Revolution Controller UNVEILED!

Can someone please explain to me how in the world this is supposed to be good for FPS game. Ok, I can understand the analoge in the left hand. Movement front back and strafing left and right just like on the keyboard. And Maybe some buttons for jumping and crouching on there. (At this point the keyboard sounds much easier to do those things, as it is stationary where as the analogue and buttons you are actually holding... May be odd) But what I don't get is how the wand is supposed to let you look around. Are you pointing it at the screen? How would you look ALL the way around? You can't keep spinning it... It's not like a mouse where you can move it to the edge of the mouse pad, pick it up, and move again to rotate more...

Someone please explain in full.
Minerel said:
Not a console fanboy but I sure Love this controller :).
Might just get a revolution....I wonder if nintendo wouldn't mind making a pc version of that device :). Could have some fun with that.
I still say with the 3D glasses it would be 1000x better for PC gaming.

Uuh also in an earlier post, it was said that the controller also senses how far away it is from the TV/Revolution. So really you could use it in FPS's for walking around too. Just make sure you don't go out of the range of the sensing device.
sinkoman said:
See this is what I mean.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is the only controller any games ended up supporting, and the addon "feature" dies off like how the gamecube to gameboy linkup died.

The GC > GBA feature was optional. Developers aren't going to go through all that trouble for a feature that only a handful of people will benifit from, which will also limit their game's acudience. However, EVERYONE will have the Revolution controller, and the controller sensor will be almost like another button rather than an obscure add-on. I'm sure almost all games will utalise it.
You can't keep spinning it... It's not like a mouse where you can move it to the edge of the mouse pad, pick it up, and move again to rotate more...
*Tilt right* Your screen starts moving right, Move it back to center, screen stops tilting to the right.....
Minerel said:
*Tilt right* Your screen starts moving right, Move it back to center, screen stops tilting to the right.....
You call THAT the best way to play FPS!? That sounds even worse than using an analogue to do it.

You must be misinformed, because that sounds terrible.
This looks god damn AWESOME!!!!!

Whoever's been bashing it either:

A) hasnt read the article
B) has no imagination
C) is just being a prick because they haven't ranted in a while

You call THAT the best way to play FPS!? That sounds even worse than using an analogue to do it.

You must be misinformed, because that sounds terrible.
I called it the best way to play a FPS?
And i've been you tried it to Ohh wait..... And how is it ****ing terrible? Because you have to move your wrist?
GET OVER IT, just because it's slightly more exercise than moving your damn finger you don't have to be omgzz!! More!!!
Go take a gun in real life if you want the best way to control a FPS. There you go, thats the best way...through the controls of Real Life.
vegeta897 said:
You call THAT the best way to play FPS!? That sounds even worse than using an analogue to do it.

You must be misinformed, because that sounds terrible.
It's exactly the same principle that every single recent console FPS employs when using joysticks. When the joystick is moved out of its origin, the camera rotates accordingly; when the joystick returns, the camera stops rotating.

And there's obviously going to be some sort of dead-zone to it. Nintendo and other developers aren't going to require you to keep your controller pointed at the exact center of the screen to keep your camera still.

Personally, I can see a few calibration problems cropping up every once in a while, but overall, though this isn't really what I was expecting, it is indeed a revolutionary controller.
Mineral you need to chill out, no need to swear. I was referring to someone else or perhaps an article (I don't remember) that said it was the easiest way to control FPS's. And I didn't say it would suck, so don't bring up your "HAVE YOU TRIED IT!?!?! NO!" point, because I'm not saying it's a crappy idea, all I did was ASK YOU GUYS how it's done, to which you flipped out and attacked no-one. If you say it's the same principle as a joystick, and joysticks are proven to be much harder to control FPS's than mice, I can't see what is so great about it. And who said I was complaining about it requiring more movement than the mouse? You sir are truly over reacting.

Noone has yet described exactly how it's done. Which is what I asked. Is the joystick oriented upright? Tilting it forward to look down, back to look up, and sides to pan left and right? Or is it held more like a gun, where it's pointed at the screen, and when you point it to the right side of the screen, it moves your view? Both of those don't seem very easy to me... Atleast not as easy as a mouse.

But really you guys need to chill out, you blow a fuse whenever someone asks a question or acts ANY OTHER WAY besides "OMG NINTENDO REVOLUTION /SECKS"

Just calmly answer the questions you are given, and calmly explain why so and so is wrong. So far you have no reason to lash out at me.
For FPS games (or at least for Metroid as demonstrated), the joystick attachment is used to move the character (forwards/backwards, turning) and the main control is used for aiming.
I would imagine, Vegeta, as it working like you see a little reg dot or crosshair on your screen in the FPS, which you can move all around the screen. And when you move it off the screen it starts to turn your character.

And the orientation chip in the controller would know that if you moved the controller vertically down, then your character would duck. I think.
You can swing the controller like a baseball bat, you can use it to aim like an Time Crisis arcade gun, you can play pretend drums with it, you can pretend to fish with it, how are you guys calling this a useless gimmick? The possibilities for using it are endless! This is every game developer's wet dream!

This once again proves: PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF CHANGE!

You are all hypocrites. You make fun of Jack Thompson for being an anti-technology maniac, but you guys are no different. Thompson rejects games that he hasn't even played because they are new and unfamilliar to him, and you all reject a controller you haven't even touched because it's new and unfamiliar to you.

And by the way, vegeta, the controller is situationally aware, so you don't always need it pointin at the screen. SO lets say you point to the right of the screens, your character looks to the right, and when you point back to the center to aim it stops and you can line up your aim. Of course, you couldn't play today's FPSs on it, but we're saying hello to a new generation of FPSs adapted for this kind of stuff.
Eugh, that's what I feared. Aiming in the style of you have a crosshair on the screen and it moves around... Bleh :(

I was hoping for something better. Ofcourse, I don't think what I'm envisoining is quite possible, which is too bad.
nintendo revolution will go down in history

as the biggest flame war creator evaaarr!!1
Yeah TheSomeone, I can't wait for VR Fishing. If the Revolution has very nice graphics then it's going to be really cool :D
There are indeed many possibilities... But will the system be able to handle it? I heard someone mention fighting someone fist to fist. This is extremely complicated. In the game, your opponent and you must have physical properties, to react to punches, or being able to grab him and throw him back. But these won't just be ragdolls, they need a complex AI that can fight and block but still be dynamic, as he is affected by physics. There are many other things that must be coded as well. It will be very complex. Does the gamecube have enough CPU power to do such advanced things? Can game designers program good enough to be able to do this? I hope so.

But I wouldn't get your hopes up for anything spectacular.
And even the motion thing itself, I hope there's a way to disable it... someone would walk into the room at addicentally scare you and then that jump would cause your chartacer to die... ehhh...

Maybe Nintendo's taking this "Revolution" thing too far. Sure, change is good... but this?

I made this in about 2 minutes. I seriously don't like the look of that controller and even if it does slip into a Gamecube-type controller, it still sucks. The Gamecube's controller, to me, isn't very functional.

So, here ya go...
Q_onfused said:
And even the motion thing itself, I hope there's a way to disable it... someone would walk into the room at addicentally scare you and then that jump would cause your chartacer to die... ehhh...

Maybe Nintendo's taking this "Revolution" thing too far. Sure, change is good... but this?

I made this in about 2 minutes. I seriously don't like the look of that controller and even if it does slip into a Gamecube-type controller, it still sucks. The Gamecube's controller, to me, isn't very functional.

So, here ya go...
How is the gamecubes controller not functional?
vegeta897 said:
But I wouldn't get your hopes up for anything spectacular.

But why assume it's going to suck right away? (I'm not necessarily reffering to you vegeta). This might possibly the very first console I would ever buy. And If I was a game developper I'd be creaming my pants over this. There are so many possibilites.

I'm really, really, really bored of today's video games. I want something new and fresh, and this looks like it can provide it.
Don't worry about me on that point TheSomeone.

S'why I bought a DS. I'm still waiting for the good games though >_< Wario Ware was the only great and unique game I've played on it so far.

Can't they make the wand less square? Looks uncomfortable after prolonged use :|
I didnt read the other posts, but I hope i'm not the ONLY one who thinks that controller looks retarded.

I'd go for a X-box or PS2 type controller ANY DAY compared to that.

The right hand held part looks so boxy, clunky and pointless to use.
I thought the same Raziaar, read around, or watch one of the videos of it in use, and you will slowly change your opinion...
Personally, I'd think it's best to stay neutral about this controller until we actually use it, because either way we're making fool of ourselves judging a book by its cover. *eyes Razzi*
vegeta897 said:
I thought the same Raziaar, read around, or watch one of the videos of it in use, and you will slowly change your opinion...

Then why are the buttons spaced so far away from your thumb's reach on the right side controller? It seems counter intuitive.
Raziaar said:
Then why are the buttons spaced so far away from your thumb's reach on the right side controller? It seems counter intuitive.

I'm guessing they'd have found out any real problem in their year of testing.
TheSomeone said:
I'm guessing they'd have found out any real problem in their year of testing.

Wanna know what it looks like? It looks like they took a ninento 64 controller, cut off the part with the analog stick. Reshaped it a tiny bit. Then took a remote controller, and plastered buttons on it. lol

I don't deny i'm very judgemental of this controller. It looks crap to me! But if I can somehow get a chance to try it without buying it, I might be able to be pursuaded.
For those of you skeptical about the FPS controllability: "As odd as it may look holding the two separate controller pieces, one in each hand, looking around felt incredibly natural, even more than my preferred PC-style keyboard-and-mouse setup."

More little words from people who have actually used the controller:

- the controller can be-pointing it to aim felt perfectly natural, right from the very first second, just like with a light gun. It always shot exactly where it felt like I was aiming, and was incredibly responsive to even slight wrist movements-I barely had to move my hand at all.

- flipping the controller up when you got a bite, mimicking the motion of pulling up a fish in real life, was a little thrill that just felt right.

- This was about all the different ways the Revolution can detect tilting the controller. It was as if the controller was the airplane itself - as long as your movements weren't too sudden, the on-screen action would mimic your movements with very little lag time. After about a minute I was pulling dramatic dives and loop-de-loops, bullseye-ing plenty of rings.
Raziaar said:
Wanna know what it looks like? It looks like they took a ninento 64 controller, cut off the part with the analog stick. Reshaped it a tiny bit. Then took a remote controller, and plastered buttons on it.

So you're the kind of person who'd choose looks over functionality.

Good luck with that attitude in the real world.

Just for your info, you'll be spending most of the time staring at the screen when you're playing, not at the controller. Who cares whether it looks like a pile of shit or a boobie.
Vigilante said:
How is the gamecubes controller not functional?

It's not anywhere near as fuctional as the PS controllers.
I hope this isnt the only controller they're packaging for it. What you're saying STILL isnt convincing me. I don't know if I want to aim by pointing a laser beam at the screen and minutely tilting the controller on its axis. Some people don't have that kind of precision handling. Even if I might, others might not. Flying a plane doing that method will feel far more unnatural than a conventional controller, at least to me.

Guess i'll just have to wait. Not like i'll likely buy the revolution though. Nintendo dissapointed me with the gamecube, which I spent hard earned money on and got a flop that contained pretty lame games for the most part.
Raziaar said:
I hope this isnt the only controller they're packaging for it. What you're saying STILL isnt convincing me. I don't know if I want to aim by pointing a laser beam at the screen and minutely tilting the controller on its axis. Some people don't have that kind of precision handling.

Precision handling? If you haven't tried it, at least base your opinion on the people that have, and all I've heard so far is that it's very intuitive.

As far as some people not having the ability to be proeffecient at using this, have you ever seen a console gamer play Counter-Strike? Does that mean the mouse config sucks because they can't use it?

Flying a plane doing that method will feel far more unnatural than a conventional controller, at least to me.

In that game you hold the controller like you're about to throw a paper airplane. Sounds very intuitive to me. Just hold a pen up like you're about to throw it over your head and point it different directions. I would love playing a game like that.
TheSomeone said:
Precision handling? If you haven't tried it, at least base your opinion on the people that have, and all I've heard so far is that it's very intuitive.

As far as some people not having the ability to be proeffecient at using this, have you ever seen a console gamer play Counter-Strike? Does that mean the mouse config sucks because they can't use it?

In that game you hold the controller like you're about to throw a paper airplane. Sounds very intuitive to me. Just hold a pen up like you're about to throw it over your head and point it different directions. I would love playing a game like that.

I've learned not to completely trust people on gaming things. Its not like an expresso machine where people basically have hte same expectations and it generally handles the same for them all. Gamers are completly different. Ever since Doom 3, I will never trust another gamers words as gospel. :E
You can't blame Raziaar for his view. Just leave him be.
Oh, us intolerant technophobes. We're too busy fearing change to listen to you guys.
Absinthe said:
Oh, us intolerant technophobes. We're too busy fearing change to listen to you guys.

LOL. I love technological change. I just don't really like this idea, from an aesthetical and functional standpoint.

Then again, I don't like wireless technology either. Not because I don't like change in technology, its the fact that while the things are wireless, they require batteries! And batteries add up, and a bullshit of a hassle to always be replacing batteries.