Strife Lately 1+2

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I found a free book app for the ipod and I'm currently downloading the Cthulhu mythos to see how good they are.
So I step into the shower, turn the water on, notice from the corner of my eye that some black thing is getting away from the water. I figure its probably some hair or something but 5 seconds later I decide to look at the whole thing and its a ****ing spider. Haven't seen the kind before, pretty long legs. Well I was wearing sandals since that's how I do it in the dorm, and that bastard turned into legs smoothie.
So I just took a drawer out of my drawer set dealie wherein I keep my clothes I don't normally wear (I was going to see if it was viable to convert it into a shelf for some DVDs and shit... nope), but when I go to put the same drawer back in to the same slot about a minute later, it won't fit any more. Can't feel anything getting in the way, it just kind of... closed up spontaneously. :sleep:
Just saw some videos on youtube in the HD format, quite awesome actually. Beat the hell out of 'high quality' mode.
So I step into the shower, turn the water on, notice from the corner of my eye that some black thing is getting away from the water. I figure its probably some hair or something but 5 seconds later I decide to look at the whole thing and its a ****ing spider. Haven't seen the kind before, pretty long legs. Well I was wearing sandals since that's how I do it in the dorm, and that bastard turned into legs smoothie.
You just ruined a delicious cucumber sandwich for me. :frown:

Home from college for a month. I'll be meeting old school friends in a week. Until then I have nothing to do. I've already read all the books I could find lying around. Now it's just facebook, TV, music, repeat.

Everything is cheery and wonderful and great.

Yet somehow, shit activates somewhere in the lobes of my brain and suddenly I'm in depressed mode.

I should be happy, yet it seems psychologically impossible half the time.
I keep getting drafts of cold air from my open window behind my laptop. I feel so fresh.

Life is awesome blah blah blah.
Have been going up at half past six three ****ing days in a row now, and have to do the same tomorrow. I can't take it anymore.
Life is satisfactory currently. Lack of thoughts must continue. No reminders. No memories. Life will go on.
haharr, not many problems here either. i just decided on a career,
so once i sort myself out a bit, im f*cking set. (hopefully,fingers crossed and all that)
Holy shit we're dropping like flies :|

oh my god, what the hell is happening. 0_o.

Edit : I found out. I'm not risking that D:

Damn you guys Now I have too post more :(
Eh, this is gonna be lonely if this keeps up. Out of curiosity how much longer does the game last?
You betcha! :D

*gets belt*

EDIT: I suppose this is the forum's way of thinning itself out. Darwinian Selection and whatnot.
yeah basially, until uhm... jan1st new years eve party this year? :(
Nope, although I bet there will be an ultimate spamfest when everyone is unbanned.

It'll be interesting to see how the forums will be without all these guys around...

Stern needs to step up to the challenge.
Well, I can only hope that all the banned people will flock together to create something epic when they return.
Aaaaand now they're back. LOL.

For the record I had every intention of entering. Eventually. :)
Krynn, one of my friends in Louisiana said it's snowing. Is it snowing were you're at?
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