Short Story Contest! [DISCUSSION THREAD]

I'll probably extend the deadline since I'm demanding original compositions. we could have cheated on the last one???

(Not really that stupid just making a dumb joke.)
I'm writing one which I think will be rather interesting, but it's very annoying to write, because I have to keep checking the dictionary and wikipedia for facts, but it should be alright.
I'll try one... when's the deadline again? /me goes to check
you know pastiche has two different meanings so when you use it your not being smart your being confusing.
In this context, the meaning is obvious.
you know pastiche has two different meanings so when you use it your not being smart your being confusing.


You know what makes you look stupid? All your grammatical errors, not to mention talking down to someone who is obviously far superior to you. And a moderator.
? it wasn't supposed to be a cheap shot and i'm sorry if it seems that way I felt it was a genuine complaint because it's not extremely clear. Are we supposed to take elements of popular authors of a genre (which is one definition of pastiche) or are we just supposed to imitate the genre? (Which is the other definition)

P.S. Pesmerga I respect your ability as a critic and thank you for all your help with my stories but I will not sink to your level.
If you read the topic description, surely it's quite blatantly obvious which version of the word 'pastiche' I am intending. It's, you know, the one where you "adopt the conventions and mannerisms of a particular genre or style and do interesting things with it".

From wiktionary:
pastiche (plural pastiches)

1. A work of drama, literature, music, or architecture that imitates the work of a previous artist, often satirically.
2. A musical medley.
3. An incongruous mixture; a hodgepodge.
4. A postmodern playwriting technique that fuses a variety of styles, genres, and story lines to create a new form.

The bolded definition is the one that I intend, only with perhaps more focus on genre than specific artist (hence "genre pastiche") and a little of the fourth/third meanings: "combining two or more genres for effect is perfectly valid". It's not too strict - just try and do something interesting.

EDIT: Jintor good.
? it wasn't supposed to be a cheap shot and i'm sorry if it seems that way I felt it was a genuine complaint because it's not extremely clear. Are we supposed to take elements of popular authors of a genre (which is one definition of pastiche) or are we just supposed to imitate the genre? (Which is the other definition)

The genre. Take it. Mix it around. Play with it. Do funky things with it.

Sometimes the genre is an author; for example, Lovecraftian Horror is a genre all by itself.

If you simply imitate the genre, then... you're imitating the genre. Not the same thing as pastiche.

P.S. Pesmerga I respect your ability as a critic and thank you for all your help with my stories but I will not sink to your level.

It's the internet. You've already sunk to his level.
Yeah. I didn't even know there was a new contest until I saw Sulk's posts saying that he was extending the deadline.
Seems appropriate to post this here: Have we killed Sauruke?

I've not seen him in some time, and do not wish to go to his profile, to give him the satifaction that I care about him.
I fully applaud the contest but I am finding it hard to write an entry as the length feels too long and I am not familiar with any genre well enough to emulate it.
I'm like 1/3 done, but not really feeling I get the topic. I set it within the universe of "Ender's Game". Is that enough?
Done and posted. Its supposed to be a pastiche of Conrad, with a bit of Sherlock Holmes and H.G Wells mixed in.
Very good, I thought it had something to do with northern ireland at first:
Mr. Belfast and Mr.Paisley
Okay, MAJOR update: the closing of this competition is going to be midnight on the 15th June (the day of my last exam). This'll give everybody lots of time to really work on their entries, even if they are currently busy with end-of-education-year stuff.

15th June, midnight!
Huh. I might be able to get 1000 words out by then. Maybe not. We'll see.
Very good, I thought it had something to do with northern ireland at first:
Mr. Belfast and Mr.Paisley

Names were chosen by a random word generator.

I guess the generator had a thing for Ireland at the time :cheese:
this is more of a question specifically for Sulkdodds but I geuss I'll just post it here.

I have a story I've been working on for the last little while that would fit this topic but the fact is that the story is too long for the entry so I was wondering if I could just post the beginning portion of it and if that would qualify as a short story in it's own right or does it have to be a completely self-contained story?

The portion I would post would have a conclusion of a sort but is obviously only the beginning of the story.
this is more of a question specifically for Sulkdodds but I geuss I'll just post it here.

I have a story I've been working on for the last little while that would fit this topic but the fact is that the story is too long for the entry so I was wondering if I could just post the beginning portion of it and if that would qualify as a short story in it's own right or does it have to be a completely self-contained story?

The portion I would post would have a conclusion of a sort but is obviously only the beginning of the story.

Rather than asking you could have just posted it without telling us.
The only relevant question is whether that would constitute an 'original composition'. Since there haven't been many entries so far I'm willing to accept it as long as it's a little different (or shorter whatever) from its old form.

You've got time to try and make it fit into a new length and form, so I'd advise you do it carefully!
I have something to say and I'll try not to be overly melodramatic :P

In the past few weeks since I've posted a few of my weeks since I've posted a few of my literary works I've found that people have, shall we say, a less than warm response to my writing so I've decided to to stop posting for a while and start looking elsewhere for an audience for my pieces.

Not that your criticisms haven't been perfectly valid and helpful for me but criticism is all I seem to get so I've had the revelation of "Why should I post my stuff for people who obviously don't like it?"

So in a last ditch attempt at keeping some of my dignity intact, I leave this forum.

(dam that was pretty melodramatic huh? Dam.)
I have something to say and I'll try not to be overly melodramatic :P

In the past few weeks since I've posted a few of my weeks since I've posted a few of my literary works I've found that people have, shall we say, a less than warm response to my writing so I've decided to to stop posting for a while and start looking elsewhere for an audience for my pieces.

Not that your criticisms haven't been perfectly valid and helpful for me but criticism is all I seem to get so I've had the revelation of "Why should I post my stuff for people who obviously don't like it?"

So in a last ditch attempt at keeping some of my dignity intact, I leave this forum.

(dam that was pretty melodramatic huh? Dam.)


Hurrah, we win.

My story is coming along good.
I have exams all this week and next week. I dunno if I can make 1000 words.
You know, at this point I couldn't give much less of a shit about the wordcount. Get it as close as you can, but don't let it stop you entering.