Strife Lately 1+2

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Just played my first live show. Went pretty well. Playing again tonight.
Well, so I just played a game of Russian Roulette with 5 bullets in the chamber. What did I learn? People don't stay dead for very long.

If somebody is going to mug you, what do you do? POW, right between the eyes... when they wake up in a day they will be really mad they weren't able to catch you and steal all your valuables.
Woke up at 5:30 this morning and got a shower. Got dressed, put on almost my entire closet of clothes until I found something that didn't make me look like a rainbow and shit. Finally got to school at 8 only for it to BEGIN TO ****ING SNOW and have the teacher waving us out to turn home. Today was a big exam day too.

Man, I ****ing love the weather.
****. some very short school today, gah. oh well, I guess it won't be a complete waste!
Old flame was a bitch. Im going all in on the new fling. Wish me luck mother ****ers!
People like you... (and me) shouldnt be allowed to drive. That's the truth.
I can't stop ****ing coughing! This is getting really annoying now and I know I'll end up giving myself another sore throat. Bah! :frown:
That's not what im talking about. We are awesome drivers. Just that everyone else sucks so bad.
Tonight was awesome. Shame I went home alone. Bit hard competing against 5000 CS students for three girls :/
Finally got to school at 8 only for it to BEGIN TO ****ING SNOW and have the teacher waving us out to turn home. Today was a big exam day too.

Your school closes...for snow? :|

We have about a foot and a half and no buses running. AND MY SCHOOL IS STILL OPEN.

Granted I live across from it, but that's not the point

Played a wicked show tonight, should be posting pics later. The only mishap was at the very end of our last song. As we were leaving the stage I managed to pull down a mic and cymbal :x
It's 4:50am here and I'm staying up all night to finish off some coursework for a deadline today. I'd already been doing it way before the deadline, but only just got enough stuff from books to finish it off properly. Currently at ~1,900 words, the expected word count is approx. 2,500.

I take catnaps every so often (next one is at 2,000 words) of 10 minutes where I close my eyes, clear my mind and think about what I'm going to write about next.
It's an excellent subject too--Communication Accommodation Theory. Very interesting stuff.
Wish me luck
<3 Dekky Poos.
I got my license a few days ago, go me. (I forgot too to post it here bitches)
It's 11:30am and I've just finished my coursework, including referencing (the hardest part, imo. *shakes fist*). Almost exactly 2,500 words too!
Go me! I haven't slept all night. Going to go drop it off at uni, come home and pass out for a good few hours. Got a birthday party to go to later, so I need to be at least moderately well rested.

-<3 Dekky pies.
i am now officially done with finals for this semester, tomorrow i go home and it's 3-4 weeks of relaxation, christmas, and finally being able to spend some time on HL2wars. wooot!
My journey to Liverpool took a bit longer than I thought it would! I was originally going to get the metro from Bury straight Piccadilly train station. But because there was (apparently) a crash in the middle of Manchester I could only get the metro as far as Victoria. And I had to walk the rest of the way to Piccadilly. My mum gave me directions the whole way via phone. It took me about 25 minutes to get there from Victoria (I'm a slow walker, I was carrying a heavy bag and I got a little bit lost!). It was so lucky that my ticket was an open ticket because my original train had just left as I arrived. I had to wait about just aunder half an hour till another one came. I got to Liverpool at 3 0'clock so all in all, things weren't too bad!
What didn't you like about it? /starts trying to to guess
i just didnt like it. ive never really been to any cities before,(i live in africa),
and i dont like any of them. too much concrete, too cramped, it smells, etc.
i only went for a day though.
Yet again, Druckles' cock costs many their lives.

Worth it though. Aw hell yeah.
One more essay... one more goddamn essay and I'm done.

There's people here on my roof clearing off the snow, and they woke me up. And now they're stomping. I'm going to end up with one of them on my desk.
Woke up feeling like someone just beat me with a brickbat. Alright, which one of you fags attempted to off me?
I changed my jeans without taking off my boots. I'm so cool.
when i was younger i could take off my underpants
without taking off my shorts. you can touch me if you want.
damn this, i was trying to show off my skill. could you take off
your pants without taking off your shorts? i think not.
It's simple. Someone else takes off your shorts.
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