Strife Lately 1+2

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Buying Fallout 3 today.


I ordered a used collector's edition on ebay; $54 with shipping and with the pre-order extras the guy got.
I have to wait till next tuesday before I can even see it though. Fuckin finals.
Comes with vaultboy bobblehead, lunchbox, making of dvd, and artbook. Preorder stuff: Soundtrack Sampler CD and a Full Color Poster; this was the only decent deal I've found in all this time looking, and thats not considering the preorder stuff!
Today I got Left 4 Dead, finally. Hell yeah Christmas sales.
Gotta say though, nothing is as epic as the second it's released when it comes to pre-loaded Valve games.
Precisely. It's a horrible ga...hey wait a minute.
I was actually talking about the anticipation and the RELEASE when its RELEASED. Just makes the first time experience fucking epic.
Precisely. It's a horrible ga...hey wait a minute.
I was actually talking about the anticipation and the RELEASE when its RELEASED. Just makes the first time experience fucking epic.

First time experiences aren't usually epic, unless you're with someone with experience.
Actually doesn't even have to be multiplayer. I remember the Ep.1 and Ep.2/OB releases; forum was going insane.
Comes with vaultboy bobblehead, lunchbox, making of dvd, and artbook. Preorder stuff: Soundtrack Sampler CD and a Full Color Poster; this was the only decent deal I've found in all this time looking, and thats not considering the preorder stuff!

so I saw the new bond film was good cept we...uh... a few disabled people making noises towards the end.

I also managed too pick up Prey for about 7 dollars :)
so im watching the family christmas tree lean slowly to the right, and
its gonna get to the point where it falls in a couple of minutes. everyone else is out,
and i cant be bothered to save it. christmas trees have really annoyed me this year
for some reason.

so f*ck it. die christmas tree.
A****ingmen. The trees at both my house and [insert fagcot whore house here] both have the top sections leaning over, ready to fall at any moment. ****, I want a firm and stiff pine fresh tree. Those bitch shits would never fall so easily.
Goddam i love the way you speak you charming bugga :D

Hit the beach again. Perth is ****in beaut this time of year, as Darky and Steven would know. I'm also late in getting ready for the night
I am such a whore sitting here eating my Chef Boyardee ravioliiiii straight out of the can, radiation free. Welp, time to go kick the living shit out of my neighbor's cat and go to sleep seeing it's 3:53 am here.
haharr its only lunchtime here. not that thats good cos i dont have anything to do.
Go kick the shit out of your neighbor's cat.

DONT YOU SEE? they have no cat. they have nothing i can abuse.
NOTHING. they wash under the tap outside for ****s sake. and theyre so
incredibly thick, they have a bathtub, but they still wash outside and get angry when you see them.
but theyre butt ugly WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ?
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