Stern's countdown to 30,000 posts

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Guys guys guys...hey guys.

I need to shit like a Russian race hor-OH MY ****ING GOD STERN. :|
Why is Sulk no longer a mod?

Why was pes, soulslicer, golden_fang banned?

Pesh was banned yesterday for excessive rudeness. I can't tell you the exact cause, but I'm sure a mod can expand. Sulk was demoted for the spamfest caused last night. That's all I've dredged up so far.

Damn, I'm pissed I missed it :/
Pesh was banned yesterday for excessive rudeness. I can't tell you the exact cause, but I'm sure a mod can expand. Sulk was demoted for the spamfest caused last night. That's all I've dredged up so far.

Damn, I'm pissed I missed it :/
Goddammit Stern, now look what you've done to poor Sulks!
He's edited his post again since I last read it :/

Edit: Another souveneir:


Original is a normal 1280x1024 size, but you'll have to ask for it.


  • cptstern_02.JPG
    22.7 KB · Views: 380
Oh he is online now.

HURRY THE **** UP!!! I haveto go do an exam soon!
He disappeared 10 minutes ago. Nothing to see here
He really needs to just go ahead and do it. It's just sadistic at this point...
I bet he's rigging up two posts on two different threads and simultaneously hitting submit, inevitably missing his 30,000th post.
I think you got a raw deal for having a little fun...

Fun? I appreciate the sentiment but maybe you should try it some time.

I do all I can to stop the timeline from eating itself and this is the thanks I get. It wasn't me copying threads and causing weird stuff to happen. I was trying to prevent that from happening any more. Well, next time, Munro, I'll just let keep my oar out, and drink whiskey as this entire dimensionality folds into a single point of unbearable suffering.

Not that it matters any more. I believe Stern will make his 30,000 post tonight, and then, well...that'll be it.
Remus, I always thought better of you than to agree with Munro.
OK, I went through more of and quite frankly, WTF.

Seriously, what's going on?
The Stern Ascension happened and Sulk is dead.
We should create a wiki article about The Stern Ascension.
Sulk is the great hero who contained it, but lost his mod status in the process. Quite a noble sacrifice.
i bet stern is just laying back watching us all panicing while hes laughing at what destruction he can cause by just not posting. :smoking:
I witnessed the Stern Ascension, so I'm going to sig it too. Good idea Higlac.
I witnessed Higlac's witness of the Stern Ascension.

Edit: I saw wat u did that taviow!
I dont want to be a backseat moderator, taviow, but that sig is probably more than 4 lines.
All right, I will stuff it in the spoiler tag.
I shall obey all your orders.
My sig is better than yours now though. And I agree with Sulk who deserves mod-ship again. And Raziarr should take Danimal's place.
Sulk was always a good mod, and in addition to that, our hero who sacrificed himself to contain The Stern Ascension. He was just drunk or something.
Damnit, Stern, you attention whore! I can see you watching me!!
I think that we may have a breakdown of order here.

And why isn't Sulky a mod anymore?

And what the hell is happening?

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