Strife Lately 1+2

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I just took a monster shit. On a somewhat related note I've got exams Monday and Tuesday, wish me luck fags.
I finished all my exams earlier this week. Good luck fag.
Comma, comma, comma comma, COMMANDER WHAT THE **** ARE YOU DOING?

Eating ur sis lul,,,,,

That's correct isn't it?
I head off to Tasmania tomorrow for 11 days. Been there, done that. The worst part is I had a fight today; it's not a great thing to have on my conscience leaving down there.
It's resolved as much I'm going to get it before I head off. People are still in a sad kind of mood though, it's a really bad note to say goodbye on.
Today I got some bloods done, then hired out Dead Space. Only played for an hour, but there's already been a few bits where I'd gladly trade the needle for this shit. I don't know what Yahtzee was tripping on when he said it had no atmosphere. :(
Time just loops around again on its own. The same sad song played over and over, burning and screaming its depressing tune across the land. A soul, lonley and distraught, can't find the strength to battle on against such pain.

Why can't things return to how they were.
downloading Anarchy online :)


played this so much back in the day, it's a real gem. nobody really plays it anymore though. fr00b represent!

life is good. moving to spain this spring, party work as bartender, rock and roll lifestyle bwoh!
Turns out all of my exams were TODAY. **** you teachers who don't let us know ahead of time. Bright side is got to hang with girl for the rest of the day.
Yay, Willie! Just make sure Willie doesn't break out till later, he makes things awkward. :/
The few times Willie does show up he makes things better. Depends on your definition of better though.
Had a chat with the girl I like and have been ****ing things up with. She told me she never wants to see me again. Still, went better than I expected.

Life's good.
Bah, compy is broken so I've been forced to use the iPod. Tv problem is that all of my school projects are saved on my computer :(. Fuuuuuuu-
Thanks Willie. Just don't try anything, it's too soon. I don't think I'm ready.

Got my helmet cam! It's so cool, I can't wait to go snowboarding with it!!!
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