Stern's countdown to 30,000 posts

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/me sees the moderators quickly add another title
Congratulations, man! Please don't post again, because is far worse than this.
Far worse.
One does not meddle in those murky regions man was never meant to tread.

But... I thought that was just a legend!
Stern is probably preparing the biggest debate post ever conceived. It will answer every single discussion, answer and theory about everything political. Think of it as an anti-kathaksung post.
Wait a minute AJ you have been here since 2004 how come I have just noticed you in the last few months.

This shit keeps happening to me, I keep discovering longtime members that I never noticed for years.

Also every time I see that avatar I think Nader.
He's been around. I've saved the shot for historical purposes.

Here's a snippet:


The original's too big for your teeny monitors.

Edit: 29,999 should be the "CptStern" title :/


  • cptstern_02.jpg
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Congratulations, man! Please don't post again, because is far worse than this.
Far worse.
One does not meddle in those murky regions man was never meant to tread.
You make it sound like a bad thing that he'll merge with the vB software.

After that, what use will he have for postcount resets and custom titles? Stern will BE the forum.
Trying to recall what movie I recognise that from :/

Aside from like every one.
Uh oh.

30,000 posts is pretty cool though, can't remember what the life of me what the new title is (if there is one).

Enjoy it while it lasts...
Heh, if his post count is resetted he will just get 30k again. In a month this time.
1,000 posts day.

Wouldn't put it past him, really.
I'm sorry, when I said "a month" I was over exagerating. It's actually less than a month.
For the love of god stern, post a damn comment.

If you don't, you are gay. That's right, I said you're gay, what are you gonna do? Insult me? NO BALLS!

BTW, Darkside, didn't you used to be a writer? No more title, I see..
I don't know, but there had better be cake.

The cake is a lie.

It's really a pie.

Want to know why?

Because I was starving and I didn't want any of you assholes to have a slice, so I said there was cake in this room while I ate the pie in the other room.
I think it's been at least a month since Darkside was not a content writer anymore. But anyway, Stern please get your 30k posts so the post count can be resetted! D:
And by the way, I am indeed eating cake, and it's not a lie.
I wonder what would happen if I added CptStern to my ignore list.... dun dun dun duunnnnn!!
It's just too calm here without Stern. Something is gonna happen. I feel it!
Is anyone else here just sitting here and refreshing this thread, or is it just me?
I'm refreshing too. Things are gonna be epic and I don't want to miss it.
Stern is scaring me, and he's not even debating this time!
I know.. I even called him gay and everything..


We're not asking the right questions here, that's why..

Stern, you're wrong. About everything. There is nothing you can say, and that is all.

/me waits

/and waits

/and waits...
Let's start a political debate or something. He will be forced to join. It's instinct.
We're not asking the right questions here, that's why..

JW Bush is the best president ever. The war in Iraq was justified.
Oh and .... 0.999.... =1
I imagine him silently reading this thread...

Planning to do something.

Something bad.

We are... in danger!
Someone should add a javascript that makes confetti stream from Stern's avatar when he reaches 30k.
I imagine him silently reading this thread...

Planning to do something.

Something bad.

We are... in danger!

I'm on the other side of the Atlantic, what exactly could he do post me to death?

hint hint...
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