Revolution Controller UNVEILED!

Pretty stupid design and idea IMO. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it!
Murray_H said:
I'm worried that the games may consist of simple, repetative tasks thanks to the controller,

I wouldn't be so concerned about that - it can be used as we use a mouse (but with tilting and rotation added) Being able to plug other interfaces into the main controller is also a vry neat touch. It's as versatile a controller I could think of.

In the silly video of people playing with the controller, I liked the way it was being used as a torch. Imagine a survival horror title, sneaking through a level with the analogue stick in the left hand, and using the 'remote' as a torch for peering through the darkness. Imagine the immersion that would offer. We'd be placed right in the game. (if the Revolution is going to shine, it's going to be in the immersion the controller brings. That, and the quality of Nintendo 1st partys titles, of course.)

Don't even start me on Pilot Wings :)

It will also be great for FPS. My biggest gripe with pc fps is that a keyboard is such a horrible device for controlling motion when compared to analogue movement. In consoles, the analogue stick doesn't provide the accuracy of a mouse in aiming. This controller could/should give us the best of both worlds.

(All this is assuming Nintendo 'get it right' - and the technology matches the concept)
Harryz said:
Pretty stupid design and idea IMO. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it!

Seriously - I know this is 'your opinion', but have you actually thought about it?

If it aint broke, we don't want anything new or innovative! We want to play the same games forever - woohoo, AoE3 ;)
Warbie said:
Seriously - I know this is 'your opinion', but have you actually thought about it?

If it aint broke, we don't want anything new or innovative! We want to play the same games forever - woohoo, AoE3 ;)

Innovation is grand. But, like you said, when done right (see Virtual Boy for an example of failure). Thing is, I'm really fine with control pads. I certainly prefer them over the prospect of waving my controllers around like light sticks. :\

We'll see how it pans out.
Absinthe said:
Innovation is grand. But, like you said, only when done right (see Virtual Boy for an example of failure). Thing is, I'm really fine with control pads. I certainly prefer them over the prospect of waving my controllers around like light sticks. :\

We'll see how it pans out.

Sure, this is what it all comes down to.

I'm more excited about the new things this could add to a game.

Imagine a first person beat 'em up (something that has always been clumsy at best) Say one button is for punch, the other for grab. You could move the cursor to someone's nose and give em a quick slap and, while they recover from the blow, quickly move the cursor to their arm and select grab. A swish of the 'wand' later and you've sent him flying into a wall. oooh, ooh - instead of sending him flying you could grab his arm and twist! Crunch!, imagine it \o/ (or stab and twist *evil*) Or crucnh his arm and then send him flying into a wall :)

Blocking could be very neat too. Possibilities are just screaming out.

How about using 2 'remotes' (like we did with Golden Eye back in the day) One for your sword, the other for a shield. The point is - I get excited thinking about the possibilities ........ I don't really get excited about the 360 or PS3 (other than hoping they can recreate the greatness of a few past games)
I'm with Warbie on this one. I love the possibilities that exist.

Hell, I was sold on the Revolution as soon as they announced that the back catalogue would be playable on it. The controller is a (big) bonus.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I'm with Warbie on this one. I love the possibilities that exist.

Hell, I was sold on the Revolution as soon as they announced that the back catalogue would be playable on it. The controller is a (big) bonus.

omg fanboi lol

One thing, your wrists might tire quicker during a marathon gaming session waving it about, they may have to bundle the controller with lucozade.
As far as I'm concerned..the analog attachment should be included because I bet most games will need it.
They've already stated that this is probably going to be the case.

As for alienating the third party....why would it necessarily do that? The things got an analog stick, several buttons, triggers, a d-pad, and all the normal controller inputs. The only difference is its ADDITIONAL abilities.
If third party developers want to be lazy and port things over, they should be able to go right ahead and do it.

I've been around for awhile ...a long while ..and I've played most consoles ..anyone remember that odd dial thingy on the Intellivision? or how about that phallic looking joystick for the Texas instruments home system? Innovation is a good thing long as it works properly. Try not to judge till you've actually tried it ..I for one welcome this design as current console controllers prevent me from enjoying fps.
Does the concept of the new controller remind anyone of this old innovation?

Except I feel like this is a much better decision on their part. This could be a really great way to experience a game, but its exceptionally difficult to say without playing a bunch of different types of games with it, though I imagine holding it like a remote control and aiming at the TV won't be that difficult or tiring.

Have they said whether you can just turn it horizontally to play like an old-school NES controller for some games? Or does it always have to be pointed at the TV?
It seems to be expressly designed for you to be able to hold it sideways for just that purpose. Some of the demo units even had secondary labels for that orientation apparently.
Murray_H said:
omg fanboi lol

One thing, your wrists might tire quicker during a marathon gaming session waving it about, they may have to bundle the controller with lucozade.
He's not a fanboy. He's right.
Also it looks like you'll be doing about the same amount of wrist moving as you do with a mouse. Does your wrist get tired after a marathon pc gaming session? :rolleyes:
Teta_Bonita said:
He's not a fanboy. He's right.
Also it looks like you'll be doing about the same amount of wrist moving as you do with a mouse. Does your wrist get tired after a marathon pc gaming session? :rolleyes:

You dont hold a mouse in the air either, but then again, you do hold a normal controller in the air resting on your lap, so i dont see how this would be any different.
Direwolf said:
It seems to be expressly designed for you to be able to hold it sideways for just that purpose. Some of the demo units even had secondary labels for that orientation apparently.
I am loving the sound of that. Can't wait to get rid of all of the damn cartridges that I have been blowing in for years and years so that they might play in my ancient NES. Bring on the back catalog!

Oh, and any great fun new innovative games too, along with classic staples like Mario, Zelda, Samus, Kid Icarus, the Belmonts, etc. Those were the days....but I can't waste my time always searching for those wasted years--I've got to face up and realise I'm living in the golden years....
Here's a quote:
"We thought about how everyone in the family uses the TV remote, but some people don't want to even touch the game controller," Nintendo President Satoru Iwata said. "We want to set a new interface standard for games."

So they're targetting casual monkeys that stay away from consoles.
Harryz said:
Pretty stupid design and idea IMO. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it!
Yeah, so we should be playing games in 2005 with joysticks like back in the Atari days cos' ZOMG let's not be brave! etc. I wholeheartedly disagree. It may flop, and lets not forget how Nintendo have tried innovative ideas in the past (virtual boy) that have flopped, but if no one tries anything fun and fresh life will get very boring with just advancements in graphics running at the forefront of 'gamers' priorities.
I'm firmly onboard and excited about the possibilities. I haven't touched a console in years for the most part. This will surely bring me back into the fold. I think that's a very large part of Nintendo's strategy. Heck, I don't even PC game anymore because everything is the same. Practically zero innovation anymore. Same games, slightly better graphics. YAWN!! This is exactly what I needed to maintain my interest in gaming. Two weeks ago I was strongly considering a Revolution. Today it's an absolute no-doubter. Thank you Nintendo for trying to move gaming as a whole out of the stagnate cesspool it was becoming mired in.
I want to try this out so bad. I think it will take me a few hours of playing with the controller on finished games for me to make my desicion though. I don't want it's fun factor to wear off after an hour of gameplay. But if it does remain fun after hours of gameplay, I will be preordering.
This thing is going to revolutionize, no pun, FPSs on consoles. Depending on the responsivness, it may be better than a mouse....may be. FPSs on the Revolution have an instant advantage in control. And since Nintendo said the graphics and sound will be competetive, FPSs on the Revolution should be flat out better than the competition. Just at a glance, that's the most striking use.

Everything else is going to be EXTREMELY interesting and cross-platform games, assuming they're done properly, should be a great draw for the Revolution....completely different from what the competition will have to offer. At the very least, people will have to try this thing out.
Let's just see :)

They do have to keep the people into account that just want to relax when they play a game.
Absinthe said:
Ha! No. It's necessary if you want ensured quality and maintained standards.

Perhaps you live in a world where money is valueless. I don't. I pay and recieve accordingly and equitably.

ADDED: Now, that said - If Nintendo and Sony can deliver something as high of quality as Live for free, then kudos to them. But I don't see it happening.

If Live is a high quality online service...I'd hate to see a bad one because Live is crappy if you ask me.

Sure the overall design of Live is fine. They have a friends system and server browsers (unless you're playing Halo 2...then there's no browser). Downloadable content is either really insignificant or like $4+ for a map or two. Let's not forget that Live is flooded with douchebags, leavers, cheaters, etc. I absolutely hate the fact that if I want to cancel I have to call up their 800 number and go through a bullshit survey where the person does everything in their power to stop me from cancelling.

XBConnect is MUCH better if you ask me. Sure there's no stat tracking or clans (don't care) but the quality of experience is 10x better and it's free (unless you want their pro version) assuming you have a computer hooked into your router along with your xbox.

I can't speak for GC but right now any online game for PS2 (that I've played) is completely free not to mention lag-free and I don't run into the douchebags that are running around rampant on Live.
I like Live and it seems that you have more issue with the player base rather than the actual service. On the flip-side of this coin, I found PS2's online capability to be pitiful, awkward, and capable of servicing just as many morons as Live. :\

What's interesting is that despite the PS2 outselling the Xbox, Microsoft sold more Live kits than Sony sold PS2 online adapters. Surely Sony's amazing free service would have been able to crush Microsoft's fee-based bundle of crap, yes? Especially when they have a far larger customer base.
Absinthe said:
I like Live and it seems that you have more issue with the player base rather than the actual service. On the flip-side of this coin, I found PS2's online capability to be pitiful, awkward, and capable of servicing just as many morons as Live. :\

The fanbase does suck for Live but I still don't care for the service overall. There's being able to afford something and wasting money on something and I feel paying for Live is the latter.
AmishSlayer said:
There's being able to afford something and wasting money on something and I feel paying for Live is the latter.

Live offers a far more varied online gaming experience than the pc does (which is limited to just a few genres)

I like playing SF2 with my mates online, I like playing arcade racers with them online, I like playing sports games with them ....

I'm not saying it's better, but it certainly offers enough to make the small yearly fees well worth it.

Sorry for going off topic :)
Lt. Drebin said:
This thing is going to revolutionize, no pun, FPSs on consoles. Depending on the responsivness, it may be better than a mouse....may be. FPSs on the Revolution have an instant advantage in control. And since Nintendo said the graphics and sound will be competetive, FPSs on the Revolution should be flat out better than the competition. Just at a glance, that's the most striking use.

Everything else is going to be EXTREMELY interesting and cross-platform games, assuming they're done properly, should be a great draw for the Revolution....completely different from what the competition will have to offer. At the very least, people will have to try this thing out.
QFT. Now all we need are some of those glasses to plug into the Expansion slot that let us see the action really purely - And head swivel so we don't have to look where our gun is.

I'm definately going to buy me one of these now. Screw the PS3 and Xbox360, They have held my interest long enough and now aren't interesting.
I hate everyone who says they don't like. Basically by saying this you are ignorant, and scared of change.


Revolution is not ment for current generation games. You have yet to see the kind of *Unique* games it as made for. You have absolutly nothing to compare it to and none of you have actually used it to form any type of solid opinion on the matter. SHUT UP and open your Xbox'd minds.

Revolution is not competeing with ps3 or xbox 360. It is not going to play the same kind of games it is going to be doing something you have never seen before so stop acting like winny 12 year olds.
Kitfox said:
I hate everyone who says they don't like. Basically by saying this you are ignorant, and scared of change.

It's not fear of change. It's that it looks like piss.

If it helps, we hate you too.
Holy. Crap.

I can't wait to try one of these for myself.
i quote everything abinsthe has said in this thread for emphasis. basically he is brilliant.
Absinthe said:
It's not fear of change. It's that it looks like piss.

If it helps, we hate you too.
I love how this was the attitude everyone had when they first saw the X-box controller. Then they actually tried it and everyone shut up about it.
If it delivers as promised, everyone will be having far too much fun to care how it looks.
Absinthe said:
It's not fear of change. It's that it looks like piss.

If it helps, we hate you too.

No it is a fear of change. You automatically say it looks like piss because you scared that Nintendo is going in the wrong direction because it's *different*. You didn't een give it a chance you just called up in you subconcious your favorite game and from the looks of it your favorite game will play like garbage on the revolution.... but wait... thats not what the revolution is for.

Get it thourgh your heads the revolution is invented for a game style you have never seen before ever.. you can't compare it to anything you don't know how much it's going to suck or how great its going to be. It's new. Give it a chance. It won't replace the Xbox 360 or the PS3. Nintendo said they are not comepting with them.

This is a new way of gaming. Totally new. Seperate them from the other consoles.

Gamers will go buy Xbox and PS3 as the standard way to play games. But they will also buy revolution to complement the other consoles to play a unique type of game. That the main goal here.

Stop calling it garbage. All that show is that you close minded
The Mullinator said:
I love how this was the attitude everyone had when they first saw the X-box controller. Then they actually tried it and everyone shut up about it.

Speak for yourself. I had no qualms with the Xbox controller. I kept the originals and favored them over all else.

No it is a fear of change. You automatically say it looks like piss because you scared that Nintendo is going in the wrong direction because it's *different*. You didn't een give it a chance you just called up in you subconcious your favorite game and from the looks of it your favorite game will play like garbage on the revolution.... but wait... thats not what the revolution is for.

Your psychoanalysis is pitiful. Please stop.

This is not fear of change. I do not like the concept of this controller. That's it. No more, no less. If they had employed a standard game pad and switched some buttons around, then perhaps your "fear of change" comments would have some validity if I was wigging out. But no. This is something drastically different. I just don't think it's any better.

Get it thourgh your heads the revolution is invented for a game style you have never seen before ever.. you can't compare it to anything you don't know how much it's going to suck or how great its going to be. It's new. Give it a chance. It won't replace the Xbox 360 or the PS3. Nintendo said they are not comepting with them.

Competition isn't something I'm factoring into this. I don't care how Nintendo stacks up compared to Sony and MS. That's just you trying to place some kind of fanboy mentality on me when there is none.

Stop calling it garbage. All that show is that you close minded

I'm sorry, but my personal reaction to this is my business. Just because I personally think this is an awkward waste doesn't make me close-minded any more than supporting it makes you a blind fanboy.

ADDED: The below YTMND is perhaps one of the most amusing and resonant ones I've seen in some time. :)
Absinthe said:
Speak for yourself. I had no qualms with the Xbox controller. I kept the originals and favored them over all else.
??? Were you never listening to what people were saying about the Xbox controller when it was first shown? So many people were saying that it was too big and weird to use but then after the system was released they stopped complaining because they realized it wasn't. Thats what I am trying to say here.
Yes, and the implication that my reaction to this is part of some recurring cycle is one I don't buy.
I dont want to sound like a pshycologist but sure a reason of why so many people is starting to hate it is cuz is something diferent dont deny it
I love these closed minded little kids that only like one console or one game of a genre at any given time and lash out at everything else.

"I've never seen the new controller in action, I've never seen a game that uses it, I've never used it myself but it looks like piss."

I couldn't imagine being such a simpleton. Probably another kid who thought the DS was going to fail before it even came out because it was different. Maybe the controller will be great, maybe it won't. Say whatever puts your adolescent hormones at ease. The people with at least half a mind will at least try it before they condem it to failure.