Secret HL2 website

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[hypocrite]Right, let's get this thread back on topic! :thumbs: [/hypocrite]
Why would VALVe target only us for their antics? The total Half-Life community is probably 15x larger than this site.
There are some interesting things on the page to which that Google whack leads (click "view as text" to skip having to extract the gzip and open the .ps file). There is a section that talks about gman and next to the word "cleverness" it says "When in doubt, use brute force."

So, I guess Valve wants us to all do brute force attacks on their servers to break in and find the second test!!! Get cracking!
Well starting at the source code of the page has given me a headache but its something with the meta title i reckon
FictiousWill said:
Ever consider that the bird might be a "red herring"?

Of course not. Herrings are fish. :rolling:
OCybrManO said:
There are some interesting things on the page to which that Google whack leads (click "view as text" to skip having to extract the gzip and open the .ps file). There is a section that talks about gman and next to the word "cleverness" it says "When in doubt, use brute force."

So, I guess Valve wants us to all do brute force attacks on their servers to break in and find the second test!!! Get cracking!

Did you happen to see those servers? I don't think anyone in thier right mind should try to hack them, as they look very unstable, and might explode. We don't want that to happen now, do we? :angel:
You think there might be something in the steam cache? There was an update the same day that the easter eggs were supposed to be done by...
it's probly somethin so simple that you guys are missing... though i would help but i dont know how to do all this coding stuff. And there is a second test, and why am i so sure? because he sais "you have passed the FIRST* test" not "the test".

and i can't get the username//password to work either, and i done it so many times, oh well.. good luck guys.
If you look at the gordon picture.. there's a little "hole" in the head where the bird could fit pretty nice =) IT'S A PUZZLE!
Think Valve would try to pull some Steganography on us? I worked with the gordon and gman pictures a bit, but there are too many repeating colors/ASCII chars for me to do very much (and I'm not exactly a wiz at decryption :x ). There probably isn't anything there, but it's worth a look.

Smawg said:
and i can't get the username//password to work either, and i done it so many times, oh well.. good luck guys.

Username and password are CASE SENSITIVE. Use a capital letter N in the password and you're in.
how the hell did they do that picture anyway? i doubt they typed all that out :S
hmm maybe if we pass all the tests will learn something about TFC or get a release date. :D
estling said:
Search for words in the ascii art then =)
Nothing in it that I could see. I even put it through the ROT13 convertor but I still couldn't see anything.
Sprafa said:
How did this happen exactly?

Someone brute froced the FTP or waht?

Instead of refreshing this thread over and over, use your spare time to read Merc's thread from last night. There was a new whiteboard picture taken just for us with a new URL written on it, but it was encrypted in ROT13. One fellow translated it, and another e-mailed Erik to get the username and password since they were cut off on the left side of the photo.
Damn, this realy is cool :D
What do you think will be the 'award' after we've done all tests? Maybe gets some preview or something? :S
Anyway, we don't know anything yet, except that this is pretty cool :)
How can a picture of G-man and a small text create almost 200 replies?
SMT said:
Instead of refreshing this thread over and over, use your spare time to read Merc's thread from last night. There was a new whiteboard picture taken just for us with a new URL written on it, but it was encrypted in ROT13. One fellow translated it, and another e-mailed Erik to get the username and password since they were cut off on the left side of the photo.


I had seen the Merc thread, never noticed that pic tho.
Maybe the next test will have a brand new screenshot waiting for us in a webpage \o/
The_Monkey said:
How can a picture of G-man and a small text create almost 200 replies?
The hope they find something else :p
The_Monkey said:
How can a picture of G-man and a small text create almost 200 replies?

its buzz marketing

I'm quite interested in the word "first"

as in "first test" :bounce:
The password... Isn't that the number to valve offices? :p or am I out cycling? :D
Guys, can I please ask you to try and slow this down. I don't want this thread to get full of spam like the others were. Try and post only if you have something relevant to help you find the next test.
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