Strife Lately 1+2

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Well, my friends I have known for 10 years now decided they want nothing to do with me anymore.


I had that happen to me last month. Though it was my best friend for 5 years. He decided that he liked a girl that I was talking to, when I found out that he liked her I asked "Do you want to date her? Because I will be happy to let you go after her." He said he doesn't care then the girl and I sexed. He found out and said that I wasn't a true friend and that we can't be friends. So I moved on. Yesterday he comes to my work, sits around, comes up to the counter and asked why I haven't talked to him/returned his calls.

F*** you. I just finished, everything just felt so redundant.

I had that happen to me last month. Though it was my best friend for 5 years. He decided that he liked a girl that I was talking to, when I found out that he liked her I asked "Do you want to date her? Because I will be happy to let you go after her." He said he doesn't care then the girl and I sexed. He found out and said that I wasn't a true friend and that we can't be friends. So I moved on. Yesterday he comes to my work, sits around, comes up to the counter and asked why I haven't talked to him/returned his calls.


Lol at his stupidity.
I had that happen to me last month. Though it was my best friend for 5 years. He decided that he liked a girl that I was talking to, when I found out that he liked her I asked "Do you want to date her? Because I will be happy to let you go after her." He said he doesn't care then the girl and I sexed. He found out and said that I wasn't a true friend and that we can't be friends. So I moved on. Yesterday he comes to my work, sits around, comes up to the counter and asked why I haven't talked to him/returned his calls.

Wrap that nigga in the jaw.
I get to Uni and my laptop won't connect to the internet and I forgot the monitor to my desktop. I'm kinda pissed off... at myself.
Is that a goddamned hardballer in an old west holster? You son of a bitch I oughta...
I lost my mail key, and I got paid $100 less than I thought I would, so I can't make rent until my next paycheck in two weeks. Rent is due in two weeks and four days. Hooray!
Pretty much. :rolling:
This is when you ask for an explanation. Just out of curiosity how old are you and these friends of yours? This sounds incredibly immature. Actually even despite age it sounds incredibly immature; even children and teenagers generally give reasons as to why they suddenly dislike you.
I fell on my head and now it hurts. On a stone floor. And lots of blood.

Throw some dirt on it.

I had to give a twenty minute presentation in English today, got about halfway through it and had to stop because the period had ended. If I don't get an A I'm going to be f***ing pissed.
Didn't you say that Wikipedia did your whole presentation? If you do get an A I'm going to be f***ing pissed.
I looked on Wikipedia but it didn't have anything. So I googled the stuff and found it all on Its a book report, and yes I read the book...well the odd chapters. I basically just cut and pasted the stuff that I found so that I had something to base what I was saying on; characters, plot, themes and symbols.

The reason I better get an A is because I am the best public speaker in the class. Everyone else has nervous habits, says um, uh or like too much, or just talks in an annoying monotone.
This is when you ask for an explanation. Just out of curiosity how old are you and these friends of yours? This sounds incredibly immature. Actually even despite age it sounds incredibly immature; even children and teenagers generally give reasons as to why they suddenly dislike you.


Last March they rolled my house for absolutely no reason at all. I mean completely out of the blue. The thing is i caught them in the act doing it (one of them threw a roll ON TO THE ROOF right over where i was sleeping) so i knew exactly who all did it. I planned revenge but never really got around to it.....

...until the day before New Years Eve when me and my nephews-in-law went out and got only one of them back. So one of my other friends gets on MySpace (zomg myspace i know) and was all like "i cannot believe you rolled _______'s house that is just wrong" (exact words.) I respond with "hey man it was just payback for when you guys rolled my house."

He responds back with "well what did ________ ever do to you?" LOL. My answer was pretty much: "i remember him gloating about how much fun it was and how he got my house sooo good and the last thing he said leaving my house was ""suck on this!"" and he was the one telling everyone else which parts to roll. so let me ask you this: why was my house rolled in the first place? why not someone elses? yeah you see it is perfectly fine to roll my house but when i get payback it is all wrong and dumb? interesting."

He replies back: "have you ever thought that you are the standout of the group? why didn't you do anything with anyone over Christmas break? you are getting weird nowadays." You see, he asks me why I didn't do anything with anyone over Christmas break, maybe because I never got a call that they were doing anything. I replied saying that maybe if i was invited to some stuff i would go.

He replies back again: "did you ever think since we are not telling you these things is because we dont want you to go anymore???" Well, I would have preferred getting told that instead of having them put crap on whenever we hung out. So i replied one last time with saying if that is the way it is going to be then so be it. His reply back was "ok, bye."

Sounds like a damn school girl drama fight. I still don't understand was led to this. I had them over many times for parties and poker nights and what not and even spent a weekend with them in a hotel for a beach retreat.

I guess that is life.

edit: i'm 17 and most of them are either 16 or 17.
I hate how people say "You're getting weird" when, in most cases, its just someone changing. You don't deserve friends that roll your house anyway. I've thought about this for awhile, you should beat the f***ing shit out of them, have sex with their sisters and shave their heads(the friends and sisters).

Put a donk on it.

Take a salt tablet.
Imageshack is being a giant vagina and it's making me want to smash a bro.
Today in lunch my friend was trying to tell a story, this is how it went.

Her:"So in psychology today someone was talking about some pie chart or something like that on like the schools website that shows minorities in our school. You know...blacks..asi-"

Me:"I know what a f***ing minority is."

Her:"Well I didn't know if BJ did or-"

Me:"Where is the chase and how can I cut to it?"


Today in lunch my friend was trying to tell a story, this is how it went.

Her:"So in psychology today someone was talking about some pie chart or something like that on like the schools website that shows minorities in our school. You know...blacks..asi-"

Me:"I know what a f***ing minority is."

Her:"Well I didn't know if BJ did or-"

Me:"Where is the chase and how can I cut to it?"



I lol'd.
What kind of giant douche says, "Slash facepalm" in the middle of a story? You have worse friends than Escape.
"But wait," said one wise man, "we haven't wasted our lives
we've pondered life's greatest mysteries instead of taking wives
and we have no sons, but we can call ourselves friends
and there's still some time left before we meet our ends"
All his fellows agreed, and one of them cried:
"Had we been wed as young men, by now we'd have wished we had died!"


Awesome anyway though.
Fine, you melancholy goomba you.

Sheepo said:
The purpose of life itself is to not let it pass you by.
And the dozen old wise men whom had naught left to say
laid their heads down on the table and withered away
and they withered in silence, and they stifled their cries
until silent in passing they finally died.
Opened the dishwasher to grab out a bowl and a dirty big skateboard cockroach runs out. MOTHER****ER EATING MY CUTLERY! I'll find that little bastard and hunt down all his mates :|

Also, goin to NZ for a few weeks mid year. Awesome time.
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