Short Story Contest! [DISCUSSION THREAD]

Oh yeah, I'm definitely open to suggestions. The last three topics were in my mind before I even started the first compo, and now they're done with I'm running on empty.

BHC, I do like your idea, but I fear that it's too similar to this last one in its ethos of saying as much about something with as little as possible. But you're absolutely welcome to start your own contest on the subject and I'll try and get some kind of custom title as reward for the winner.

Currently I'm bandying about the idea of the next topic being "tell a story not through what the narration describes but through what the narration does." But I feel that might be a bit vague.

You mean the narrator's personality? Or does it have to be a 1st person perspective? I'm rather confused already
I like that idea, and it shall be done, since the narration idea is evidently either a) stupid or b) in need of greater elaboration.
Announce this comp on the front page next time. We're not in need of more entrants really, but we are in need of more voters and discussion.

As for a topic, one I've previously suggested to Sulk is pathetic fallacy.
Pathetic Fallacy is so cliche! CLICHE I SAY!! MWAHAHHAAHAHAHA *thunder and lightning*
I vote that Sulk and Toaster's discussions be made public!
And that is a very good point.

But to do the voting by PM Sulk would have to empty his ****ing inbox.
I move to strike the entire proposal! Ladies and gentlemen, members of the senate: this debate is completely out of context to the matter at hand- We must vote whether or not to make a pre-emptive strike against Wales before they develop a long-range Sheep!
Rediculous! Your own department declared that the Welsh would not be able to produce such technology for at least a decade. Where would they have aquired the Pot-Noodle reserves for such an endeavour?
I vote we kill Hitler and invade Poland.
I move to strike the entire proposal! Ladies and gentlemen, members of the senate: this debate is completely out of context to the matter at hand- We must vote whether or not to make a pre-emptive strike against Wales before they develop a long-range Sheep!

I'm afraid... I'm afraid you're too late.
All I can think of are a bunch of retarded ideas that sound like a cross between a zombie apocylapse and Animal Farm. Happy to finally have a new contest any way though.

Edit: Oh shit, entry. Uh, please delete.
No problem, moved. Also it doesn't matter just write something.

Let's move on to a new page before people click on this and go "oh toaster and sulkdodds and corp sheepo are back".
Indeed. The news must be spread, or else this will be a very lonely party.
Woo - time to get 6,000 words of Uni work out of the way first... Then CONTEST!
The deadline is about 15 minutes away as I write - if anyone is actually writing a story, post and I'll extend it. I'll give you an hour or so!

I fell off the face of the Earth :(. I had an idea ages ago but forgot about the competition.
I wrote like 200 words the day you announced it and have been busy since.
****, I didn't even see the thread. I probably wouldn't have entered anyway though, considering that I'm in the middle of exams right now.
Oh wow, it's kind of sad seeing that thread with 0 replies sitting there, closed and confused, wishing it'd had another chance.
Whoa, short story contest? I wish I had known about this. Lets do another one!
If the deadline's too soon I can easily extend it - I just wanted to make people jump.
What is the current deadline - or are we discussing a new contest?