Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The pimpsons movie: 9/10, while it felt rushed in places,did not dissapiont and took the piss out of anything and everything. Barts doodle lol.

One thing, what happened to the pig?
Die Hard 4.0 - 8/10

Way better than I expected, second best one in the series.

Sunshine - 8/10

Quite well done, just a bit of a mish mash at the end really.

1408 - 7/10

Enjoyable but not remotely scary.
28 Weeks Later - 8/10
The beginning was great, but the ending just plain sucks
After Sgt. Doyle died, it just went downhill. Before that though the movie was completely awesome

Clerks - 10/10
Must see if you haven't, but I'm sure most of you have

Waiting - 7/10
It was a pretty good movie, but really you should only watch it if you have worked in the food industry
A scanner Darkly - 7/10 The acting was the best part.
Sunshine - 10/10
This is perhaps my favourite movie. Ever.
The pimpsons movie: 9/10, while it felt rushed in places,did not dissapiont and took the piss out of anything and everything. Barts doodle lol.

One thing, what happened to the pig?

The Simpsons Movie - 7.5/10

Indeed it felt rushed in palces, but it was good throughout.
Apocalypto 8/10. Suprisingly enjoyable despite a few silly moments. Visually stunning, brutal, kept me on the egde of my seat, great subject matter.
The Bourne Ultimatum 9/10

Great movie, more great acting by Matt. I couldn't help but think some things were stuck in there just for S&Gs...but all in all, great movie.
Hot Rod - WTF Random/10

I love random-ass humor, so this was pretty damn funny. Lots of moments of "what?" followed by laughing. Spirit of Bottlenose Dolphin!
Tomb Raider - 1/10

The 1 point is for Angelina Jolie's boobs when they DON'T look oddly shaped (which is about one fifth of the total boobage time in the movie). What a terrible film.
Vanishing Point - 8/10

A good film, but I don't get what drove him to doing what he did (no pun intended).
Transformers. It was a pile of shite that somewhat redeemed itself with some mildly amusing jokes.

out of ten.
Sunshine (Extended trailer) - 12/10
Brilliant. The tension, the action, cool effects, and the awesome score.... one of the best trailers I have ever seen. Got me really, really hyped about the movie.

Sunshine (The actual movie) - 4/10

OMG what a letdown. I was expecting to see a proper sci-fi flick and instead I got to see a weird case study in human behavior and spirituality. I mean come on, is these guys the worlds "last, best hope"?!? Seriously! What, with a doc who likes stare at the sun for no good reason, the Physicist who looks permanently stoned, and two women, whose only purpose seems to be to provide emotional support?!? The Captain is the only guy with some sense and purpose. Apart from this there is next to no back story, the editing sucks, no flow in the movie and the ending sucks! That's the last time i'm watching a Danny Boyle movie.

*Rant Ends*
The Officer's Ward - 9/10.

French film, incredibly sad and beautiful at the same time, the use of Spiegel im Spiegel by Arvo Part added to the emotion of the scenes, beautifully shot too.
Green Steet - 9/10

A clear insight into football hoolaganism, I thought the acting was solid.
The Bourne Supremacy: 7/10

Definitely not as good as Identity. Didn't really enjoy it as much..but it was still fun, and certainly wasn't bad; looking forward to watching the last film.

<3 Brian Cox.
The last one was almost as good as Identity, definitely better than Supremacy IMO.

Shift, I quite liked that movie, it's called Green Street Hooligans though isn't it?
Shift, I quite liked that movie, it's called Green Street Hooligans though isn't it?

well my copy was just 'Green Street', probably different names between american and uk versions.
Check out I.D.

Classic football hooligan movie - awesome film.
OMG what a letdown. I was expecting to see a proper sci-fi flick and instead I got to see a weird case study in human behavior and spirituality. I mean come on, is these guys the worlds "last, best hope"?!? Seriously! What, with a doc who likes stare at the sun for no good reason, the Physicist who looks permanently stoned, and two women, whose only purpose seems to be to provide emotional support?!? The Captain is the only guy with some sense and purpose. Apart from this there is next to no back story, the editing sucks, no flow in the movie and the ending sucks! That's the last time i'm watching a Danny Boyle movie.
You're entitled to your own opinion, but the point of the movie was the philosophy. It isn't some over done go save the world and blow up some aliens Sci-Fi.
It was something new and fresh, the editting feels really fresh; original, and there is most definately backstory, it just isn't in the movie.
And the women each had their duties, Corazon was the biologist responsible for looking after the oxygen supply/gardens, and Cassie was the pilot.

EDIT: I'd like to add that the doctor, Searle, was a philsophical man who didn't believe in god, but he believed that when he'd look into the sun in the observation room, he'd see glimpses of god.
Just like Pinbacker
Transformers 8.5/10 So, so bad ass.
Simpsons 9/10 Suprisingly hilarious.
Live Free or Die Hard 8/10 Solid action, take out F-35 scene and don't sort of bleep out yipeekaye it would be atleast 9/10.
From Dusk 'til Dawn - MY BRAIN IS MELTING/10

Quite good to just switch off to and soak up the needless amount of gore and silly jokes. Some of the creatures/effects reminded me of The Thing. That said, I really enjoyed Clooney and Tarantino in the first 'half' of the film, but as said, the second half was a nice bit of mindless entertainment.
Felix the Cat the Movie- 6/10

exactly how I remembered it from like, 15 years ago (what I do remember. They did that thing where they re-use animations (which I hate) and it didn't have the Scorpions' "The Zoo" in it like I thought it did, but was still entertaining.
Crash 8/10

-2 for having more (plot)holes than swiss cheese.

Edit: Also, the locksmith's daughter was adorable and I HATE CHILD ACTORS.
Oceans 13 - 5/10

A bit of a mess like 12. You have to be Poirot to get what some of the discussions are about.
The Bourne Ultimatum - 10/10

absolutely brilliant, it surpasses the previous movies.
The Kingdom - 9/10

I saw an advance screening of this on Wednesday night and absolutely loved it. It's not a perfect film, by any measure, but it does everyhting fairly well. It's a bit uneven in it's tone and the message it's trying to get across, but I have to agree with this reviewer in saying the last couple minutes goes a long way to sort all the earlier confusion out. This is not a heavy-handed film, if anything I found it to be very even-handed. The Saudis and Americans are shown as people.

One thing I really liked was that after the initial attack there was really no action until the last half hour or so. Lots more character development and plot than you would expect from seeing the trailer and posters. Honestly, it's sad that they had to include so much action in the trailer just because that's what sells. Sure, the action in this movie is terrific (and it's very clear that Michael Mann has had a say in it, which is a definite plus), but it's about so much more.

The music is perfect and really lends itself to not only helping with scenes, but sometimes it practically is the scene. In places without dialogue (and there are several), the music really takes over. Danny Elfman continues to amaze and I will certainly be getting this soundtrack when it comes out. My brother and I compared some of it to very light Explosions in the Sky (certainly not bad music to be compared to).

The acting is pretty good. All the American parts are pretty well played, with Chris Cooper being the most standout role, I thought. But the guy playing Saudi Police Colonel Al-Ghazi (Ashraf Barhoum) really stood out amongst the rest. I just looked him up on IMDB and it doesn't seem like he's done many films, but I certainly look forward to seeing more of his work. Of all the characters, he is the most interesting. I'm going to keep an eye out for him, I expect he will do great things.

I highly suggest going to watch this film when it drops on September 28th. Sure, some people won't like it for various aspects, but I'd say it's worth watching anyway, and you should see why. Also, the opening credits are fantastic and really help provide the backdrop for a lot of what is going on in the region.
Letters from Iwo Jima - 7/10

It was a good film, just felt the ending could have used a more emotional punch to the gut considering the previous events leading up to it.

Also have a headache, severly muted my focus when I was watching.
Evan Almighty - 2/10

I just sat there waiting for the movie to end. What a waste of Steve Carrel.
Rush Hour 3 - 9/10

****ing Hilarious. The plot is sort of all over the place but as good as action/comedy gets. The first still cuts it as the best but better than the second.
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