Strife Lately 1+2

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Exactly the same as my friends' band. Their old studio recordings sound good, but they've upped the tempo in all their songs so they aren't as slow and dull. Also, they put up a Christmas song on Christmas Eve which is brilliant if I do say so myself. I realize this is a shameless plug, but I do recommend listening to it, and it's called This Famous Star:

Also to Que, your band sounds like another band, but I cannot for the life of me put my finger on them. If I think of it, I'll let you know.

pixies maybe.
I'm wondering if 18 is a late age for pulling a first all nighter.
No sir! I've never listened to the Pixies, but it's someone else.

Oh, well I doubt we sound like anything special so don't try too hard to think of it, we could sound like any number of bands.

Wait, if the cops didn't find any drugs then they can't just take his drug money, can they?

Wtf, you deleted it.
Aw man that was an awesome story, gief it back!
At least I'm not the only one that read it. I still have it open in another window actually.
Shout out to all the bros who participated in "Keepin it Hool '09". See you next year.
It lacked any real strife, or at least off set by to much positive things. I come into this thread to read about how much other people's lives suck, not how good it is.
As you wish.

Well I am at work and bored, so I figured I would write about my life! Because it is mildly interesting, well maybe.

So after my car crash, I talk my girlfriend, and I could tell something was up. We eventually break because she "wasn't ready for a relationship". Whatever that means. I think she seriously meant that though, because her best friend Zach (who is gay) affirmed it. She didn't even want a casual relationship. It's interesting because it's her idea to jump into a relationship in the first place... whatever. It was even facebook official!! We even had unprotected sex (edit - actually I think she was on the pill).

I hang out in my hometown Medway again and play lots of video games with friends and become endlessly bored. Video games are horribly, horribly boring. I don't know how you guys can play them so much. Anyways. I go back to Amherst to start working.

Zach lives in Amherst so we start hanging out. He keeps talking to me all the time online, and he makes me dinner and we watch Will & Grace. Online he keeps flirting with me, of course, and eventually it leads to a facebook relationship. He really wants me to touch him, and he wants to do really nasty gay things to me. I strongly considered doing all this stuff just for the attention, so I am now pretending to be bisexual. Or maybe I am a really latent homo and don't know about it yet. I told him that I'll kiss him, but I don't think I want to take it further. It all kind of grosses me out, but at the same time, it's hilarious. I think it will be funny to piss off my parents, some of my friends, and especially my ex (since they are best friends). It's funny because her last boyfriend tried to hook up with Zach as well.

Meanwhile I've been hanging out at my friend Kelly's house. I'm not interested in her, but she's a hilarious person. She was kicked out of housing and nearly was expelled from school for disturbing everyone too much. She has a suspended license because she got too many tickets from ramming other cars out of road rage. She took lots of cocaine when she was a freshman, but since then she has toned down a bit and is mainly an adderall addict. A few days ago I was over and she was railing it with her boyfriend. It was really amusing. She's also anorexic, so I'm wondering if she will be hospitalized soon. She blacks out a lot. Her boyfriend also barely eats. Maybe they won't make it through college.

I also keep inviting this Mt. Holyoke girl over, and have been bringing her to parties and such. Sometimes we just hang out at my place and watch movies. Her face is cute, but her midsection is too big so I don't feel like touching her. It is just too gross. I only like to touch girls who are in great shape, or near great shape. She is fun though. I sometimes wonder if she wants to be more than friends, but then again, it's just out of curiosity. I don't want her. I brought her to a party and she was being playfully annoying by splashing warm water on me from the sink. I got the number of another cute girl though, so it was not all bad. My friend Scott, who brought me to the party, had a bag full of shrooms but he's saving them for himself and the girl he sleeps with. I don't do drugs anyways, so whatever. Scott used to sell weed until the police raided his apartment and confiscated his large amount of drug money. However they never found any weed, so he wasn't arrested. They still are holding onto his cash though, which really sucks.

Last night I went out with this Smith college girl, Cait, and she is realllllly cute. We got dinner at some Italian place, I don't know or care about the name. She is a really normal person, which is different. I'm not used to that. She is very introverted, but I think she likes me, because afterwards we went back to my apartment and watched Bourne Supremacy. We were cuddling some, and I was touching her thigh, but she didn't want to make out. That's okay though, it's no rush, however I will start seeing another girl if it takes too long. She had fun though. She invited me to go to the bars with her friends tonight, and I can't wait! I am considering bringing Ivan and his Argentinian friend as well, but that could cause trouble, so I'm not sure.

Basically, life is lots of fun right now!!


Last night I went to Smith college to hang out with Cait and her lesbian friend, who was some other lesbo she was interested in. They were of the lipstick lesbian variety. We went to the bars and got some beers, and talked about random things. They were really nice. I could tell that Cait was much smarter than I originally thought. We then went back to the lesbian's room and talked some more, mostly about travel. They discovered that I went to many more countries than them, and seemed jealous. The lesbian friend had lots of gay comics which were sort of funny. She got them from the library. Smith is a very gay place.

After that I thought I would maybe just head home, but unsurprisingly Cait invited me to her room where we went and made out for hours. Apparently now I don't have to hang out with any of the other girls I have lined up. It was fun to touch her since she's a hard body, which I expected because she's on the track team. I'm seeing her again on Monday, and we will probably see a movie.
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Mad's post in summary: I made this all up. Please touch me. Oh, I'm so alone.
I just ran a mile in 30 degree weather. Some one encourage me, because I'll need something to make me want to do that again.
You shouldn't be cold with your body moving and blood pumping!
why the hell are my parents giving me shit about going out all the time. Yeah, I have responsibilities but I take care of them before I go anywhere. Do they really think I want to be at home all day?
That's how parents are.

Just played Rock Band while taking a shit, was amazing.
Playing video games while taking a shit is just the coolest thing ever.
Doing maths. Again.
High five. What kind of maths? I'm trying to teach (well, re-teach) myself Calculus right now and it's kind of frustrating, because there's lots of little important things I've forgotten like multiplication of fractions with exponents.
Meh, I prefer The Bells. I'd rather not do something I already know/is completely ridiculous to memorize.
Do some Robert Frost stuff, then. Pussy.

or the generic Because I Could Not Stop For Death
Robert Frost is so overused it's ****ing ridiculous. Shithead.
Robert Frost is so overused it's ****ing ridiculous. Shithead.

Yeah and Poe isn't. Go find a real poem, dickface.

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