Sam Fisher vs. Solid Snake

Sam Fisher vs. Solid Snake

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Icarusintel said:
Yeah, you see his inventory? It's all stored in the mullet, cause obviously the Stinger won't fit anywhere else
lol :LOL:
i'm quite surprised about that result actually, i think sam fisher would be way better tahn solid snake, and I have played the mgs series on teh ps2.
Fisher was winning by 8+ for a while... then the next time I checked Snake took the lead and hasn't lost it since then.
KU_ said:
Snake- A guy still sporting a mullet... :sleep:

Thats why hes cool. Any guy with a mullet that fights robots is pretty sweet in my book.
jimbo118 said:
i think you'll find sam has been designed 4 the masses as he is just your stereotypical tough guy with no layers or personality at all mar a few cheesy jokes thrown in,sam=the poor mans snake :eek:
Snake is your typical veteran, flashbacks and a gruffly voice..yay!
Foxtrot said:
Snake is your typical veteran, flashbacks and a gruffly voice..yay!
but snake invented that :naughty: and then ubi copied the formula flashbacks?
wtf people, Sam has an entire GOVERNMENT behind him, Snake has Otacon and....Otacon....for all we know, Snake is a terrorist.
Suicide42 said:

Solid snake is the ultimate warrior. He has been cloned from Big Boss himself, who helped create the ultimate fighting style- CQC - and single handedly took on the Boss and her Cobra unit. But that's not the best part of Snake's profile, oh no. You see, Snake was the "defect" clone of Big Boss. He was created simply so that Liquid and Solidus could live. He recieved all of Big Bosses infiriour genes...

...Which were probally his best. You see, Solidus and liquid are arrogant, agressive, unruly and hasty. They are the side of Big Boss that likes to rush into things, using brute force and not a care in the world for the concequences. But Solid Snake is different... Snake... he tends to be more careful. He slithers past his enemies, gaining an advantage through stealth, and then pounces. He also has some other "defected" genes... the genes that allow him to love. To care. To carry an emotion into battle. You see, you can't fight for the goverment or anyone else. You have to set your own rules, fight for what you believe in, so that you can sculpt a better tomorrow.

And that's why Snake wins. He has something to believe in. And what does Snake belive in, you ask? Well now, Why don't you ask him yourself...? :)

*edit* Just to say, I take pride in my imagionation, which is why I like MGS. I mean, why would I want to play Splinter cell when I could just play a game that has an amazing story, as well as characters you come to sympathise with... and care for.

Metal Gear Solid, In my opinion, is the best game EVER made. I would choose t o play MGS over HalfLife2 any day. I even like it better than WoW, and that's saying something.

well ist by far the best Console game thats true
Lemonking said:
well ist by far the best Console game thats true


Jeez...some people....
Dalamari said:
Sam has an entire GOVERNMENT behind him
Just like Solid Snake...

Terrorists (Foxhound) captured a nuclear weapons base in/around Alaska and threaten to launch if their demands aren't met, Solid Snake is sent in by the government to stop them.

In MGS2 he's acting alone, and in MGS3, Big Boss/Naked Snake is sent by the CIA.
Dalamari said:
wtf people, Sam has an entire GOVERNMENT behind him, Snake has Otacon and....Otacon....for all we know, Snake is a terrorist.
snake is a terrorist,care to explain that?you mean coz of what he did in mgs2?1 mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter blabla
Actually, in MGS2 Snake WAS a terrorist. His organization, "Philanthropy", was branded a terrorist fringe group by the government.
Direwolf said:
Actually, in MGS2 Snake WAS a terrorist. His organization, "Philanthropy", was branded a terrorist fringe group by the government.
i know, but in most peoples eyes they werent,ie.people who played the game knew they were doing the right thing
jimbo118 said:
i know, but in most peoples eyes they werent,ie.people who played the game knew they were doing the right thing
... and? Terrorists "know" they are doing the right thing... especially suicide bombers. I mean, if you know you can't survive the mission you had better be damn sure (in your mind) that you're doing it for a good reason.
OCybrManO said:
... and? Terrorists "know" they are doing the right thing... especially suicide bombers. I mean, if you know you can't survive the mission you had better be damn sure (in your mind) that you're doing it for a good reason.
wat r u on about,did i mention suicide bombers r anything,no so stfu
I'm just pointing out the fact that your only arguments against someone saying Snake was a terrorist in MGS2 are that "people . . . knew they were doing the right thing" and "in most peoples eyes they werent." Do you see how the same arguments could be used by people we call "terrorists" to justify their actions? In their eyes they do what is necessary to get results because they have no alternative methods that would accomplish the same goals. Also, in many cases the so-called "terrorists" have the support of the public. There are two sides of every conflict. The people on your side are always "freedom fighters" or the "good guys" while the people fighting for the other team are "terrorists" or "evil-doers." It's all about perspective.

You don't have to have an aneurysm over it. Wow, and really... I can't stress this enough: When trying to call someone an idiot it would behoove you to use proper spelling, grammar, and syntax.
Sam wins because he'd get a height advantage, be uber sneaky, and then snipe off Snake, then he'd make a funny dry comment.

Snake, upon confronting Sam, would beat him for a moment, hold him at gunpoint, and then delve into a long-winded soliloquoy about philosophy, complete with flashbacks and shit. During this time, while Snake is ranting, Sam would be able to do heart surgery with his knife.
Snake would tie up sam and then have an acid flashback and flip out and sam would cut off hand and choke him with it
OCybrManO said:
I'm just pointing out the fact that your only arguments against someone saying Snake was a terrorist in MGS2 are that "people . . . knew they were doing the right thing" and "in most peoples eyes they werent." Do you see how the same arguments could be used by people we call "terrorists" to justify their actions? In their eyes they do what is necessary to get results because they have no alternative methods that would accomplish the same goals. Also, in many cases the so-called "terrorists" have the support of the public. There are two sides of every conflict. The people on your side are always "freedom fighters" or the "good guys" while the people fighting for the other team are "terrorists" or "evil-doers." It's all about perspective.

You don't have to have an aneurysm over it. Wow, and really... I can't stress this enough: When trying to call someone an idiot it would behoove you to use proper spelling, grammar, and syntax.
when did i ever mention anything outside mgs2,i didnt so dont start banging on about situatons outside the context of what i said,dont associate me with views i never made pls,tbh i dont think you understood what i said about mgs2,i presumed most people knew the story but maybe you dont,

if you did play mgs2 you'd realise that snake was labelled a terrorist by the government(who are the patriots) after the tanker incident which they blamed on him even though they staged the whole thing to put stop to his work in the un-recognised philantrophy group,they wanted to put stop to him so they framed him for this 'terrorist incident' and he was hunted,THATS why i said people who played the game knew they werent terrorists so please learn the facts,thats why i got angry with you ...

and pls dont be so petty to excuse people of poor grammar,you know i did this to save time
Actually, I think Snake himself, if not his organization, was considered a terrorist before the tanker incident. Otacon talks about it when he boards the tanker.
They've been covertly destroying Metal Gear projects all over the globe apparently after Shadow Moses. We know Snakes not a bad "terrorist" as we'd think of him since he doesn't kill anyone on these missions and just blows up some hardware that would destroy the world.
I have noticed that my previous post was unsuccessful in making the whole forum love Solid Snake. So I’m going to try again. Well, I haven’t played a Splinter Cell game all the way through, so I can’t really compare Solid Snake to Sam Fisher. Instead, what I can do, is write all the really f**king amazing things about MGS, and hope that while reading this post you all say “wow, that’s amazing” and forget who Sam Fisher is.

So here we go.

Metal Gear Solid.

Ever since I was nine years old I’ve been intrigued by the MGS series. The cut scenes, the action, the stealth gameplay, the bosses… MGS has always been like playing a movie. But the one thing that struck me about it over everything else, was the emotion. No other game has ever touched me in the way that MGS did… Even at nine years old, I could see how Snake slowly evolved from a gruff, brutal killer interested in only himself, to someone who was capable of caring- loving. All snake thought about was the battlefield… until he met Meryl… and realised that life shouldn’t revolve around war.

The first time I played MGS, I was hell-bent on getting stealth camouflage, so naturally I gave in to Ocelot’s torture. To put it simply- if you survive the Torture, you get the bandanna (infinite ammo) and Ocelot lets some woman life. If you surrender, you get stealth. Back then, I didn’t pay much heed to the story behind a game ( politicians, patriots and terrorist demands went in one ear and out the other ); But as I was nearing the end of Snake‘s journey, suddenly the situation hit me like a bullet to the back of the head.

I’m sitting on the floor, grasping my controller, with my finger hovering over the square button. My eyes wander. To my left, is the enemy; Metal Gear Rex. To destroy it is the objective… my mission. But to my right, is a few pixels blinking on the screen… Just another Computer controlled character… and as I hoist the rocket launcher onto my shoulder, I realise I can’t do it. Just pressing the square button would unleash my rocket, destroying Metal Gear, and delivering me my Stealth Camouflage…. But the blinking pixels would be destroyed as well… and that’s what bothers me…

I drop the controller. Suddenly I realise. Those Blinking pixels are more than just a bunch of lines and colours… they’re Grey Fox. My friend… my companion… And I can’t kill him. The mission can wait. The camouflage can wait!

And as I watch Metal Gear crush his exoskeleton into dust, I grasp the controller tight. From what I remember, this was the first time my hands had sweated while playing a computer game. That Metal Gear was going to hell, even if I had to go with it. For the next few minutes, I wasn’t sitting on my living room floor, tapping buttons furiously while my mum prepares the dinner; I was in an underground base, battling for my life and my honour, vigorously duelling with my opponent over the death of a close friend. Metal Gear Solid wasn’t a game… it was an experience.

When the battle was over, I watched the cut scenes closely this time. Absorbing the information… involving myself in the characters conversations. Sure, I didn’t really grasp the concept of the Gene Soldiers, but Liquid’s attitude made me cringe. He was just such an utter bastard.

But then…

He revealed… that Meryl was still alive. Suddenly I remembered back when she had been shot by Sniper Wolf… I remembered the pain that snake felt, the pain that I felt. Again, just like Grey Fox, it was the feeling of being completely helpless when someone you have fought alongside, grown to know… even love… is destroyed in front of you. I remembered her face.. Those blinking pixels… she was in pain. She no longer cared for war, for FoxHound… because I had shown her the horrors of war. How could I have done that?

Liquid unties the ropes binding my hands together.

It doesn’t matter now. That bastard will get what’s coming to him, and I’ll save Meryl and make it up to her. The whole building will blow up in 10 minutes… I can do this.

The battle starts.

* Whack,*, Liquid takes my health down by loads. Damnit, my hands are shaking now. I haven’t even hit him yet…

*Whack.* And again, my health is down by loads now… I’m losing…

*Whack.* I’m starting to get the hang of this, but not much time left…

It was then that Liquid screamed at me. Just a meaningless taunt, intended to distract me… but in actual fact it helped me realise something. He said, “Time is running out”.


And from that moment on, I slowly hunched over the TV screen, staring at the characters, battling so that those blinking pixels called “Meryl” wouldn’t leave my screen… ever. I fuelled all my anger and hatred into each button press, every swift movement of my finger was so that Meryl wouldn’t die. I beat liquid back, again and again, punch after punch, and as the fight was reaching the end- as the timer was running out- as both health bars were almost depleted…!




Liquid was dead.

Without hesitation, Snake ran over to Meryl and untied the ropes around her hands. My eye’s weren’t blinking, I was staring at the characters, hoping, praying that Meryl was fine.

Meryl… was dead.

Bang, the word echoed through my mind like a gunshot. Dead.

I remembered back at the torture chamber… Ocelot said that if I gave in, the woman would die… and I f**king gave In. Because I was intent on getting some shitty stealth camouflage, I let Meryl die. I let her die… and for what? Some extra for the game? A crappy piece of technology that makes you invisible? That’s now what MGS is about! It’s not about sneaking past enemies, or hiding, or shooting the bad guys… It’s about the emotions that can flourish on the battlefield. It’s about the sadness that I felt when Meryl was shot. It’s about the hatred I felt when my best friend was killed. It’s about the anger I felt when fighting my bastard brother, and it’s about the regret I felt when I let Meryl die.

You see, Snake started off as a battle hardened veteran who only felt alive when he was killing, just like YOU when you first started playing- you enjoy the action, the stealth, the cool way you kill people and the tension of escaping and outsmarting your enemies. But later on, snake doesn’t fight for the thrill of battle, or the joy of war. He fights so that the people he has watched develop and evolve on the battlefield, don’t die. He fights for a reason other than killing.

And so do you.
Direwolf said:
Actually, I think Snake himself, if not his organization, was considered a terrorist before the tanker incident. Otacon talks about it when he boards the tanker.
They've been covertly destroying Metal Gear projects all over the globe apparently after Shadow Moses. We know Snakes not a bad "terrorist" as we'd think of him since he doesn't kill anyone on these missions and just blows up some hardware that would destroy the world.
actually otacons tells snake that they are officially recognised by the un,still fringe but recognised,the un dont recognise terrorists now do they?
Very good. :D

But Thief 3 is better than both of them.

EDIT: Ignoring Thief 3, I've gotta say I'm a much bigger fan of MGS than Splinter Cell. Besides the plot and emotion, which Suicide's already covered, Splinter Cell seems to me (and I havent played Chaos Theory or MGS3) to be too linear and the places where you can use your 'special abilities' too fixed. In MGS2 you can clear an area in so many more different ways, or not clear it at all. That said, I love SC too. :p
Suicide42 said:
I have noticed that my previous post was unsuccessful in making the whole forum love Solid Snake. So I’m going to try again. Well, I haven’t played a Splinter Cell game all the way through, so I can’t really compare Solid Snake to Sam Fisher. Instead, what I can do, is write all the really f**king amazing things about MGS, and hope that while reading this post you all say “wow, that’s amazing” and forget who Sam Fisher is.

So here we go.

Metal Gear Solid.

Ever since I was nine years old I’ve been intrigued by the MGS series. The cut scenes, the action, the stealth gameplay, the bosses… MGS has always been like playing a movie. But the one thing that struck me about it over everything else, was the emotion. No other game has ever touched me in the way that MGS did… Even at nine years old, I could see how Snake slowly evolved from a gruff, brutal killer interested in only himself, to someone who was capable of caring- loving. All snake thought about was the battlefield… until he met Meryl… and realised that life shouldn’t revolve around war.

The first time I played MGS, I was hell-bent on getting stealth camouflage, so naturally I gave in to Ocelot’s torture. To put it simply- if you survive the Torture, you get the bandanna (infinite ammo) and Ocelot lets some woman life. If you surrender, you get stealth. Back then, I didn’t pay much heed to the story behind a game ( politicians, patriots and terrorist demands went in one ear and out the other ); But as I was nearing the end of Snake‘s journey, suddenly the situation hit me like a bullet to the back of the head.

I’m sitting on the floor, grasping my controller, with my finger hovering over the square button. My eyes wander. To my left, is the enemy; Metal Gear Rex. To destroy it is the objective… my mission. But to my right, is a few pixels blinking on the screen… Just another Computer controlled character… and as I hoist the rocket launcher onto my shoulder, I realise I can’t do it. Just pressing the square button would unleash my rocket, destroying Metal Gear, and delivering me my Stealth Camouflage…. But the blinking pixels would be destroyed as well… and that’s what bothers me…

I drop the controller. Suddenly I realise. Those Blinking pixels are more than just a bunch of lines and colours… they’re Grey Fox. My friend… my companion… And I can’t kill him. The mission can wait. The camouflage can wait!

And as I watch Metal Gear crush his exoskeleton into dust, I grasp the controller tight. From what I remember, this was the first time my hands had sweated while playing a computer game. That Metal Gear was going to hell, even if I had to go with it. For the next few minutes, I wasn’t sitting on my living room floor, tapping buttons furiously while my mum prepares the dinner; I was in an underground base, battling for my life and my honour, vigorously duelling with my opponent over the death of a close friend. Metal Gear Solid wasn’t a game… it was an experience.

When the battle was over, I watched the cut scenes closely this time. Absorbing the information… involving myself in the characters conversations. Sure, I didn’t really grasp the concept of the Gene Soldiers, but Liquid’s attitude made me cringe. He was just such an utter bastard.

But then…

He revealed… that Meryl was still alive. Suddenly I remembered back when she had been shot by Sniper Wolf… I remembered the pain that snake felt, the pain that I felt. Again, just like Grey Fox, it was the feeling of being completely helpless when someone you have fought alongside, grown to know… even love… is destroyed in front of you. I remembered her face.. Those blinking pixels… she was in pain. She no longer cared for war, for FoxHound… because I had shown her the horrors of war. How could I have done that?

Liquid unties the ropes binding my hands together.

It doesn’t matter now. That bastard will get what’s coming to him, and I’ll save Meryl and make it up to her. The whole building will blow up in 10 minutes… I can do this.

The battle starts.

* Whack,*, Liquid takes my health down by loads. Damnit, my hands are shaking now. I haven’t even hit him yet…

*Whack.* And again, my health is down by loads now… I’m losing…

*Whack.* I’m starting to get the hang of this, but not much time left…

It was then that Liquid screamed at me. Just a meaningless taunt, intended to distract me… but in actual fact it helped me realise something. He said, “Time is running out”.


And from that moment on, I slowly hunched over the TV screen, staring at the characters, battling so that those blinking pixels called “Meryl” wouldn’t leave my screen… ever. I fuelled all my anger and hatred into each button press, every swift movement of my finger was so that Meryl wouldn’t die. I beat liquid back, again and again, punch after punch, and as the fight was reaching the end- as the timer was running out- as both health bars were almost depleted…!




Liquid was dead.

Without hesitation, Snake ran over to Meryl and untied the ropes around her hands. My eye’s weren’t blinking, I was staring at the characters, hoping, praying that Meryl was fine.

Meryl… was dead.

Bang, the word echoed through my mind like a gunshot. Dead.

I remembered back at the torture chamber… Ocelot said that if I gave in, the woman would die… and I f**king gave In. Because I was intent on getting some shitty stealth camouflage, I let Meryl die. I let her die… and for what? Some extra for the game? A crappy piece of technology that makes you invisible? That’s now what MGS is about! It’s not about sneaking past enemies, or hiding, or shooting the bad guys… It’s about the emotions that can flourish on the battlefield. It’s about the sadness that I felt when Meryl was shot. It’s about the hatred I felt when my best friend was killed. It’s about the anger I felt when fighting my bastard brother, and it’s about the regret I felt when I let Meryl die.

You see, Snake started off as a battle hardened veteran who only felt alive when he was killing, just like YOU when you first started playing- you enjoy the action, the stealth, the cool way you kill people and the tension of escaping and outsmarting your enemies. But later on, snake doesn’t fight for the thrill of battle, or the joy of war. He fights so that the people he has watched develop and evolve on the battlefield, don’t die. He fights for a reason other than killing.

And so do you.
*sniff*seriously dude,i love you,well maybe not but you get me,like koj said snake=you,the gamer

that was a cool thing in mgs that if you survived the torture(and surviving wasnt just hard gamewise,constantly bashing circle is tough on the finger)a character would live...
Sulkdodds said:
Very good. :D

But Thief 3 is better than both of them.

EDIT: Ignoring Thief 3, I've gotta say I'm a much bigger fan of MGS than Splinter Cell. Besides the plot and emotion, which Suicide's already covered, Splinter Cell seems to me (and I havent played Chaos Theory or MGS3) to be too linear and the places where you can use your 'special abilities' too fixed. In MGS2 you can clear an area in so many more different ways, or not clear it at all. That said, I love SC too. :p
yeah thief 3 is gr8,brilliant story imo too,i really hope there'll be a thief 4,its sorta been semi-confirmed
jimbo118 said:
actually otacons tells snake that they are officially recognised by the un,still fringe but recognised,the un dont recognise terrorists now do they?
I said that while Philanthropy is officially recognized, they don't seem to have a very good idea about Snake himself. It would seem that they've probably never officially connected the organization to him strongly enough to make it a problem.
Direwolf said:
I said that while Philanthropy is officially recognized, they don't seem to have a very good idea about Snake himself. It would seem that they've probably never officially connected the organization to him strongly enough to make it a problem.
you never said it was recognised by the un,i said that,but yeah your right,as snake said himself that if this mission goes wrong "we're going right off the fringe",it seems they tolerated snakes actions as he never killed anyone but helped rid the world of nukes

edit,lol this makes me want to play mgs2 again
Im surprised this discussion has gone on so long over a simple poll.

Suicide42 is right...Snake wins hands down simply because of his character depth...and his awesome game.
look since i'm the only gay in the village, snake > sam in a fight ok
AmishSlayer said:
Suicide42 is right...Snake wins hands down simply because of his character depth...and his awesome game.

Suicide's entire post was personal hyperbole and makes no real compelling argument to root for Snake except something along the lines of "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE *splurt*".
Never played splinter cell. I heard SC: CHaos theory has coop though. Does it? Is it any good? Please let me know! I'm interested in the COOP games.

From my experience with metal gear games though... I absolutely love them. THe character depth, the storyline, is so interesting. And i'm not usually a fan of those types. I felt for all the characters surprisingly, and it was one of the most memorable games i've played for a console.
Absinthe said:
Suicide's entire post was personal hyperbole and makes no real compelling argument to root for Snake except something along the lines of "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE *splurt*".

Did you even read it? I was stating how Snake is such a compelling character, who gradually evolves through the game, and drags you down; immersing you into his state of mind and making you witness the thorough emotions that plague him, hound him and drive him the the edges of his wavering sanity- and it is this depth that makes Snake such an involving character.
Suicide42 said:
Did you even read it? I was stating how Snake is such a compelling character, who gradually evolves through the game, and drags you down; immersing you into his state of mind and making you witness the thorough emotions that plague him, hound him and drive him the the edges of his wavering sanity- and it is this depth that makes Snake such an involving character.
ray_MAN said:
Who would win in a map that had trees for Snake and pipes for Sam. I think Sam would win because he'd whip out his awesome knife and hang from a tree.
It's not "Who is the most emotionally deep character?"