Strife Lately 1+2

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I did talk about it a lot when I had one. But I actually loved working (landscaping wins) so I didn't feel the need to complain.

When you work in a restaurant where you're the only one that does most of the work because high schoolers are lazy bitches, get back to me.
Someone spiked my drink with MDMA last night.

What's the ****ing point of that!?
When you work in a restaurant where you're the only one that does most of the work because high schoolers are lazy bitches, get back to me.

I wouldn't know what it's like to work with high schoolers since the minimum age req at Chilis is 18.

I bus / togo / QA only, though, so I can't really complain as all my jobs are easy as fukkkk
Work Sun, probably going to have a hangover on Sat. I'll have to ask off for next Sunday so we can party hearty all night next Saturday. Sound good?
When you work in a restaurant where you're the only one that does most of the work because high schoolers are lazy bitches, get back to me.

I'm one of those lazy bitches. I'm going to have to get a real job where I don't just work during the summer/weekend.

Got PSAT results... Sheepo did good:D
I did talk about it a lot when I had one. But I actually loved working (landscaping wins) so I didn't feel the need to complain.

Real landscaping, or just basic parks/lawn maintenance?

Real landscaping = digging trenches and planting stones for walkways, digging areas for flowerbeds, etc.

I ask because my previous job was parks maintenance and some called it landscaping where others just called it maintenance. The nature of it was lawn mowing, weed eating, and pulling weeds from flowerbeds. I also power-blew sidewalks and helped build/paint outdoor tables, but I'm not sure of any of that is what a real landscaper would do. That's just maintenance.

EDIT: this isn't technically a double post since I'm on a different page.
We mostly do grunt work, but we do some fancy nonsense.
Holidays now, the most boring time of the year, apart from the other holidays. God, they're so stupidly boring.

Someone kill me.
Just found out my canoeing route for this summer. 55 days, all the way up to tv Beaufort Sea. I'm going to be paddling in the ****ing Arctic Ocean. How awesome is that?
Once again, a girl I was pretty sure had a thing for me had feelings for another guy, I swear to god, I think's illegal for me to have any sort of relationship.
I learned today that virtually every one I know already knew about The Game. And I lost it like 5 times.
I just thought of a nice algorithm for Knight's Tour. Today is gonna be a good day.

Also, saw an advertisement for butt-enhancing male undies. Another social expectation I'll have to meet soon. Yay.
Just found out my canoeing route for this summer. 55 days, all the way up to tv Beaufort Sea. I'm going to be paddling in the ****ing Arctic Ocean. How awesome is that?

Hell YEAH!!! :cheers:
Leaving for spain for two weeks, ciao. You ****ers better not talk shit behind my back while im gone.
Oh man do you guys think Ravioli is a fag or oh hey Ravioli didn't see you there.
so ive now been told that i cant drink the tap water here because i might get cholera.
ive also been 'advised' not to shake anyones hands for the same reason.

**** you zimbabwe
Girlfriend leaves tomorrow, going back home for Christmas. Going to be a looonely couple of weeks...
My ex came back on Saturday?

So what if I feel like I need to be a part.
Everyone here have sleep deprivation, some kind of depression, and/or girl trubble.
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