Strife Lately 1+2

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No my friend... In-N-Out burgers are so good laxatives would be your worst enemy! You want to keep these bad boys inside you as long as possible until they fester.

If they're that good you'd want to use laxatives so you can fit new ones in.
I had in-n-out almost every day while I was working... they got old real fast. When I was out walking around, it'd either smell really good, or it'd smell like my armpit.

Well considering I pretty much never get to have them, they still retain that coveted nostalgia appeal.
Do I want to google that?

EDIT: lol zero hits ;(
So, that close friend I broke ties with a week ago, gave me shit today but I was prepared.

As she started telling me off I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I carefully unfolded it, and placed it infront of my face.

What was on this paper you ask?

I almost PISSED my glass of tea I'm drinking now from laughing.

Do I want to google that?

EDIT: lol zero hits ;(
My dick goes inverted slightly on rare occasions, no shit. I made the disease up though, yay me.
So, that close friend I broke ties with a week ago, gave me shit today but I was prepared.

As she started telling me off I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I carefully unfolded it, and placed it infront of my face.

What was on this paper you ask?


Rofl! What was her reaction?
So, that close friend I broke ties with a week ago, gave me shit today but I was prepared.

As she started telling me off I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I carefully unfolded it, and placed it infront of my face.

What was on this paper you ask?

Spoiler tag required.
I think im just going to carry the paper around for the next few days just incase she tries anything funny.
Always serious/crossed arms friend just photoshopped her face onto the creature from the black lagoon.

This has been a pretty funny day.
That depends. does the creature from the black lagoon arouse you already?
I visited a fallout3 forum with the same layout as this one. I was looking for some mods. I promptly left.

Oh my god, forums suck.
Alright sir. Tell me more.

Also, just a quick question. Anyone else hate having a boner and having to sit down on the toilet, bend over and push your dick down towards the bowl to avoid pissing through the crack or all over everything?
We should make a word up for it.
I lol'd.

Also, I have a freakin' bio project due in two weeks and I need to find like, 10 different insects. I also didn't write my personal narrative for english.
This girl that I grew up with (and had the biggest crush on me back in middle school) added me as a friend on Facebook about 10 minutes ago. Her profile picture was with this girl, I was like, "Aww, taking pictures with her BFF." Then I looked on her page and it said "engaged" and I was about to ask her when that happened, but then thought it was one of those, "Hehe, let me put engaged up to see who asks." So I just left a "Hey, how are you?" message. She responded and I clicked on her picture. Her latest activity was joining the application and changed her profile picture to her and her girlfriend kissing.

I was literally wearing a O.O face.
Sick as ****.

Probably the sickest (without puking) I've ever been.. My throat is killing me, I am stupidly hot all the time, yet when a little gust of air goes on me I freeze, I can feel every bit of blood that goes into my head.. I've always thought that when people hallucinate when they're sick was just a load of crap.. I couldn't even sleep because I was either a) too hot or b) having nightmares (the nightmares I had didn't even seem like I was sleeping, it's like I was awake knowing I was dreaming, but couldn't do anything about it...)

I was in bed for atleast 20 hours today, slept for about 4 of them.. **** I hope I get better soon this is shit. I'm ****ing HOT AS SHIT.

Plus I went to work, which was just awful, as I'm outside all the time and it's ****ing winter.. I've taken like 3 motrin at like 5 different times today and it doesn't do shit.. Havne't taken my temperature (I never do), but it's got to be around 104 or 105.. ****.
I should also mention I haven't been sick in like 6-7 years, so maybe that's why it's so bad.. Atleast when it's over my immune system shall be stronger and faster then ever..

*coughs up blood*


Seriously the weirdest god damn dreams ever.. I dreamed these little Jawa type things were going into my room and starting a pawn shop type thing with stereos and shit, and they were using my room to hide their shit.. Then they wouldn't leave me alone, so I spent most of my time in bed tossing and turning in my half-sleep/half-awake state batting imaginary Jawa's away.. They eventually left me alone and started playing music so I jsut ignored them and went to sleep.

I'm not even lying :|

I was contemplating smoking a joint, but I fear it would make things alot worse..
While Dog waits to try and sleep, i'm going to bed. Have to wake up at 8am for the funeral. Yay. >.>
Man everyones system is ****ed up lately
i've been suffering from nausea and constant headaches
It's weird how in-n-out is called that, when they actually have the longest waits to get food I've ever seen. For fast food, it takes longer than some real restaraunts.
This girl that I grew up with (and had the biggest crush on me back in middle school) added me as a friend on Facebook about 10 minutes ago. Her profile picture was with this girl, I was like, "Aww, taking pictures with her BFF." Then I looked on her page and it said "engaged" and I was about to ask her when that happened, but then thought it was one of those, "Hehe, let me put engaged up to see who asks." So I just left a "Hey, how are you?" message. She responded and I clicked on her picture. Her latest activity was joining the application and changed her profile picture to her and her girlfriend kissing.

I was literally wearing a O.O face.

Offer your services to them. Threesome ahoy!
Today I saw a big decorated Christmas tree with presents underneath it displayed in the window of the local Scientology center here. What the heck.
I feel better after sleeping. Marginally.

Things are a lot more focussed, anyway.

Edit: confused, still.
I went to the doctor about my cold but unfortunately they wouldn't prescribe antibiotics because they said I was getting over the worst of it now. Oh well, I'll just have to put up with the remaining symptoms for another few days. *sigh*
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