Strife Lately 1+2

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why's pizza have to be so bad and taste sooo good? WHY THE TORTURE COMBO
How would you guys help a friend deal with depression?

Let them know that you'll be there for them if they want to talk. Don't force conversations about it, just let them know that you care, and you want to help.
For anyone who is aware of the previous situation I was in:
I totally hit it last night! :D

But now what? D:
^ Wipe it off on her <suggestively paedophilic object>

Hey when did Stig get back. Hiiiii.

OH GOD I FEEL SO ALONE. Possibly because I am.
Not exchanged any conversation with her since last night.
How do I find out if I can go for it?
My friends stopped being distant to me. I dunno know why she was being such a ************* to me but whatever.
Not exchanged any conversation with her since last night.
How do I find out if I can go for it?

This is the worst part. Was it a one time thing? Was it supposed to mean something?

Give her a call and talk about it, there's no sense in beating around the bush (hohohaha) trying to figure it out from afar.
This is the worst part. Was it a one time thing? Was it supposed to mean something?

Give her a call and talk about it, there's no sense in beating around the bush (hohohaha) trying to figure it out from afar.

What the hell do I say?
I only really met her like 2 days ago.
I sensed some chemistry between us from the start so I'm trying to be optimistic.... it's not working.
Well, just go for it. Call her, ask her. If it didn't mean anything then you'll get it out of the way. If it did, than it gives you the perfect window to arrange something.

There isn't really a worse case scenario here, unlesss not getting with her is the end of the world to you, which I doubt, considering you've only known her for two days.
Failure has never been a problem for me- I've been shut down as many times as I've succeeded, but for some reason I always feel great after I get shut down. I guess it's just the fact that I actually tried.
I'd hardly consider your situation a failure. Don't brood over it. Gitrdone
So many people on this board that I didn't take for shy nuts. So disappointed >:3
She wont pick up.
She must be avoiding me.

Shut up. She's not avoiding you, thinking like that make's the situation hurt worst than it should, when in reality, her phone probably is dead.

Another "Cooking Adventures" is about to be posted, check your local lounge in about 20 minutes.
What takes the piss is that we live on the same street. I can't go down though because I don't think either of our parents should know.
^ Wipe it off on her <suggestively paedophilic object>

Hey when did Stig get back. Hiiiii.

OH GOD I FEEL SO ALONE. Possibly because I am.

I got back yesterday! You didn't miss much, I only posted thrice. Or fource.

I will murder you for saying that.

neptuneuk said:
<recent events>

Now, I'm not expert at these things, but if you ask me you came to the right place. So you've met a girl you've known for a few days, and there's chemistry, and you stuck your penis in her? One: that is AWESOME, congrats :thumbs:. Second: Always remember your feelings sometimes can't be trusted. I.E. don't trust that feeling of chemistry to the point where it breaks you. 3: The most important part of moving forward with this is to RELAX. If you stress out, time spent with her will be stressful. If you get relax, things will move smoothly. Relationships are, to a pretty decent extent, self-fulfilling prophecies. Believe that you're awesome, believe that you know what you're doing, and everything will follow (usually).

So here's what you do: Think of something that you two like to do. Failing that, think of something that one of you likes and the other is likely to enjoy or tolerate. Then, invite her to do that. Be open to her, but don't push yourself on her or expect her to do so. Chances are she's feeling as panicky and/or awkward and/or stressed as you are, so basically you don't want to do anything to increase the stress or awkwardness. Talk to her, make her laugh (but don't try too hard (unless she'll think it's cute)), be close to her, and things will happen.

Here's what you don't do: Say "We should totally have sex again." Never worked for me :p

Uhh... That turned out to be a lot more text than I thought it was. I hope it's helpful!

[edit] Don't stress about her not picking up. Think of all the times people haven't picked up, for whatever random reason. Shopping, work, out with friends, sleeping, watching a movie, anything. One of those is the reason she's not picking up. It's not you :)
We didn't go that far lol. Unfortantely.
I'm not feeling too optimistic, her friend says she has to think about stuff.
If she has hesitations it's basically a no.
I bet her friends are trying to get in your way. You should do something about that.
Trust me. Her friends are ****s.
We didn't go that far lol. Unfortantely.
I'm not feeling too optimistic, her friend says she has to think about stuff.
If she has hesitations it's basically a no.

Aw. BUT STILL, you've made inroads.
My cold's back. Well, it's different virus courtesy of Druckles. This time I have a very bad chesty cough and bad earache, plus a bit more sinusitis. No sign of catarrh yet, though. I went to the walk-in centre in Bury today and all they gave me were some anti-inflammatory tablets in place of Ibuprofen.
My mom's in the hospital and I'm having difficulty getting a number to get in contact with her. Ugh.
Dude it's been like 24 hours.

Girls get freaked out over people like you, Neptune. The absolute WORST THING YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW is appear to be anxious, nervous, etc. Don't call, don't text, don't talk to anyone about anything relating to her.

Have a line of communication open between you two, and she will get back to you.

Trust me.


WHAT THE ****. I wouldn't even respond to her, this is just weird. Man, good luck.
My pappy just got back from deployment, and know we're going to Buffalo Wild Wings! Fu** Yeah!
My mom's in the hospital and I'm having difficulty getting a number to get in contact with her. Ugh.
Sorry to hear that dude.

Oh and Neptune I can't wait till your dad marry his girlfriend.
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