Red Dead Redemption Official Thread

If Alan Wake could get in the 80s, this'll break 110 at least.
Seriously, every lawman I meet is dead. This really should have been released yesterday.:P
The first thing I'm gonna do in RDR is get drunk and go look for a bear to fight. Or a guy in the bar who looks like a bear. Hope you can carry booze in your inventory.
That sounds ****ing awesome Willie. Punch out a bear.
The cool thing is, there are at least double the animals on that list from what they said. I can only begin to wonder what the other animals are. Hopefully not birds.

Although... bird watching with a shotgun would be fun... finding and "shooting" the rarest of species!
new version of that 'fact sheet' I posted last page, without 4chan structure and all organized. Spoilered for MASSIVE SIZE AND BEING OVER A MEGABYTE DESPITE JPG

only incorrect thing I found was that it's in 1908, not 1911

''cannot swim. water kills marston''

how very backwards. however, some of the things in that list have raised my hype quite a bit - notable, running along the rooftops of trains. when i think about this game and all the free time i'm going to have over the summer, i'm now quite excited.
All I can say to the people who complain about 'cannot swim' is this:

Remember how much you swam in GTA4(if you played it, if not, any other GTA) and how much of a hassle it was to get back to land when you did.
In reality, I don't know how well you'd really be able to swim with boots and guns and bullets strapped on anyway. Probably not that well, I'd imagine.
i would rather take being mildly annoyed that my helicopter crashed and i had to swim 2 minutes back to land over going off the side of a road at the end of a mission, dying, failing the mission and having to spend 10 minutes re-doing everything. especially if it was a hard, frustrating, annoying or downright tedious mission.

you know which one you would prefer to do.

irregardless, it's just a downright silly mechanic to not be able to swim. i'll let it slide in games when your character would sink like a rock or frazzle fry because he's a space marine in the future or whatever, but a leather wearin' dusty boot gunslinger outback in the badlands? come on, let me swim the river to get close to the bandit camp, let me dive off a horse into a lake to escape whilst being chased by the law.

In reality, I don't know how well you'd really be able to swim with boots and guns and bullets strapped on anyway. Probably not that well, I'd imagine.

but you wouldn't just... die. you would struggle, sure. i'm all for swim timers if it means i have a few seconds to get back to shore after i accidentally go flying a few metres in because of an explosion or something. better that then just GAME OVER YOU TOUCHED WATER.
All I can say to the people who complain about 'cannot swim' is this:

Remember how much you swam in GTA4(if you played it, if not, any other GTA) and how much of a hassle it was to get back to land when you did.
Remember how it was a certain death when you fell into water in previous GTA games? At least the ability to let you swim is much better than "can not swim".
Saints Row 2: Press E to Warp Back to Shore.

**** YEA
I don't think you guys realise how little water there is in this game. It's a wild west game. There's a single, small lake in the centre, and the outskirts of the map are framed by a river on one side (which you couldn't cross anyway). That's it. It's not like Assassin's Creed drowning where they put ****ing canals in there.
well, as i haven't seen a map then no, no i don't. is there a map available or is that a question that's already been answered i.e. how much water, etc.

i'd of thought there would be quite a few rivers, the wild west or not. either way, that's not really my point. i just find it going backwards towards the pre-san andreas GTA's of not being able to swim.
Some goony individual pieced this together from the maps Rockstar released.


So I stand corrected, the river is actually through the middle. But you know how Rockstar is with bridges. And it's not like you're going to be flinging yourself in there without any kind of deliberate effort.
The other map I had seen didn't include the bottom three portions. Guess it's a little bigger than I initially thought.
The other map I had seen didn't include the bottom three portions. Guess it's a little bigger than I initially thought.

It includes a whole other unrevealed top portion too... which is the third region.
let's just hope it doesn't end up like far cry 2 to some. i didn't mind the traveling myself - sometimes it got a bit tedious, mostly when it dawns on you that a lot of the side-quests that are across the map are rinse-repeat fodder - but i know it bothered quite a few folk. i know there's trains and the like so that's better than just one bus that goes to four stops around the map.
I translated the map areas:

Perdido: Lost
Diez Coronaz (coronas): Ten Crowns
Punto Orgullo: Pride Point
Rio Bravo: Brave River
Cholla Springs: Nob Springs
I don't think you guys realise how little water there is in this game. It's a wild west game. There's a single, small lake in the centre, and the outskirts of the map are framed by a river on one side (which you couldn't cross anyway). That's it. It's not like Assassin's Creed drowning where they put ****ing canals in there.
This. I don't think people of the Old West spent much time learning to swim when they're living in dry, dusty Dodge City.
i imagine there was plenty of fishing to go around, and let's not forget gold mining. this... really again isn't my point of annoyance. it's the removal of a simple mechanic that has made annoying errors in missions much better than simply dying because i skimmed the waters edge.

we could pussyfoot being historians about why we wouldn't think people in the desert might not be able to swim as much as we can about how there are probably people living on the coast of hawaii who can't swim even though they are surrounded by water. it's not really for us to say, it's just classic rockstar and swim mechanics - odd, considering the last few GTA games have allowed you to swim.

i... really didn't want to make a big deal out of it. :| esp. since i nor anyone else has played it yet. it just struck me as a little odd. nothing more, nothing less.
Well, the water down the middle serves as an impassible border then. You know how they like to block sections off so you aren't - as you were saying - tracking back and forth all the way across the world. Along with mountain ranges, in this game, it's probably the best way of creating boundaries that don't look out of place. It also saves resources (that they can use elsewhere) since they don't have data for that, for example underwater creatures and objects, or swim animations.
"Socialist pigs cannot be allowed to win."

That guy has an awesome voice.

Well, the water down the middle serves as an impassible border then. You know how they like to block sections off so you aren't - as you were saying - tracking back and forth all the way across the world. Along with mountain ranges, in this game, it's probably the best way of creating boundaries that don't look out of place. It also saves resources (that they can use elsewhere) since they don't have data for that, for example underwater creatures and objects, or swim animations.

That river will probably be passable by boat and bridge. It's Mexico south of the river. No other way to get there if you can't cross the river.
New IGN preview

Interesting preview. It basically describes singleplayer freeroam as a bad guy. They'll do the good guy approach on Monday.

The most fun comes thanks to the epic animations Red Dead Redemption produces. Shooting or knifing people and animals invariably results in hilarity. During my travels I did everything from uppercutting a cow with a bowie knife to killing so many lawmen as they entered a saloon that they were stumbling over their predecessor's body pile. You don't even have to kill anybody to have some fun. Just drawing your gun on an innocent walking down the road will startle them into a funny reaction. My favorite was a man sitting with his legs up on a table. When I trained my sights on him he fell over backwards into a piano.
uppercutting a cow with a bowie knife

You dicks better keep your knives away from me!

Does anybody else have a difficult time being an evil son of a bitch in games like I do? I even have a hard time being neutral(no heart full of neutrality in me), and typically go the good guy route, through and through.
My favorite was a man sitting with his legs up on a table. When I trained my sights on him he fell over backwards into a piano.

k i take it back this could be goty now
Unless every character sitting with their legs up like that falls back when you point a gun at them.

I found some more confirmation for that on a RDR forum I recently found (check it out btw) but no scans of it yet.

Does anybody else have a difficult time being an evil son of a bitch in games like I do? I even have a hard time being neutral(no heart full of neutrality in me), and typically go the good guy route, through and through.

I do feel some faint twangs in the back of my head that could be my conscience, but usually: no.
That river will probably be passable by boat and bridge. It's Mexico south of the river. No other way to get there if you can't cross the river.

lol. Obviously you can traverse to the other side, Raz! I mean as an obstruction from passing anywhere you'd like. If you could swim, then they'd have no means to keep you from crossing before the game has unlocked that area. So the river serves as this barrier without looking out of place.


9.75. That's a pretty incredible score! D:
Does anybody else have a difficult time being an evil son of a bitch in games like I do? I even have a hard time being neutral(no heart full of neutrality in me), and typically go the good guy route, through and through.
Very much so, I usually find I simply don't enjoy games as much if I take the bad karma route. Especially in games where you actually improve the lives of others and the world around you, I just can't be evil. I'm not sure about RDR though, since in GTA games I'm far more ambiguous with my morals. For example, I love choosing a random NPC, stalk them for ages until they're in a dark alley or somewhere else they can't be seen, and kill them without anyone knowing. The stalking possibilities in a desert are tenfold! But I suppose since there is an actual morality system this time it might change my playstyle.

Goddamnit! I promised myself I'd stay away from this thread to avoid the hype but now my fingers a shaking as I'm typing. Must. Remain. Sceptical.
They gave MH3 a 7? Yeah, **** Gameinformer. I'm going to wait for more reviews.
I'm hoping they'll at least make a small reference to the first game and have Red Harlowe as an unlockable character in MP.
I have the scans for the GI review but I know how much hates scans, so I'll just keep them to myself.