Short Story Contest! [DISCUSSION THREAD]

Unless I'm missing something the link on the front page of this thread leads to Short Story Contest #IV, which deadlines on 5th September (two weeks).
God damn it Sulk yet again I didn't even know there was one!

Must get writing.

Edit: Just looked at the entry thread. Sulk I love you. I had a story planned on this topic ages ago, but looking back on it I no longer like the idea and must come up with something else.
If I were to write about a man walking through a park which reflected his internal conflicts it would fit the theme of this contest, correct? I don't understand it so well right now.
That would fit very well yes.

With no entries so far and considering T's request I'll be pushing back the deadline to 12th September. That gives everyone an additional 2 weeks!
Can we submit more than one story?

EDIT: just submitted one, I kinda like it but I think I can do a lot better. :)
Well I finally know what mine's going to be about. Whether I'll find the time in the next few days though... :l
I could push the deadline back again. It's not like there's any particular rush. And there's no point having a limit if it's impractical.

Next time I will choose a simpler topic. Perhaps the good old 'three random words' chestnut, but that's rather lazy.
What's the deadline now then? I haven't started anything because I've been busy settling into classes, but I'd like to participate and whoop up some words in a few days.
Current deadline: 12th Sept. Hypothetical Possible Fallback Deadline: 19th Sept.
I've had a really good idea bouncing in my head for a week or two. I can probably get it typed (hopefully it'll do the idea justice) before the deadline, but by all means, extend it if you feel inclined.
I've got my story on the roll Sulksy and it'll be done by the first deadline. Good topic, I'm enjoying it.
Suck it, Dodds. You see if I let something like not understanding the task stop me from writing.
Le posted. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. Brilliant subject.
Although I'm sure it changes without the context of the story, I did like this bit standing on its own;

“Ah, yeah I know what this is now. You're having penis trouble.”

John left the showroom roughly fifteen seconds after the American came out with that sentence.
One second was spent punching the American so hard his nose broke in three places.
Five seconds were spent slack-jawed realising what he had done.
Six seconds were spent running out of the showroom as fast as he could.
One second was realising he finally thought of a come-back.
And two seconds were spent shouting “It's not the size that matters!”
Sulk, please push back the entry date. As I said I had a previous idea that I no longer liked so I've been spending the last week trying to come up with a new one. I finally have a germ of an idea worked out (and I'm about to go check the three entries to see if no one else has had the same one).
Doesn't everybody learn about this in like grade 10 english?
I'm going to write a story, translate it to Korean with Babelfish translator and then use it to change in back to English.

Actually, I might just do that with one of the other entries.

I' The m draws the man. He' S where sits in the bus. He this everyday. He thinks from time to time about the bus. They' They re-had to get angry lower part of as road rushes. Being they and under being excited seeming in the different place, does not know, will ignore the pain which that hole which is by the thing giving road which only truth gets angry but does I think that wears out. Back! How many nation they' In inside rhenium. Disregards consequently. But the bus. They hit when must stand still every, shout. It' The soul astigmatism height s positively. All informs in standstill and hits. The man the bus gets angry and tries to think to. Probably they' Re-got angry in the road. They' Silence splitting and proving re-reading. Your hybrid! Get with the shape! They assuredly.
It just sounds incredibly odd when put in italics. What you tryin' to say broseph?
I'm saying that not only does she teach ancient Greek, but that she also teaches other things.
I simply thought ancient Greek would be a tough subject to teach, and the fact that she also teaches other things is quite impressive.
Well I thought you were trying to communicate that she was a prostitute or something.
I'm mostly done. Just needs another paragraph, proofreading, changing and then getting over the fact that I'm not satisfied with it (I never am) before I post.
I've got a seemingly nice story going... Dunno if I'm gonna submit it just yet though, I wanna see how it turns out. I also need more people to submit stuff to know if it's any good :P
el oh el @ viper/sparrow

RE: Short Story Contest

Finished about a third of it and will probably finish tonight if I go on a writing spree.
I'll be submitting tomorrow after I get someone to proof-read.
Dekstar: Forget the essay and just post a big picture of a penis
Riomhare: Really?
Dekstar: Oh yeah, no, they'll love it, don't worry.
I was seriously gonna make a joke like that Sheepo.
If I crunch you'll get a pretty rough story by Saturday. Usually my forte is editing down to suave smoothness, but with time constraints and having to read over a thousand lines of Middle English by Friday that will be impossible.
I was seriously gonna make a joke like that Sheepo.

You should've, I couldn't really think of anything funny to say past the idea of 'Dekstar tells him to do something ridiculous'.