Spitcodfry's trip to valve

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yea zeoviz i agree valve and blizzard are probably my favorite companies. Valve more so i think tho haha
One thing I notice now, looking back on the pics, is that the game 'Gunman Chronicles' was on one of their shelves in the foyer area. Did Valve develop this? I've heard of the game, but never knew they had anything to do with it.
Gunman Chronicles was similar to day of defeat, blue shift, etc. It was developed in house at valve I believe.
Originally posted by otomo
you describe the valve in alittle more detail for us? :)

Sure. It was situated in the middle of the room. It stood about waist height and was brown in color. The valve wheel was probably a foot in diameter, if not more. The platform is was set upon was cone-shaped, with a smoothed over surface for the valve to go into. The platform looked like it was made out of concrete.
Originally posted by TheWall421
Gunman Chronicles was similar to day of defeat, blue shift, etc. It was developed in house at valve I believe.
From what I heard, the game didn't do so well tho.
yea. valve, then blizzard, then... well... squaresoft, then... uhh... black isle(freaking great.. actualy they are 1).

ok, black isle, valve, blizzard, square. in that order
this office sounds really nice anyone know if they have always been in this office or did they move there after success of HL?
Rewolf were making it as a TC, then Valve officially supported them and released it with them as a full retail product.
Originally posted by TheWall421
Gunman Chronicles was similar to day of defeat, blue shift, etc. It was developed in house at valve I believe.

Totally wrong.

None of those were developed inhouse. Blue Shift was developed by Gearbox Software. Gunman Chronicles and Day of Defeat both started out as mods that later got a retail release.
i live 45 minutes from seattle can i go to valve too?

spitcodfry :-

The website is international
The owner is English
The staff are international ( swedish, english and american to name a few countries. )
i think you would be hard pressed to get another tour. they mean well of course but they can't let everyone and their grandma walk around there at lunch. but hey you could always try merc hehe :)
Originally posted by merc
i live 45 minutes from seattle can i go to valve too?


you should of went with spit, you guys could of been a duo
Originally posted by otomo
this office sounds really nice anyone know if they have always been in this office or did they move there after success of HL?

They're located in Bellevue, WA. There old offices were in Kirkland, WA. Gabe told me they moved to their new offices last November.
aw man i wanted to go! i live close! NOOOOO I COULDA GONE!

Originally posted by spitcodfry
They're located in Bellevue, WA. There old offices were in Kirkland, WA. Gabe told me they moved to their new offices last November.

thanks thats what i thought, so they haven't been there all that long.
Originally posted by Feath
It would've been nice if they mentioned your name.

Yeah but it is PHL after all. Cool trip, enjoyed the pictures.

Hey cool im a Hydra now, didnt see that :cool:
spitcodfry, you might be interested in some statistics related to your visit thread.

1) The fastest growing thread ever to appear on this forum as yet.

2) Bandwidth from people viewing your thread slowed down the forums immensly, which is why I moved the pictures to the FTP - to speed things up.

3) Over 300 people registered on these forums to read your thread.

4) "Most visitors online:" located at the bottom of the forums went from around 400 to 853.

Originally posted by D33
spitcodfry, you might be interested in some statistics related to your visit thread.

1) The fastest growing thread ever to appear on this forum as yet.

2) Bandwidth from people viewing your thread slowed down the forums immensly, which is why I moved the pictures to the FTP - to speed things up.

3) Over 300 people registered on these forums to read your thread.

4) "Most visitors online:" located at the bottom of the forums went from around 400 to 853.


wow...cool. but i thought the post about the hdr vid grew quicker?
Originally posted by Feath
It would've been nice if they mentioned your name.

Yah, but unfortunately Fragmaster loves teh cock so he won't give credit, where credit is due.
hahah, yeah i signed up to this forum just to read the thread and see the pics =P, although i did check it often before. nice job by the way >=)
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