
Installed, played for a few minutes.

God damn this game really is atmospheric.
The sound of wind sweeping through the zone, I almost felt the air.
The thunder and lightening lighting up the rookie encampment, the sound of stalkers talking amongst themselves or strumming on their guitar.
The rain pattering against the ground.

Great stuff, only gripe so far is that the game is a huge memory whore... jesus. D:
I could do with smoother framerates, but the game is playable anyway so thats not really a priority. They need to sort out that bug with the rain, half of the time it looks like razor blades are cutting through my screen.

Has anyone seen a blowout yet?

Has the supposed release day patch been...er, released?
Does this game really have problems with the 8800s? I'm thinking about going out to get it today, I really need a new game to play...
Is there a way to pick stuff in this game a la half life 2? I want to use the gas cans to set up a trap for the bandits, but there seems to be no way to do it.
K, so I have both the SMG that looks like an MP5, and the souped up AKM that you find in Streloks hideout (the one with the upped firing rate).

Can't tell which to sell just now. The AKM has all higher stats except for handling, which is true. I can fire in larger bursts with the MP5 without losing as much accuracy (even though its overall accuracy rating is WAY lower than the AKM).

Been carrying around both lately, but feel like I should ditch one, as they both kinda do the same thing. Can't decide which though :(

Ditch the MP5 :)
Ditch the MP5 :)

K, i'll ditch the MP5 after emptying it out as somebody said.

I picked up that pistol that runs off of MP5 ammo, so no sense ditching the gun and the ammo :P

Does this game really have problems with the 8800s? I'm thinking about going out to get it today, I really need a new game to play...

I have an 8800 gts, and it runs like butter.

Im loving stalker so far... lol ...They accually put Gordan Freeman in the game, He's in a tunnle in Wild Territory(Next to the BAR), And its accually him because you pick up his pda and Read about Black Mesa, City 17 and gordan selling his crowbar for food lol.. I thought it was pretty cool... I took a scereenshot but i cant figure out where the game saves the pictures.. other than that i would post some pics.
Is there a way to pick stuff in this game a la half life 2? I want to use the gas cans to set up a trap for the bandits, but there seems to be no way to do it.
Im loving stalker so far... lol ...They accually put Gordan Freeman in the game, He's in a tunnle in Wild Territory(Next to the BAR), And its accually him because you pick up his pda and Read about Black Mesa, City 17 and gordan selling his crowbar for food lol.. I thought it was pretty cool... I took a scereenshot but i cant figure out where the game saves the pictures.. other than that i would post some pics.

Read back a few pages, been posted 3 times : /

Is there a way to pick stuff in this game a la half life 2? I want to use the gas cans to set up a trap for the bandits, but there seems to be no way to do it.

no :(
It's only 10 hours long and the MP is boring, it's not worth it

download it
The saved games on mine don't work..auto and quick saves don't load.

Once I got the game running smoothly, it's a blast.
Awesome game. Runs perfect on my computer on High with fully dynamic lighting. Great game.
my god, this game starts to get very very disturbing, i think its even worse than fear ><
So anyone else when playing stalker the game crashes to desktop with bugs.
my god, this game starts to get very very disturbing, i think its even worse than fear ><

Well, considering FEAR didn't really scare me at all, that's not saying much. But Stalker does have a much more disturbing atmosphere--I quite like it!
Report: 7 hours into the game non-stop.
No crashes for me. I tweaked the settings to full blast @ 1920x1200 to see what would happen. The rain became very distorted and there were weird shafts of light everywhere (not an anomaly). Restarting the game cleared the problem but my system couldn't dish good frame rates. AA does make a difference - look at Sid the trader's face with it set to low, then turn it up. You can't even see his eyes with no AA. The game has not crashed for me and so far everything works as it should. I saw a guy stuck in a tree in a funny way, but it was some dude stuck in a vortex anomaly (he exploded a few seconds later). The environment is very immersive, with nice day and weather cycles: things are prettier in the sunrise and sunset, you can see nicely in the daytime, and things get sketchy at night. This is how I envision the earth outside of City 17, where mutants (read: aliens) roam around and generally cause havoc.

It really needs an in-depth help guide. There's a lot of information going on with your inventory, maps, PDA, etc., that don't seem to be well documented in the help. For example, I didn't know you could 'equip' the artifacts and use them until later in the game, and then I didn't know that the radiation-emitting ones would basically drop you with a quickness. Are you supposed to quickly reapply the anti-radiation medicine to use them for a brief time, or just sell them? I didn't know that you could pick body parts from some of the dead animals until I accidentally searched one, then later that they weren't to be used, just sold as a valuable item. I'm just now figuring out that you should tell some people who ask for help 'no', or you'll wind up with a huge list of chores, all of which apparently have timers on them (which will show up on your failed task list if they time out). You should be able to go back and try them later, when you've cleaned up some of your current chores. I thought there would be a couple types of artifacts, but there are actually quite a few, all of which have different properties. This would have been helpful in the help guide, especially how to counter-act the negative effects.
I'm running on 1.5gigs of ram, AMD Athlon 3500+, and a 7800GTX 256meg.

I have everything at highest except for Vsync and anti aliasing. This also includes the full dynamic lighting. Runs without a hitch. Runs much better than Oblivion(or Morrowind on that note).
So anyone else when playing stalker the game crashes to desktop with bugs.

I find that after a while it freezes up, but then my gpu resets itsellf (ati) and i can continue. Pretty sure it's not an issue with my card though, as every other game runs fine for days on end, and there is no artefacting, so i can only imagine it is the game itself. Irritating, but gpu reset is a great help, however it would be nice if they can sort some of the issues out with a patch. So far though, absolutely loving the game, has an atmosphere like nothing else. Haven't enjoyed a game this much for some time.
ATi cards had a knack of crashing to desktop in Morrowind.

But to answer your question, my comp hasn't crashed to desktop yet under the sig settings
Game hasn't crashed once on me.

All I've seen are AI glitches so far.
I have some money burning in my pocket and I am going into town now. I probably can't resist ....
How will the amd 2400xp handle this game? Medium setting? High settings? Considering to buy x1950pro(agp) + 1 gig ram. Right now I have the above mentioned cpu + 9500pro + 512 mb ram. Or maybe I just should buy a new computer lol.
I can't turn on grass shadows or dynamic lighting, HOW CAN I?
I find that after a while it freezes up, but then my gpu resets itsellf (ati) and i can continue.

Mine also starts to chug quite often, around every ten minutes or so. This is a common complaint on the stalker forum, and it's not just ati cards - probably a leak or cache bug.

Workaround for gpu's that don't reset: When it starts to slow down to a slideshow, enter the options tab and hit 'use' without changing any settings, then resume the game. Fps are suddenly smooth as silk again.

Or if you know your way around the console, bind vid reset to a key and just hit that when things get slow.

Scarily, the official forum has only just started asking for bug reports from all us happy gamers *cough* beta testers *cough* - looks like the promised release day patch hasn't even begun.
How will the amd 2400xp handle this game? Medium setting? High settings? Considering to buy x1950pro(agp) + 1 gig ram. Right now I have the above mentioned cpu + 9500pro + 512 mb ram. Or maybe I just should buy a new computer lol.
The 1950 is probably to fast for your current CPU. Your CPU would end up being a bottleneck limiting the speed of the GPU significantly.

I'd say new computer.
I don't think the PDA flash drives I pick up are showing up in my PDA section. I'm already in the Agropram or whatever place and I recently picked up Strelok's flash drive, but it doesn't show up. Last one I got was Fox's PDA. Are dead stalkers PDAs supposed to show up in there too?
Bought it yesterday and am forced to play on my laptop atm:

Acer 7250 (i think lol)
Dual Core T2300 @ 1.66ghz
1gb RAM
ATI Mobility Radeon X1400

I put it on THE LOWEST settings possible with 800x600 res, ran perfectly smooth (as a test). Everytime, at the start, i run into the little village to talk to the first stalker past the small fire, a little box comes up saying 'please wait', then a big box opens saying theres and engine error etc etc etc, then goes to desktop. Does it EVERY time.

Stuff it, ill wait till i get home to my beast of a PC and see what happens then. And just wait for the patch. Im just disgusted at THQ, i feel like taking it back to the shops, but i can guarantee theyll turn me around by saying i could have copied it and its their policy not to accept PC game returnals...***kers. I actually have a proper problem here.
It's insane, it runs so shitty on my comp I have to have everything on practically minimum, it looks crappy, yet it's one of the most immersive and fun games I've played in a loong time. I play through it with my russian friend right now, it's great, he translates lots of stuff people say :) The stalkers by the campfires talk about how they'd like to eat big steaks, joke alot about vodka, the guitarplayers usually say things like "It's sad here without music".

So far I've gotten past the first X18 secret lab mission with stealing the document, and I've gotten a hold of a nice merc suit, lots and lots of medpacs, vodka, antiradiation stuff and sausages and bread :D The stone blood artifacts are insanely good, I've got one that has +400% hp, with 4 others that add +200% hp each.

the psi monsters are mighty annoying and can be scary as **** at times.
I've got the cash and the will to buy the game.

But guess what? It doesn't come out here until the 13th of April, FFFF****!

Now guess what I'm going to do? I also hope to have enough willstrength to buy the game afterwards, when it comes out.

On a completely unrelated note, why do most torrents download at about 10-15kB/s for me, even though my max download speed is 64kB/s (512kb/s bandwidth)? Only some stuff like demos, download at max speeds, but then again that's off some torrents hosted by gaming sites. I'm using utorrent.
It all depends where you download the torrent from. Public torrents are usually extremely slow.
I've played about 6-7 hours of the game so far. Had my first venture underground *eek* and have completed a variety of missions. I have managed to get hold of a couple of modified ak74's, one with a silencer, and the other with an increased rate of fire and accuracy. I've also managed to get hold of some decent armour at last, have picked up a stalker suit, much welcome compared to the crappy leather jacket you start the game with !!

I love the way it looks, even if it isn't the most graphically advanced game. However, it really does need some patching, if possible for performance sake. I have an x1800xt and i have to run it at 1152 x 864 with maximum settings (excluding grass shadows) to get an average framerate of 35-40, which isn't exactly what you'd expect. But hey, it doesn't really take away from the appeal of the game too much !

Where exactly can you get better armor as opposed to that leather jacket. I'm a pretty good ways into the game and haven't gotten any upgrade yet.