Strife Lately 1+2

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Kami, I drew you a picture and everything, but my scanner won't work properly for me :<
Black would be wierd.

You wouldn't want a brown one though.
Yes ^

also, ****ing **** I have too work until midnight and have a shift @ 10 am tomorrow. ****.
^i had no idea you were so generous willie.

annd now i need breakfast. but i cant be bothered to get up and make it.
oh the strife.
This is my longest thread ever guys, ya!
Not saying much, tbh.

Just saw her off at the airport. A lot less melancholy than I thought I'd be... it'll probably hit me later. Oh well, only 2-and-a-bit weeks, at any rate.

Airport food ****ing sucks.
Hell im back. This was the most boring thing in my life. Christmas corporation parties suck!
Got called into work in the middle of my I'm-not-going-to-shave-for-5-days period.

I'm still not shaving even though I look homeless.
Got called into work in the middle of my I'm-not-going-to-shave-for-5-days period.

I'm still not shaving even though I look homeless.

It's just facial hair. If they have a problem with it, tell them to **** off!
My manager that knows my tendencies called back, guess what she told me to do.

Little bitch. :hmph:
You're suppose to guess.

I'll give you 3 chances and the first 2 don't count.
That was your first one. The next one doesn't count, then I'll accept an answer. :p
Tell her you'll shave your face once she shaves hers, that filthy wench! Tell her to do her legs too while she's at it!
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