Strife Lately 1+2

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It was only 10 minutes? Well, I haven't gone on the computer all day, so I thought the site was down since this morning.
Emily Dickinson has some pretty cliche poems you could recite to your class.
I have a severe cold right now and I can't taste anything.

Anything I eat right now might as well be cardboard.

Some home remedies to cure this malady would be welcome right now as I'll be having spaghetti tonight and I love spaghetti. *sigh* :(
you ARE eating cardboard

but this kind is so delicious with homemade sauce and at least has some nutritional value. :p

Maybe you just aren't Italian enough to enjoy spaghetti Darkseid.

Spaghetti really is a love-or-hate food tbh though.
Cover your nose and blow. Let's you taste it for at least a while.
Maybe you just aren't Italian enough to enjoy spaghetti Darkseid.

Spaghetti really is a love-or-hate food tbh though.

whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

I think you misunderstood what I meant, and have in turn made a grievous error. See, I was just kidding and telling you that you were eating actual cardboard, not suggesting that spaghetti tastes like cardboard.

You have no idea who you're talking to when it comes to italian food, son. You're talking to the Sultan of Spaghetti, the Master of Mostaccioli, the Prince of Penne, the Ruler of Rigatoni. Homemade sauces? Son you don't know about homemade sauces. I crush my own spices.

whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

I think you misunderstood what I meant, and have in turn made a grievous error. See, I was just kidding and telling you that you were eating actual cardboard, not suggesting that spaghetti tastes like cardboard.

You have no idea who you're talking to when it comes to italian food, son. You're talking to the Sultan of Spaghetti, the Master of Mostaccioli, the Prince of Penne, the Ruler of Rigatoni. Homemade sauces? Son you don't know about homemade sauces. I crush my own spices.
But have you been to Italy.

Italians don't eat all that much spaghetti.
Neither do I, actually. Or, spaghetti as in the actual spaghetti noodles. In fact I rather despise them. I cook mostaccioli or ziti more than I cook with spaghetti.
Same. Spaghetti makes it impossible to add chunky stuff. Tubes = win; I like to stab.

whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

I think you misunderstood what I meant, and have in turn made a grievous error. See, I was just kidding and telling you that you were eating actual cardboard, not suggesting that spaghetti tastes like cardboard.

You have no idea who you're talking to when it comes to italian food, son. You're talking to the Sultan of Spaghetti, the Master of Mostaccioli, the Prince of Penne, the Ruler of Rigatoni. Homemade sauces? Son you don't know about homemade sauces. I crush my own spices.

love you
What're you writing about?

2 seconds later edit: Nevermind I'm stupid and I thought you said, "writing college essays is fun."
Sarcasm ftw.

The first topic is "Please discuss the following (300 word minimum): Tell us something unique about you, why you chose your particular major, and how you expect Duquesne University to help you achieve your academic, personal and professional goals."

The second is write about something important to you then lists a few different things or whatever. So I'm going to write about my creativity.
Whenever colleges ask for something unique about you, you should put down a horrible disfigurement.
Except Pennsylvania is white supremacist city, no one would accept me.

Thanks to whatever mod took time out of their day to be creative with their tyranny :D
I wish I could be a white supremacist.

*sigh* :(

Its really quite fun actually.

I was playing a Soundgarden song and as I finished I put away my guitar down. A song had come on the XM station that I listen to through Directv that sounded familiar. It was the same song I had just been playing.
A dozen wise men sat about an empty wicker table,
They talked and thought and thought and talked until they were unable,
They spoke of all great mysteries, of life and humankind,
They never broke their train of thought, never lost their mind,
Years went by and the men had no time, no son, no friend, no wife,
And all this they gave away, to grasp the purpose of life,
And finally they realized what it was, the answer to the question, "Why?",
The purpose of life itself, they realized with a sigh,
The purpose of life itself is to not let it pass you by.

Any criticism would be appreciated.... WTF
Poke 646 and Paranoia. **** jaja.

Darkstar was so good. Play Peaces Like Us if you never have; in my opinion, it is hands-down the best Half-Life mod ever. Despite that it's rather obscure.

Sheepo said:
The purpose of life itself is to not let it pass you by.
"But wait," said one wise man, "we haven't wasted our lives
we've pondered life's greatest mysteries instead of taking wives
and we have no sons, but we can call ourselves friends
and there's still some time left before we meet our ends"
All his fellows agreed, and one of them cried:
"Had we been wed as young men, by now we'd have wished we had died!"
Wikipedia is going to do a twenty minute English presentation that I have to do tomorrow.
Well, my friends I have known for 10 years now decided they want nothing to do with me anymore.

Neither do I, actually. Or, spaghetti as in the actual spaghetti noodles. In fact I rather despise them. I cook mostaccioli or ziti more than I cook with spaghetti.
You must cook for me and send me a masterpiece dish via mail. I demand you.
So your friends just up and said, "We don't like you anymore, goodbye?" without any explanation at all?
Annotated bibliographies are the dumbest, most pointless pieces of shit I have ever had the misfortune of writing.
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