Gorgon, I'm at work and cant watch the videos...impressions please...what do they there anything new?
DLing! Hope these are better than the E3 videos, which completely changed my opinion about this game (from good to meh)
I liked the e3 videos...they were kinda creepy
They all new and they all awsome.

First one shows, Many new monsters with ability to hide, suking bloods, the ability to pull and push objects. The scary part is the guy in black OMG he can do .....go and see it m8 :)
doh! cant watch them till late tonight. Shuzer if and when you do see the vids can you post your impressions? I want to know if it'll change your opinion from meh to good ;)
Downloading now...

Are these clips from the 300mb E32004 vid I recently downloaded ?

edit: I think they are, yes

edit2: yup, they ARE from the 300mb E32004 vid...nothing new :p hehe
Well, I've watched one so far..

The FPS still looks like crap. The gameplay boring, the enemies unimaginative and the AI boring.

I'll watch the other, but so far, these videos have the same flaws as the latest ones from E3.. looks incredibly unimpressive, while the old videos looked impressive
Well, everything ive seen so far makes me want this game even more :D

But I agree....the FPS seems to suck! ;(, it looks so laggy when he fires the gun.
I still want to try this out, Stalker does look fun, imagine getting lost in the woods in the game :O thats kool, then it turns to night time and those horrible things lurk.. Scary
clarky003 said:
I still want to try this out, Stalker does look fun, imagine getting lost in the woods in the game :O thats kool, then it turns to night time and those horrible things lurk.. Scary

lol yeah, that would be so cool :cheers:
simmo said:
Well, everything ive seen so far makes me want this game even more :D

But I agree....the FPS seems to suck! ;(, it looks so laggy when he fires the gun.

Thats what happens when they have their 1bazillion polygon per frame engine...its called bloat ware.
Well, second video leaves me with the same impression.

Graphics are superb, but the gameplay looks stale. The AI seems pretty good, but the voiceover keeps going on about it, as if it's a gift from God. The FPS issue is readily apparent in the second one as well.

Again, these videos don't impress me like the older ones. :|
Finaly! Some more-or-less detailed overview of the monsters. That's in the first movies. Waiting for the secong to download.
They himan AI loves to swear a lot. If you could only understand ukrainian.:E
Shuzer said:
Well, I've watched one so far..

The FPS still looks like crap. The gameplay boring, the enemies unimaginative and the AI boring.

I'll watch the other, but so far, these videos have the same flaws as the latest ones from E3.. looks incredibly unimpressive, while the old videos looked impressive

The other seems to be the E3 one.

Edit: It's new, my bad.

I'll stick on the reviews for this one. From what I can see S.T.A.L.K.E.R could be a hit or a miss.
I just came on here to start a thread about these, just downloaded and watched them both and WOAH this game looks freeking amazing, everyone go see these.

I especially like the Bura (or something)...he is bascially the manipulator in HL2 but is attacking you of course.

I must admit this game was amazing when first announced, then there was a stage where the "wow" factor had gone but now the "WOW" factor is definately also looks quite scary at night when the bloodsuckers are out (in more numbers, nocturnal of course) :bounce: :thumbs: this games gunna be great fun by the looks of it and has pretty god damn nice everything with its own engine :cool:
Looks great. I'll definatly be getting this one when it comes out.
Loshadka said:
They himan AI loves to swear a lot. If you could only understand ukrainian.:E

How bout tellin us some ;) hehe
I got these off of IGN already - the DX9 effects look really, really good. However, as people have said, there do seem to be serious framerate issues, plus the weapon animations still look bad. They're just too floaty.
The ai seems pretty good but the story (just from what I've heard on the 1st vid) seems pretty weak.

I'm definetly still hooked on HL2
:thumbs: There's supposed to be three parts. Monsters, AI, and what the game uses in DX9 and engine. If you've downloaded the 300 MB file from e3 04 then you've seen it all.
Damn... MOV files :\
Well, its time to install QuickTime Alternative :)
Maybe the framerate issues have something to do with the FPS of the video itself? But then again the fly-bys are really smooth, while the action sequences are a little laggy... Either they have some sort of weird video feed problem (maybe they're using FRAPS, and it slows the game down when coupled with the AI), or the AI is just extremely processor-intensive.

Either way, IMO Stalker looks like the kind of game I've wanted for YEARS. Just a game where you're free to roam around a huge open area, with enemies that band together, with NPC's that can actually finish missions before you do. I'll still wait for a review, but even if it only gets about a 70... :drool:
Some peeps have to remeber its an RPG, things like system shock 2 had a kind of floaty feel to the FPS side...
fishymumma said:
Some peeps have to remeber its an RPG, things like system shock 2 had a kind of floaty feel to the FPS side...
Well this isn't really a "traditional" RPG, AFAIK there aren't any "skills" in the game. Rather you, the user, are taught the skills that a good Stalker should know, and you rely on skills you've remembered to help you out, which I think is how RPG's should be, though that's not always feasible.
I think that this game looks really cool still, the enviroments look amazing and the possiblities look great. But I do agree that the FPS do look pretty crappy, but Im guessing that still needs some optimizing. Overall, I say great.
I feel the same as Shuzer. This game has gone from 2nd on my list of most wanted to 'Meh, maybe it will be good, then it's cool, maybe it's bad, but at least it won't come as a surprise'.

The video's look, for the lack of a better word, lame. The combat looks boring and stiff, the monsters look poorly designed.
The combat has nothing of the intense and explosive combat of HL2 or Halo 2.
Looks a ton better than the last few vids those guys have released.
are we sure the fps will be like this when its released?, still a way to go. They might touch up on the animations, if they get enough critique, :P .

This game could well be the shiz on wheels.
It does look brilliant, like Flashpoint, you'll have to be totally aware of the enviroment, because of its sheer size.. .. :O , or your likely in for a few suprises..

encountering Snipers 1 or 2km away ,hmmm, that should be intresting

possibilities lurk, with the havoc physics too. .. and I love the way you have to open ,, and then shut the vehicles door behind you after you get in
Did anyone play Firestarter? If so, I'd like to know WHY GSC has an obsession with artifacts!?!? lol
PvtRyan said:
I feel the same as Shuzer. This game has gone from 2nd on my list of most wanted to 'Meh, maybe it will be good, then it's cool, maybe it's bad, but at least it won't come as a surprise'.

The video's look, for the lack of a better word, lame. The combat looks boring and stiff, the monsters look poorly designed.
The combat has nothing of the intense and explosive combat of HL2 or Halo 2.

Did you say Halo? :| lol halo is the worst FPS ive ever played, im definately not gunna buy another xbox to play another version of halo. If Intense = lame boring same old shit throughout entire game, then i guess halo is intense (HL2 is out of the equation in that, Halo is not even comparable to HL2's boxset)

The monsters in stalker look fine and highly are probably watching the video expanded to a full-screen (1600-1200 ress) and wondering why it looks poor.

@ ailevation : if they are higher ress versions of these 2 vids then plz say so :D
Alig said:
Did you say Halo? :| lol halo is the worst FPS ive ever played, im definately not gunna buy another xbox to play another version of halo. If Intense = lame boring same old shit throughout entire game, then i guess halo is intense (HL2 is out of the equation in that, Halo is not even comparable to HL2's boxset)

The monsters in stalker look fine and highly are probably watching the video expanded to a full-screen (1600-1200 ress) and wondering why it looks poor.

Well excuse me, but Halo and halo 2 has much more life than this this stalker.

True that is your opinion, but I'm considering you are basing your comments on the xbox version - NOT the crappy PC version. Halo's vehicles, guns and animation are so well done for a 3 year old game that it still shines in the FPS genre.

"Lame boring same old shit" - maybe Halo's level design was not great (but bungie is working on that to make it fantastic for Halo 2) but it had so much energy and life in characters that it was fun to play. The combat was the best thing about halo - and that's TOTALLY unarguable. Every weapon was properly balanced, a good shield system with a nice 2 weapon limit strategy which made you think wisely to choose your weapon.

Seems "graphics make a game" for you, at least that is what you have proven from your post. You say STALKER won't be a "lame boring same old shit" just because the models are highly detailed?

Halo might not have fancy tech as "ragdolls", yet Bungie has done more of a great job to give their characters personality than those highly detailed yet highly unoriginal bloodsucker.

IMO, stalker maybe a graphically fantastic game - yet it has poor concept art design and very boring unoriginal combat. However this is from what I've seen, it is subject to change if GSC fixes things up (hope so)

Edit: and you are comparing a 3 year old game with STALKER? pvt ryan was talking about Halo 2, btw.
Well I'm a big fan of post-apocolyptica, and Stalker is high of my list of next generation shooters. Halo was a big disappointment for me. It wasn't that fun for me, but I guess we all have our likes. Thus I'm not really interested in Halo 2.

I got the Stalker 300mb E3 Video as soon as I saw it was avaliable for download. Looking very good. Some bits could probably be polished up, but they have time to do that before they release it obviously. I really like the other Stalker interaction, the way you have to hail him, and then put your weapon away. Classic stuff. I'm looking forward to the finished thing!
Alzxul said:
Well I'm a big fan of post-apocolyptica, and Stalker is high of my list of next generation shooters. Halo was a big disappointment for me. It wasn't that fun for me, but I guess we all have our likes. Thus I'm not really interested in Halo 2.

I got the Stalker 300mb E3 Video as soon as I saw it was avaliable for download. Looking very good. Some bits could probably be polished up, but they have time to do that before they release it obviously. I really like the other Stalker interaction, the way you have to hail him, and then put your weapon away. Classic stuff. I'm looking forward to the finished thing!

I don't blame you - back in 2001 it was the greatest thing. Microsoft delayed it so much that many FPSs coped up with the same style. That and a bad port from Gearbox led people to think that it was just another hyped up stupid mediocre game.

Oh, and undeniably STALKER's premise is good. Though, I wonder where all the monsters spawned from, heh. :P
Alig said:
Did you say Halo? :| lol halo is the worst FPS ive ever played, im definately not gunna buy another xbox to play another version of halo. If Intense = lame boring same old shit throughout entire game, then i guess halo is intense (HL2 is out of the equation in that, Halo is not even comparable to HL2's boxset)

The monsters in stalker look fine and highly are probably watching the video expanded to a full-screen (1600-1200 ress) and wondering why it looks poor.

@ ailevation : if they are higher ress versions of these 2 vids then plz say so :D

You can have any opinion on Halo you want, but it can't be argued that Halo (and Halo 2 seen from the movies) combat is intensive and explosive.

STALKER's on the other hand, is just plain boring, at least that's what it looks like. But lets forget Halo and compare STALKER combat to HL2 combat. They're in a totally different league.

And I'm not saying the monsters are poorly modeled or textured, but they're just poorly designed. They could be so much more scary and mysterious if they wouldn't look like circusfreaks. That dwarf like thing looks funny instead of scary. They tried to hard making them seem mutated.