Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Scary Movie 4 - 3/10...

The only parts I chuckled at were the beginning and the end.
Other than that I was resisting the urge of walking out.
The day after tomorrow 8.5/10

Best "disaster" movie I've seen in quite some time and killer special effects too.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - 8/10. Funny stuff :)


When he pisses on the dead body in the bathroom I spat my drink out inlaughter. Don't know what came over me.
Last night I went out and rented a bunch of disaster flicks...

Twister - 8/10
Earthquake in New York - 8.5/10
The Day After Tommorow - 6.8/10
Godzilla(Matthew Broderick one) - 4/10

Twister... is really a classic tbh.

Earthquake in NY, likewise... both have crazy special effects.

The Day After Tommorow... science illogicalities(is that a word? :p)... and a really cheesed-out story... killed it for me... the effects were nuts though.

Godzilla, is a god damn disgrace to the giant lizard... but again, the effects were pretty killer.
xlucidx said:
Twister... is really a classic tbh.

Earthquake in NY, likewise... both have crazy special effects.

The Day After Tommorow... science illogicalities(is that a word? :p)... and a really cheesed-out story... killed it for me... the effects were nuts though.

Godzilla, is a god damn disgrace to the giant lizard... but again, the effects were pretty killer.

Agree with that one Twister is a classic 9/10

Earthquake in NY - boooooooring, but yeah good effects

The Day After Tommorow, science "illogicalities" and cheese story eh? Well I really don't get what you mean, all desaster movies have those bugs, but that doesn't stop me from watching them.

Godzilla, a disgrace ? So I take it you liked the old movies better:laugh: . the story plot to begin with is stupid ( reptile is exposed to nuclear radiation and then it's offspring becomes a giant monster). Even if the story was tupid, and the military respose was pathetic IMO (in real life they wouldve killed the sucker without problems), I still watched and enjoyed it for the most part because of the great "special effects" .
The Day After Tommorow, I saw it when it was in theaters because I was so pumped about it.
The trailers and stuff were hyping it beyond belief, making it out to be the best disaster movie ever made... so yeah, I was pretty disappointed.

Godzilla, yeah it was fun to watch... but it was stupid fun... and yes, I enjoyed the older movies. So what?
This movie really made Godzilla into a big pussy cat... in the older movies, he was a bringer of death and destruction.
The Worlds Fastest Indian - 8.7/10. Really enjoyed it. Anthony Hopkins was ace like usual.
Samon said:
Well, I didn't see that one coming from Raz. :rolleyes:

I understand movies very well and if you set down with me and talk you would know this. I know i come off as a guy who likes everything even the crap. But its just the way i type. I know iv said some crap movies were good before but iv explained the reason behind that plently of times. This is truly a exceptional movie tho.
Gunner said:
Aeon Flux 1/10

Shitty no talent actors, dialogue that makes Rocky sound thespian, plotline that's been done a thousand times before and the idiotic gadgets and special effects are just retarded. This whole kung fu babe with guns thing has been done to death.

Pure garbage.
Wouldn't call Charlize Theron a shitty no talent actor at all, but yeah the movie stunk. 4/10 maybe 5/10. Fairly average action fare. Bad direction and mediocre story.

March of the Penguins - 8/10
Awesome documentary. Just awesome.

The Incredibles - 8/10
Bought it tonight, and was surprised at how engaging this movie was even though its my least favourite Pixar film. Still makes for a very good film none the less. "Cars" should be great fun when that comes out later this year.

I'm still waiting for a movie to knock me out of my seat though. Haven't seen a flat out 10/10 movie since "Sideways" and that was a year and a half ago that i saw it. Any recommendations people?
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang if you haven't already seen it. I thought it was wonderful anyway.
Raging Bull: 10/10
Best movie since The Godfather, also Robert DeNiro's best performance ever

Awakenings: 10/10
Another amazing DeNiro movie, Robin Williams plays a great "non-Patch Adams" doctor, also a very sad movie too
Sulkdodds said:
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang if you haven't already seen it. I thought it was wonderful anyway.
Knew somebody would mention that. Have seen it, great film, but not a 10/10 for me.
Walk The Line 8/10

Pretty good, but I do adore Johnny Cash oh so much. Ray was better.
Hostel | 1/10
My friend made me watch this. Complete shit. If you love gore, this movie is for you (read: watch it then see a ****ing doctor you sick ****). There was no substance to this. It was mild porn through the first 45 mintues and then gore the rest. It's not so much sick (it is but not as much as I thought), but disturbing. My only question is: why?

Waiting | 8/10
Rofl. I guess it was more funny to me since I've worked in a resturant before.
Qonfused said:
Waiting | 8/10
Rofl. I guess it was more funny to me since I've worked in a resturant before.

I enjoyed Waiting too. Some hilarious parts in it.

Family Stone - 7/10. A nice little family film.
Scary Movie 4 - 6/10

It's using hte old "Someone gets hit over and over" joke. :/
SILENT HILL..10/10. No joke..the best videogame adapation ever...go see it or be damned.
dream431ca said:
SILENT HILL..10/10. No joke..the best videogame adapation ever...go see it or be damned.

O rly?

Kung Fu Hustle - 300/10

One of the most fun foreign movies I've ever seen. :D
The longest yard... 10/10

Motocross, I think the name was.... 9/10
King Kong (2005) - 9/10 - Freaking awesome movie. Took a while to get going but once it started it was ace. CGI was awesome, so much action too. Was sad too :(
Elizabeth I Part One - 8/10

Pretty powerful miniseries... not sure how historically accurate it is...
But it all seemed pretty realistic to me.

Acting was great.

And good lord is it violent. x.x
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - 6/10. Am I the only one who was bored with this movie? The only thing I liked about this movie was the scenery and Tilda Swinton. I knew I should have got Bubba Ho-tep instead.
Karmen Gei: 6/10

Something I watched on sbs as I was falling asleap, it might have been a good movie if Karmen didnt break into song every 2 minutes.
Blue Collar Comdey Tour and the Blue Collar Comdey Tour Rides Again, 10/10 FUNNNNNNYYYY!!!! :)
Red Eye - 8/10. Good thriller, much better than I expected. Rachel McAdams being a slammin' hottie doesn't hurt either :)
The Sentinel - 8/10

EDIT: I liked what Ebert said about it.

Roger Ebert said:
At a time when American audiences seem grateful for the opportunity to drool at mindless horror trash, it is encouraging that well-crafted thrillers are still being made about characters who have dialogue, identities, motives and clean shirts.

xlucidx said:
Kung Fu Hustle - 300/10

One of the most fun foreign movies I've ever seen. :D

"What the hell is going on here?...Oh forget about it!"
*Massive rock falls down*

Love that movie :D

Darth Sidious said:
Deep Blue Sea... 8.5/10

I thought that was pretty good as well, apart from the corny CGI :)

Serenity - 9/10 - "Define interesting"
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