent film, good action and acting, nice insight into the Samuri way of life.
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