Spitcodfry's trip to valve

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yeah thanks to the whole community for your support...with recent attitudes of late on here i expected more backlashes along the lines of 'you didn't get free stuff? you idiot!"
He did say though that they will be making a gold announcement, and that they won't just send it to retailers on the 30th without prior notice to the public
Posted Originally by Spitcodfry, on Gabe Newell's words

Guys, lets discuss the symantecs of what Gabe Newell said. He said that they will be making a gold announcement. He also goes on to say that they wont just send it to retailers on the 30th without prior notice to the public. That gives Valve everyday up until the 30th to make a gold announcement, the gold announcement doesn't necessarily have to be the minute Half Life 2 goes to Vivendi for mass production and packaging. Valve could theoretically announce that they went gold yesterday, and say it tomorrow. Under what Gabe said, they can announce that they went gold at any time before the 30th. The flip side of the coin is that it may not come out on September 30th, 2003.
Nothing that has been released since the initial release date set for September 30th has reaffirmed that as concrete. Either to keep us people thinking about it non-stop, and by God it is one of the best marketing ploys in the world to keep everyone waiting in the wings minute-by-minute for an update or an inkling. If it is marketing Gabe is certainly a marketing genius and has kept us in suspense for 100 times longer then Alfred Hitchcock could have ever hoped. On the other hand, if it is truly because things are tight and its minute-by-minute whether or not they feel comfortable calling it Gold, Gabe is still a marketing genius.
Awesome job, man! Did you by any chance tell them about our original plot with the G-Man Nvidia lawyer? They would've gotten a kick out of that.
great pics spitcodfry ;)
^my fav was the alien gunship

btw: many thx to D33 for lettin me make the logo for the pics :D

1 more statistic ;)
HL2.net = Best friggin hl2 fourms ever :)
Congratulations on having balls!

Now, you'll be able to do just about anything you put your mind to. Whatever it'll be, you've certainly got the balls to pull it off.
Hmm... How threads grow in so little time...

I'm only offline for 25 minutes and this thread has alread grown to being 14 pages long! When I left, I was half-way through page 2. Good job man! That must have been an awesome experience. With all the mystery behind Gabe's comments, I wouldn't be suprised if HL2 was to hit the shelves by the 30th. But if it doesn't it's no biggie. I expect it will be out by mid October at the latest. It is good to see a company such as Valve take the time to do stuff like this. Excellent work Valve!
we're all just happy for you and glad to have a company like valve making great games i think :)
Originally posted by richpull
Posted Originally by Spitcodfry, on Gabe Newell's words

Guys, lets discuss the symantecs of what Gabe Newell said. He said that they will be making a gold announcement. He also goes on to say that they wont just send it to retailers on the 30th without prior notice to the public. That gives Valve everyday up until the 30th to make a gold announcement, the gold announcement doesn't necessarily have to be the minute Half Life 2 goes to Vivendi for mass production and packaging. Valve could theoretically announce that they went gold yesterday, and say it tomorrow. Under what Gabe said, they can announce that they went gold at any time before the 30th. The flip side of the coin is that it may not come out on September 30th, 2003.
Nothing that has been released since the initial release date set for September 30th has reaffirmed that as concrete. Either to keep us people thinking about it non-stop, and by God it is one of the best marketing ploys in the world to keep everyone waiting in the wings minute-by-minute for an update or an inkling. If it is marketing Gabe is certainly a marketing genius and has kept us in suspense for 100 times longer then Alfred Hitchcock could have ever hoped. On the other hand, if it is truly because things are tight and its minute-by-minute whether or not they feel comfortable calling it Gold, Gabe is still a marketing genius.

Here here! Couldn't have said it better.
the hdr vid reached 70 pages in like 2 hours i got the 100th page post :)
You know, if the game was delayed wouldn't there be more people working on Half-Life 2? I mean, a month is a long time to delay the game so they'd probably have to do a lot of work so they wouldn't just have 2 people working on it.

Actually if you check the Gamespot article (http://www.gamespot.com/features/halflife_final/part5.html) about Half-Life 1 going gold you can see that there was only two people coding in the last few days.
Originally posted by kinggi
the hdr vid reached 70 pages in like 2 hours i got the 100th page post :)

that was quite the crazy thread to say the least
guys if its gonna be so close then the delay cant be all that much now can it?
Originally posted by kinggi
the hdr vid reached 70 pages in like 2 hours i got the 100th page post :)

Well, I started the thread so ner!
I just have to say that this whole thread really improved my mood. I was feeling kind of down lately but this really got me excited.

Thanks. :)
Originally posted by ElFuhrer
So did you tell them about the Nvidia G-man?

No, sorry. I was a little flustered the whole time...felt just a tad out of place there...all these tech wizzes and gaming gurus everywhere...one guy there I was introduced to used to work for Industrial Light and Magic.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I just have to say that this whole thread really improved my mood. I was feeling kind of down lately but this really got me excited.

Thanks. :)

Glad the community helped to do
Oh, lol, thats ok. Congrats on the visit, it was everything I hoped it would be.
great ya know perfect, now thgis is all over... i'm gonna pass over from doing 5 hours of homework and reading your stuff at the same time goodnight. *passes out*
This is a great thread, thank you for posting. If you get some time can you make a article of what exactly happened in that tour, this thread only gave comments on what you had pictures of.
Aye, cheers for sorting the pictures out, x84D80Yx :)
:eek: This is one of those moments that'll go down in history!!

...Well maby not that extreme, but still.

Valve keeps outdoing itself over and over again. I still cannot believe that they allowed you to go on a tour. They are one of the nicest companies I have ever known and, as a loyal customer, I wiil continue to buy their products.

Spitcodfry you're like a celebrity to these forums know. I envy you.
Thanks for sharing this special moment with the rest of the community.:thumbs:
Excellent Work Spit!!!
You have made us all proud........
So they are making a "gone gold" statement...good to hear.
Sounds like the game will be close to, if not on SEPT 30th anyway.
NOT LONG NOW...........

Good to see community spirit isn't dead either!!!!
Originally posted by A True Canadian
:eek: This is one of those moments that'll go down in history!!

...Well maby not that extreme, but still.

Valve keeps outdoing itself over and over again. I still cannot believe that they allowed you to go on a tour. They are one of the nicest companies I have ever known and, as a loyal customer, I wiil continue to buy their products.

Spitcodfry you're like a celebrity to these forums know. I envy you.
Thanks for sharing this special moment with the rest of the community.:thumbs:

Sure thing, man. To be honest coming on here and sharing the experience was better than the actual tour.
hehe I wonder what would have happened if you went ahead with the plan B's (pizza, cake, sneaking in). sounds like you had a good time and thanks for the excellent report :/
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Sure thing, man. To be honest coming on here and sharing the experience was better than the actual tour.

That can't be... whatever thanks for the post. I was at work while reading it, couldn't wait to get home to finnish reading it. Im glad u had a good time. No "Thank you from us" cake tho. Ah well. GOOD JOB!
I havent posted in awhile, but I have to give ya props, nice job spitcodfry.
Originally posted by smilez
hehe I wonder what would have happened if you went ahead with the plan B's (pizza, cake, sneaking in). sounds like you had a good time and thanks for the excellent report :/

They probably woulda let him play/see the game.
Erik Johnson and Spitcodfry look so much a like, like brothers or something... Heh Heh Heh :dork:
wow, reading and seeing those pics really prove that gabe newell and valve are really nice, friendly down-to-earth people. usually companies aren't so open to the public like that.

this makes me want to buy the game and support valve all the more.
Originally posted by dbsynergy
That can't be... whatever thanks for the post. I was at work while reading it, couldn't wait to get home to finnish reading it. Im glad u had a good time. No "Thank you from us" cake tho. Ah well. GOOD JOB!

Nah I'm serious...your reactions are what made it worthwhile. Although getting my pic with Gabe and the crowbar was pretty cool, I must admit.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Sure thing, man. To be honest coming on here and sharing the experience was better than the actual tour.

:eek: dont email gabe that thought! jk :dork:

I would have loved absolutely creamed to talk with the artists at Valve :( wow im jealous nice job thanks a lot spit
Originally posted by MooCow
spitcodfry so how long total were you inside for?

Bout 30-45 minutes...one thing I gotta mention, one of the employees I met asked Gabe if this was the 'really cool tour' or the boring tour. Gabe laughed and replied something along the lines of "Well you're on it, aren't you?" Believe you me, I was totally satisfied with my experience...but maybe someone else was scheduled to come in later for a balls-to-the-wall exclusive tour? Maybe someone affiliated with the gaming press? It would be so cool if Gamespot got to do another 'before gold' feature on them.
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