Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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In the original timeline (T1,T2) the war was supposed to start in 1997. However according to T3, now the war starts in 2004 (when T3 takes place).

In the TV series the action takes place again in the present (2009) and the war hasn't started yet. So that's a completely different timeline where the war has been pushed back even further.
All these changes are happening because of the tampering with time travel.

As far as James Cameron was concerned the story ended with T2. And the entire message of that movie besides the value of human life was that there is no fate. You can change the future for the better.

/TLDR , I agree with Stemot.

Thankyou :)

1)What the hell? It's 2018, there's absolutely nothing in the movie to back up that the war has been delayed.

Remus already answered your question.

2) Then explain it.
I did, it's already laid out in that post.
Goes like this:-

Sarah Conner has son with some bloke, calls him John and he turns out to be leader of the resistance and an inspiration to his men.
He finds out about a plot to send a machine back in time to take out his mother and so he sends his best soldier Kyle Reese back to protect her.
Kyle tells Sarah how her son will be called John and how she will train him to become an inspirational leader which is all true of the John he knows.
Now the thing is that Kyle has sex with sarah and ends up getting her up the duff instead of the other guy. The John Conner Reese knows now fails to be and his son takes his place. He will still be called John as that is what Kyle has already told Sarah she will name him. As well as being given all the same training the original John would have had had because Kyle has told Sarah this is what she will and has to do.
So in a nutshell, different dad and different John but with the same name and training given to him by his mum.
Which also explains why the future has not proceeded the way Kyle foretold it.

Like I said it's a theory, though it's a theory that holds more weight than your "time cannot change" simply because the series has already rendered your theory incorrect in terms of the story's universe.

3)Theories need logic to be theories.

Yes, and theories have to have scientific evidence to back them up. Seeing as how Time Travel is impossible and there is absolutely NO way to get this evidence, no theory can be tested. That's why arguing over REAL time travel theory's is ridiculous, The theory's I'm talking about can all fit into the Terminator universes science, logical or not.
Sarah Conner has son with some bloke, calls him John and he turns out to be leader of the resistance and an inspiration to his men.
He finds out about a plot to send a machine back in time to take out his mother and so he sends his best soldier Kyle Reese back to protect her.
Kyle tells Sarah how her son will be called John and how she will train him to become an inspirational leader which is all true of the John he knows.
Now the thing is that Kyle has sex with sarah and ends up getting her up the duff instead of the other guy. The John Conner Reese knows now fails to be and his son takes his place. He will still be called John as that is what Kyle has already told Sarah she will name him. As well as being given all the same training the original John would have had had because Kyle has told Sarah this is what she will and has to do.
So in a nutshell, different dad and different John but with the same name and training given to him by his mum.
Which also explains why the future has not proceeded the way Kyle foretold it.

T1 always implied that john's father was someone from the future (if not Kyle).

In T1 Kyle says that John was trained by his mother from birth to fight this war that no one knew about.
Garden State - 8.5/10...
So relaxing to watch and Natalie Portman is so damn cute in it.
T1 always implied that john's father was someone from the future (if not Kyle).

In T1 Kyle says that John was trained by his mother from birth to fight this war that no one knew about.

It was implied in T1 Kyle was the father yes, but it was never implied that him or someone from the future was always the dad.
Also yes, Kyle did say that, but who's to say that this is the first time this loop has occured since Kyle became his father.

Obviously this theory is prone to plot holes just like the movie itself, but it's still more feasible to me than "the massive paradox with no actual initiation because history and time cannot be changed" theory.

Anyway, I'm not saying everybody is wrong and I am right (well I am about the time not being changeable as the movies disprove that), I'm just saying that there are multiple possibilities due to the massive story holes.

I'm done with this now, I've put my idea across, if you don't like it fine. It's a movie.
It's heart warming and pretty down to Earth.
Zach Braff definitely has the ability to play a serious character.

If you think that an entirely different person raised by two completely different people in an entirely different world can produce the absolute exact same events, then your theory makes complete sense I guess.
It's heart warming and pretty down to Earth.
Zach Braff definitely has the ability to play a serious character.

Absolutely. I haven't seen many of his other movies, but his character in The Last Kiss was pretty serious too. I forget if I actually enjoyed that movie. It was kind of cliche, but there were some surprisingly great characters and writing for what it was.
Going to see Star Trek tomorrow! :O

If you think that an entirely different person raised by two completely different people in an entirely different world can produce the absolute exact same events, then your theory makes complete sense I guess.

You finally concede that the timeline is changed in the movies and your theory in relation to the movies is bs though? Like I said, I'm just chucking it around as a possible theory unlike you who was adamant that time could not be changed in the Terminator series when it's clear that that is the fundamental message that not only Cameron was trying to make, but has been run with for the sequels.

Oh and I'm guessing Yorick posted some smart arse remark. The beauty of ignore :p
Boy someone's self-centered.

Insomnia 8/10 - What a great movie. Robin Williams you surprise me so.
Have you seen One Hour Photo, Yorick? One of my favorite movies/Robin Williams' best performances.
You know, I have not, and I always meant to. Thanks, I'll check it out. :thumbs:
Apocalypse Now - 9/10

First I was like :D then I was like :O then I was like wat
Terminator Salvation - 8/10


This is just how it goes. T4 had a lot of action and chase scenes but lacked in both dialogue and had weird plotholes. There was just too many cheesy lines but I really like the suspense they gave with the new and old terminators. I'm curious if they'll do a sequel to this or not
Terminator: Salvation - 6.1/10

Boring, it was worse than the 3rd film, and thats saying alot.

It also sucked that Arnold had only a 15 second cameo appearances.
Fanboys - 8/10

Having recently seen Sex Drive and remembering Road and Euro Trip....I can all ready say this movie theme has not run dry yet! If you liked any of the movies I mentioned plus Star Wars this one is worth a rental

Righteous Kill - 8/10

without posting spoilers I'd like to say this was a good movie. Al Pachino and Robert DiNero should be in every movie together
Little Children: 8/10

Good performances all around. It's was kind of odd to see the lead male in this movie after seeing Hard Candy (which was terrible); especially since they sort of share similar themes and an event. Two things really stood out to me: the cinematography and score. Both really enhanced the movie a lot. I also liked the narration.

I'm terrible at trying to describe why I like a movie.

It was excellent.

Words and shit.
I want the guy who narrated Little Children to narrate my life. I'd be significantly more happier and more interesting because of it.

Not that I'm uninteresting or unhappy, his narration would just be an enhancement
Righteous Kill - 8/10

without posting spoilers I'd like to say this was a good movie. Al Pachino and Robert DiNero should be in every movie together

What? The film was balls. They were excellent together in Heat, but this was a bad film beyond their capacity to save.
You finally concede that the timeline is changed in the movies and your theory in relation to the movies is bs though? Like I said, I'm just chucking it around as a possible theory unlike you who was adamant that time could not be changed in the Terminator series when it's clear that that is the fundamental message that not only Cameron was trying to make, but has been run with for the sequels.

Oh and I'm guessing Yorick posted some smart arse remark. The beauty of ignore :p

He was posting a movie review, oddly enough.

Perhaps the timeline did change or something, though I suspect that it was really a delay that Connor had always made and wasn't a change in the time line so much as a necessary and expected delay. I haven't seen T1 or T2 in a while, so it's possible. However, the idea that there was ever a John Connor that lived an entirely different life but just happened to end up doing the exact same stuff 20+ years into his life is ridiculous. Imagine a world where you had parents nothing like the ones you have now and lived in a different city and were essentially an entire different person. What do you think the odds are you'd be living in the exact same place you are now, doing the exact same job, knowing the same people?


Star Trek 8.5/10 Very fun, the effects are brilliant, the characters and story are entertaining. Would love to see a show with this cast.

Lion King 9.5/10 It's the ****ing Lion King.
Drag Me To Hell - 7.5/10...
The scare factor was disappointingly low though.
Lion King 9.5/10 It's the ****ing Lion King.

'He lives in you.'


Yeah, The Lion King is excellent.


Yeah I'm done.
Disney Hamlet. Meh.


Clau- I mean, Scar, is not amused you heathen.
I always thought the lion king was crap.

Wait I'll go one further disney in general is crap.


EDIT: forgot the movie I was watching

american beauty 8/10
Drag Me To Hell: 7/10

I think 90% of the people that were there were expecting a serious horror movie. As such, my row was the only row laughing.

Up: 9/10

Låt den rätte komma in 9/10

Oskar, a 12 year old bullied boy, finds love and revenge through Eli, a beautiful but peculiar girl. The problem is, she's not a exactly a girl.

There is something about this movie that very much appealed to my darker side, while at the same time, the other part of me, the part that's a product of civilization, strongly shied away from the undertone of vastly innapproiate behavior that countries outside the US will allow to be filmed.

This movie honestly disturbed me, though I loved almost every second of it.


IMDB Score: 8.2/10

Yours! It was really, really good. I want to watch it again...soon!
Pretty much yeah.

Also Twilight - A piece of shit/10

Sparkles? Really? I'm convinced the vampirism is actually a metaphor for Edward being gay, and that his sparkles are the physical manifestation of it. That's why he's such an ass towards her at the beginning of the film. She confuses him, as prior to meeting her, he only ever wanted guys. Hence why he doesn't want to tell her that he's really gay, despite having all these feelings for her.

I didn't think about this for that long, i swear. It all came to me when he started sparkling.
Garden State - 8.5/10...
So relaxing to watch and Natalie Portman is so damn cute in it.

I was literally gonna post about this the other day and how good it was. Braff really should do more

Dark City 9/10 This was ****in awesome, unusual and even crazy at times but excellent, what happened to Proyas?

Starship Troopers 8/10 stupid fun

The pacifier 4/10 Tolerable shit
Terminator: Salvation - 6.5/10...
Well, it was quite fun.
Satisfied my action junkie side but left the Terminator fan in me fairly disappointed.

Also, I really think Christian Bale brought this movie down... he gave a very shit performance with his sore throat voice.
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